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Legs Constellation earth star, on a remote wasteland somewhere in the south.

Liang Yi followed the old daoist into an underground cave. After walking around for a long time, the old daoist said: “It’s in front.”

Liang Yi said: “Is this boundary so hidden, is this necessary?”

old daoist said: “Although we do what we deserve, we are afraid that some people will not understand it. If Golden Pupil Office I know, I won’t talk to you well. “

Liang Yi didn’t say anything.

One hundred more steps, old daoist steps pause, said: “Here it is.”

Liang Yi Looking at it, this is a cave with ten zhangs in length and width. The four walls are fitted with long strips of split metal plates. Looks at seems to walk into a Heavenly Secrets Workshop. In fact, the two sides are not much different.

There are a lot of people who are busy walking around here. You can see that everyone has a metal strip on their chin. Obviously they are all created persons, and all of them are Wearing a military uniform that covers void external influence.

In the middle, there are two 15-16 years old teenagers sit cross-legged there. They are wearing white thin shirts, with expressions of tension and expectation.

Liang Yi saw these two young men and he frowns saying: “Is this what you found?”

old daoist said: “Yes, fellow daoist Liang rest assured , Come here voluntarily, we do not at all use any means to them. “

Liang Yi shook his head:” They are too young, what can they understand? “

old daoist said slowly: “You are young, you may not be ignorant, these two young man 12 years old will have no family members and have their own masters.

And their brains are too stupid , Reading is also common, but fortunately, the body is still good, but in the future, at most, I will be an army soldier, and I will die on the battlefield sometime.

Even if they work hard to climb up, because there is no There are no special talents in how to read the book, so even if I can achieve the squad leader after four 50 years old, it will be difficult to achieve anything in the future.

And we give them this opportunity, but it is enough to be able to Change their future, if you stop this, they will treat you as an enemy. Of course, fellow daoist Liang It ’s okay to change people, but it ’s more time to find that ’s all. ”

Liang Yi was silent for a moment and said,“ Just be them. ”

old Daoist exhorted: “Liang Dao brother, I know you have kindness, but we have to sacrifice for the sake of the overall situation, and some of them must include you and me.”

Liang Yi Without continuing to discuss this topic, he looks at the front, saying: “Can it end today?”

old daoist called one of the created person, saying: “How is it going? What is the problem?” What? “

The created person replied:” Both of them have served pill and have bathed in medical liquid in advance. Their bodies should be able to support it. “

old daoist said: “Then prepare, I will see the result later.”

The created person cups the hands politely, then turned back, and after another busy day, someone put two The metal ball was placed in front of the two young men.

old daoist walked in front of the two at this time and said, “You should remember what you said to you before? It doesn’t matter if you can’t remember, just follow the observer later, what it says , You will do anything, but I need to remind you that in case of failure, your mind will be damaged, and you can still withdraw now. ”

A young man on the left loudly said: “I will not retreat.” He looked towards his companion beside him, “Wang Xiaoqiu, aren’t you afraid to run away?”

The teenager named “Wang Xiaoqiu” raised his chest and said, “I am not afraid.”

Liang Yi shook the head, only listening to the two teenagers, he knew that they had nothing to do with things in the world Profound cognition, but this is fine, at least pure enough, not to think too much.

After the old daoist explained, he said: “Then let’s get started.” After he finished speaking, he stepped aside.

Two more created persons came up, came to their left and right, and then picked up a knife to gently cut a mouth on their palms.

The young man on the left is full of courage, perhaps younger, less scrupulous, and presses the bloody palm directly on the metal ball in front of him, and lifts it up provocatively to his companions. Chin.

When Wang Xiaoqiu saw him like this, he was not willing to fall behind, and also pressed his hand up.

At this time, a small flash of lightning flashed on the metal ball and turned to him. Both of them shocked at the same time, and the back body shook slightly, and a moment appeared in his eyes. Hollow.

After a while, the two breathed in a hurry, their skin became flushed, and a lot of sweat came out of their bodies, and there was a trace of water vapor from the top of their heads.

Liang Yi said: “Too reluctant. After all, they did not undergo cultivation and the body could not support the consumption of the observer.”

old daoist took a look and said, “Our preparation It’s quite sufficient, as long as it’s not too long, they can hold it. “

After about a hundred breaths, the two people’s breathing gradually calmed down, and the hot skin returned to normal body temperature.

