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Zhang Yu re-enacted several adversaries he had encountered in the past in the evolutionary scene, and if he used the mover and other means, almost all of them could be killed by his finger.

There is only one exception here, that is Old Ancestor Yuan Tong.

During the battle with Old Ancestor Yuan Tong, he has not awakened Lord of White Fruit, but he can still take it back with his memories, but this is only the Old Ancestor Yuan Tong in the memory, not necessarily It is possible to completely repeat the full strength of this fight with him.

It stands to reason that the other party ’s Shadow Transformation is now weaker than him, but whenever he uses his means, this one can always avoid the past in advance, and White Fruit ca n’t figure out what is the reason here. It can only be said bluntly.

Zhang Yu speculates privately that this is probably the reason why Old Ancestor Yuan Tong used to be the higher boundary cultivator, and why is mystical, with his current boundary, I am afraid I still ca n’t understand it, so I wo n’t go into it anymore. Going on, my mind moved, the prospects materialized and the consciousness withdrew from it.

At this time, he remembered another thing. When he realized the visualization picture, he had realized several divine abilities, and now six core seals are prepared, which should also be corresponding The divine ability is born.

I have n’t seen it yet. It should be that the six core seals have been integrated, but they have n’t been reconciled.

His self-judgment, in the next period of time, as he grows further, he will gradually understand.

It ’s just that there must still be more heart force to support it. He thought about it for a while, and when he came down, he needed to go to the lower layer as soon as possible.

But before that, Nangong Shu needs to be asked about it.

For this matter, he decided to find Liang Yi first and ask the last sentence.

The observer had recommended the observer to him before, and thought that the found cultivator might be able to thrive and prosper on this basis. At that time, he thought that the current time was not yet mature, but he did not want this person to preach this thing everywhere.

It ’s simply about the observer. He does n’t plan to ask too much, because the observer can be removed with a single thought, and it does n’t constitute a big threat. If this is not possible, then no cultivator will be used.

It can be seen from what Nangong Su said that this time there may be a force behind this matter, which not only involves the cultivator but also the military affairs office ’s armament, which You have to pay attention.

He felt that he had to first find Liang Yi to talk about it. When Lu Xuan and fighting, this person forgot to die. It was not the kind of smugglers that Xu Yin could ask. Things come.

I do n’t know where this person is now. He thought about it and wrote a letter before returning to the case, and then sent Li Qinghe to send it to Bian Lan first. and the others.

After doing this, he turned to the quiet room, sat down again, and summoned the Profound Chapter of the Grand Dao. He first transferred most of the spirit essence accumulated in his body to the six upright seal and the Heart Light Seal. Go in, and then take out the jade talisman going to the Hong Two layer world, and his heart sinks, and he falls there.

On the other side, the black clothed daoist separated from the white-haired daoist after getting the Nangong rinse, and came inside a hidden cave.

The old daoist who has been in contact with Liang Yi is waiting here to see him walk in and say, “Are things done?”

black clothed daoist said: ” The person was found, but there was an accident. “

old daoist is very calm and asked:” What accident? “

black clothed daoist said:” That person … … It ’s Profound Court Walker. ”

old daoist sharp eyes, said:” How do you deal with it? “

black clothed daoist said:” We negotiated and thought It ’s better to change the memory of his person, so that he can use this person to confuse Patrolling Protector Zhang. ”

old daoist nodded and said: “The processing is still proper. What did he say in front of that person?”

black clothed daoist said: “We also asked it out. The Patrolling Protector Zhang said a lot about us, but it was all on the surface. He did n’t find anything deeper, but the Patrolling Protector Zhang would probably go to find the fellow daoist Liang.

With Fellow daoist Liang as a person, he may be frank about his plan to Patrolling Protector Zhang, but that Patrolling Protector Zhang has always been hostile to creation. If he knows this, he will do everything possible to stop we, then Things are not easy to handle. “

old daoist said:” fellow daoist Liang is not as straightforward as you think, but we do have to guard against it. I will try to bring fellow daoist Liang elsewhere. Do n’t let the two of them meet to communicate, you should let that Nangong Shu dispel that doubt as soon as possible. ”

black clothed daoist promised:” I will. “

old daoist reminder : “This is not so easy to deal with, be cautious, try not to reveal weak spots.”

black clothed daoist quickly assured: “I will try not to let Nangong Shu contact the Patrolling Protector Zhang, Letters come and go, this one will not cause doubt. “

To be honest, after learning from Liang Yi the real course of Guo Star ’s battle, he was also extremely admired and awesome to Zhang Yu. . This strength is beyond doubt, let alone the identity of Profound Court Patrolling Protector, he really does not want to be too close to this one.