However, at this time, the young man on the left suddenly leaned forward and fell on the table. The created person stepped forward to check and looked up and said: “Too much consumption.”

old daoist snorted, said: “Tell him not to be greedy too much, take along to withdraw to heal,”

After speaking, he no longer paid attention to the young man, but looked towards Wang Xiaoqiu on the right, the teenager looked sober.

He looks at his own hands and says, “I seem to be able to …” He suddenly reached out to shoot the stone case, and with a click, there was a slight crack in the sturdy table. A trace of excitement.

After a few breaths, his spirit quickly languished, his palms were trembling, and immediately a created person stepped forward to infuse them with medicinal liquid, and quickly fell asleep. .

old daoist satisfied nodded and said: “Very good.”

Liang Yi did n’t say anything, just turned around and went out.

old daoist gave a command to a created person and walked outside. He came behind Liang Yi and said, “Fellow daoist Liang, it seems that things are going well, as long as we fully master this Skills, in the future, we can cultivate a found cultivator with the same concept as us. “

This time, they let two young people who had no knowledge of cultivation directly pass the threshold of cultivation.

This can be done completely by relying on the observer.

Of course, this ordinary observer is different, but with certain knowledge and experience, it can provide some preliminary guidance to the cultivation of ordinary people.

The two young people do not need to know how to cultivate themselves, they only need to follow the observer’s instructions to follow the steps to cultivate.

Liang Yi knows that this time cannot actually be considered a real success, because apart from the observer itself, there are various medical and treasure inputs.

In short, if these costs can be exchanged for gold, it is enough to cultivate two to three serious cultivator disciple in Profound Mansion.

And people who are so forcibly elevated, it is difficult to cross the Heart Light level. Without Heart Light, there is no mystical power, and they can only use their own strength to urge seal. The damage to vitality is great.

But he agrees that this thing is better in the future, because the creation skill can be continuously improved. As a cultivator, he can afford it.

Zhang Yu left Xuan Star and drove back to Legs Constellation earth star all the way with a white boat. He first settled all the disciplines before returning to the Gaotai residence.

When Li Qinghe saw his return, he reported to him that a disciplinary had come to ask for help and said: “Because there is no suitable manpower, Qinghe recommended Mr. Ying to go there.”

Zhang Yu pondered, six days have passed since the report, and the lower layer has been at least two months past. If it falls there, someone should have passed it, and now there is no return, it is obviously Calm down.

He said: “This is doing well.”

He asked Li Qinghe to go by himself, and he came to the quiet room.

After sitting down on the futon, he took out the jade box that Daoist Hu gave him, opened the box lid, and saw a dozen jade slips in it, except for one of them The azure jade slip bundled with red silk is white jade.

He picked up the azure jade slip, turned his consciousness into it, and determined that this was Daoist Hu ’s seal, so he called the Profound Chapter of the Grand Dao, and then Concentrating on it, it only takes a moment, and one seal appears on it.

It ’s just that the seal is empty and has no name, which makes him look at very uncomfortable.

Daoist Hu sect is afraid that Heavenly Secrets will not be given a name, that ’s because their lineage takes the eye seal and puts all cultivation on it, but he does n’t No such scruples.

At the moment thoughts stirred, the word “Ming Xin” appeared on the seal. He couldn’t help but nod, this time I felt much better.

Put down the spirit essence into it, the seal becomes brighter and brighter, and finally a bright light falls on him. After the rays of light disappear, he has successfully mastered this seal.

He tried to turn seal, and his eyes flashed like a fine Star Fragmentation. Suddenly, the heaven and earth in front of him changed a lot, and all kinds of things that were solidified looked at one. There was a lot of mist, and there was a constant change there.

Daoist Hu is a cultivate technique by observing heaven and earth transshipment, comprehend.

It ’s just that things are constantly changing, and there is no stopping for a moment, so Daoist needs to first seek stability himself, and when the tranquility reaches the extreme, he is expected to break away from the world, so as to obtain Grand Dao.

For these, he does n’t have to go deep into it, he just wants to master the method of “distinguishing things, staying quiet”.

Now he has got it.

After watching it for a while, he converged Heart Light, stopped the seal transfer, and picked up the white jade slips one by one.

Compared to the Seal of Mind, these seals are of low value and can only be used as a reference. But it is not totally useless, at least it can provide him with some experience, but read is unnecessary.

After seeing these all are down, his pupil light flashes slightly. At this step, he can manage to develop his own eye seal.



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