The old daoist saw the fear in his heart, he pondered for a moment, and said: “It seems that we need to try to divide this person’s heart, so that he cannot stare at us.”

black clothed daoist said: “How does Li Gong want to do it?”

old daoist stood up, thinking under his heart, usually the method is basically useless to Zhang Yu, but it is not positive, but it can be found from other places Method.

After a while, he looked towards and said, “That Patrolling Protector Zhang cultivation is here and now, what do you say he wants most?”

black clothed daoist Do not hesitate to ask: “There is nothing else, but to seek the higher boundary, to achieve Profound Venerable that’s all.”

old daoist said: “If you say something involving enlightenment is before him at this time , How will he choose? “

black clothed daoist as it should be by rights said:” That must have set aside everything and pursued this thing. “

old daoist nodded.

black clothed daoist startled, there is a surge of anticipation, “Weigong …”

old daoist said solemnly: “Do n’t think too much, you and I do n’t have this fate

black clothed daoist sighed in disappointment. He suddenly looked like he thought, and looked up: “If this … really did it?”

old daoist said : “Isn’t that better? If this one can really achieve a higher boundary, then what should I do to abandon all this at the moment? Moreover, by then, this one may not be the same as before.”

When Zhang Yu opened his eyes again, he was already in the Hong Two layer world, still on the previous stone plate, and the surrounding garrisons were very strange.

The army rampart was obviously built in a short time ago, and the wounds of war still remain on it.

At this time, a young disciple came over and saw him, revealing a surprise, and came up to salute: “Azure Sun Profound Mansion He Chengfan has seen Profound Corrector.”

Zhang Yu nodded replied, saying: “I heard you asked for help before I heard it. What is the situation here now?”

He Chengfan said: “Reporting back to Profound Corrector, before March, There were more than 20 siege of evil god believers here. In addition to evil god god’s progeny this time, there is also a cultivator of Shangchen Heaven. I was about to be captured here at that time. Fortunately, I invited a British daoist before committing it The enemy repelled. Several daoists believed that Kushou could only be attacked by anyone, so he decided to counterattack and it is now more than a month since his departure. ”

Zhang Yu said: “They are all gone, who is responsible for guarding here?”

He Chengfan said: “there is a person Xu daoist is responsible for guarding before he went out to inspect.”

Zhang Yu was thinking about who he was, suddenly realized that an internal qi was approaching, and immediately identified the identity of the person. It was also a little surprised, not wanting to be this one.

Before long, a young cultivator came in front of him and said: “Patrolling Protector Zhang, it’s polite.”

Zhang Yu nodded back to the ceremony: “It turned out to be a fellow Daoist Xu, have you solved the problem? “

The person who came here was Profound Venerable Yu under the name of discipline Xu Hai. He had been chopped off several times by him for the visualization picture, and he listened to his advice. I went to Shi Yanxin, but I never saw him again.

Xu Hai said: “Thanks to Patrolling Protector Zhang ’s instructions, without destruction there can be no construction, I ’m now reinventing the visualization picture, but there are many difficulties in it, so He came here to defend voluntarily and thought about the solution in fighting. “

Zhang Yu nodded, he learned the situation here from Xu Hai, and then left army rampart and went to evil God believers go in the direction of the territory.

Last time he spent a lot of time here, and collected a lot of source energy. At that time, because he was afraid of the army rampart behind, he did not go very far, but this time I think it should be deep. some.

He got a map from Xu Hai. This is a map that Daoist Zuo and the others used for a long time to draw a map, which mainly refers to the description of some evil god believers, so There are only vague directions and rough city sites, but it is enough for him.

On this journey, a large number of destroyed military camps and stations can be seen, and the traces left behind should be seen by several cultivators.

After ten days to the west, he came under a large city, and a huge crack appeared on the originally broken city wall. The trace was undoubtedly broken by the flying sword. This should be Daoist Xing Chuan So far, most of the devotees of evil gods in the city have fled, and the temple in the city has also been destroyed, and the idols inside are all chopped up.

He saw such a scene, so he did not stay here, and turned to Northwest.

This is a road that diverges from everyone. From the map, there are many temples and altars built in the superior cultivator of the mountain.

Daoist Zuo They did n’t choose this place. I ’m afraid it ’s because of the remote location, the terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it ’s not at all. Everywhere is a must.

One day later, he came under a cliff and looked up. Under the golden sunlight, a white stone temple stood above it.

Just looking at the signs of wear and tear, it was obviously built recently in the past ten years. If Idol is the same, it may not be able to get what he wants.

But when you get here, you should always go in and see.

he forms a sword mudra, a few points, the waist of Song of Cicadas trembles slightly, and then a whistle sounds, flicking away, and a stream of light flying towards the upper temple.



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