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Qing Shu saw the other party ’s flying boat and felt annoyed. There are so many boat mooring heavenly stations here, and there are so many vacancies. Why not go out and come to them?

And seeing that the white boat has come down, the other party insisted on grabbing in front of them, which is obviously deliberately unable to get along with them.

He raised his sword and said, “Sir, please ask me to ask them.”

Zhang Yu’s voice was calm: “No need.” He changed his mind, but the direction of the white boat’s whereabouts remained unchanged, but he regarded the flying boat as if there was nothing, and still fell towards the mooring station.

When the flying boat saw them, they did n’t seem to see themselves. They actually pressed them up, and saw that the two were getting closer and closer. Soon they would hit a place, and they could n’t hold their breath. The rays of light flickered, But flew out from the mooring station, and went to the distance at once.

Zhang Yu pupil light flashed slightly before he could see clearly. That flying boat is actually half a foot in length, which is quite small compared to white boat. It is also the same, its movement is so flexible, only use Some kind of mystical force creates an illusion, and this looks like a white boat.

If white boat escapes from the past, or sends people to come forward with it, it will become a joke if it is passed on.

Xu Chengtong came up at this time and tried to ask: “Patrolling Protector, but …”

Zhang Yu said: “Do n’t bother, since it ’s the Stomach Constellation Military Office territory, you can ask the Stomach Constellation Military Affairs Office later.”

He can feel that the other party is coming to himself. The Heavenly Gate for the crossing army is to be reported in advance, and it will inevitably leak information.

He guessed it was also because the other party learned his identity, so he came up to do such things.

But like this kind of little thing, he does n’t have to rush up in person. He just needs to put a little pressure on the local Military Affairs Office, so he can check it out.

The half-footed flying boat did not stay in place after hiding out. It disappeared in a flash, flew half a circle around the earth state, and finally came to a small tower.

On the boat mooring platform, there is a young man wearing adult hair worn in a bun, who is dressed like an adult, pacing back and forth here. From time to time he looks out, as if expecting something.

At the moment, when he saw the boat coming, his eyes were bright and he hurried forward.

After the boat stopped, the cabin door unscrewed, and an armored soldier came out of it. The eyebrow flashed, and the outer armor receded, revealing a youngster who was at worst years younger than the teenager. There were light hairs on both sides of the lips.

The teenager asked anxiously: “How is it, how is it?”

The youngster lowered his head, and some sorry said: “young man, it is my incompetence, I have not done the business of young man.”

“How could it be?”

The young man’s eyes widened, somewhat angrily said: “I clearly calculated, how can you fail to do it?”

The youngster was also helpless, saying: “I ordered the Patrolling Protector Zhang’s berth before I left, but the one didn’t have a void, and the other didn’t argue, but the flying boat was pressing straight down from the sky.

I was also afraid at that time, and I was afraid that the flying boat that the young man worked so hard to damage would have to be withdrawn from there. “

The young man was stunned for a while, he did n’t expect this result, and he felt annoyed: “How could this happen? I clearly thought about it.”

youngster is uneasy: “young man, will Patrolling Protector Zhang come and ask us?”

The young man was snorted, lifted his chin, and made a nonchalant look. He said, “It ’s best to be afraid of something. Father and uncles always look down on what I build, I just want them to I know, I ’m not worse than them!

If this event is a big hit, it just happened to strike me out of fame, even if it was not as good as originally planned, but it is better than no fame! “

At the same time, in the Legs Constellation Military Affairs Office, Office Lord Mo Qiuyan is holding a sword and martial training stage with several female soldiers, she not at all wears any divine robe outer armor, just put on Thin short-sleeved silk gown, with arms half exposed.

Her eyebrows are very fierce, even if this is just a simple discussion, they have shown a distressing offensive.

Every time she chops, with the strength of her body, the muscle skeleton runs layer by layer, turbulent under the silk robe like a wave of water, full of a beauty of power.

When she was forced to retreat the two opponents, a female deputy walked in from the outside. Seeing the fierce fighting above, she did not step forward to disturb, but just stood aside.

Mo Qiuyan did n’t go to watch, and continued the movements in her hands. After a while, after repelling the siege of two female soldiers, she retracted her sword and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Female deputy cups the fist and says: “The Office Lord, reported near Heavenly Gate, and only then Profound Court Patrolling Protector Zhang Yu arrived in our Stomach Constellation.”

Mo Qiuyan threw the sword into the scabbard and threw it to the soldier on the side. He said: “There have been many cultivators of Stomach Constellation recently. This person should come to Shen Profound Venerable to preach.”

Female deputy tried to ask: “Then Office Lord, do we have to send someone to welcome Yingying?” The so-called Yingyiying actually means to inquire about the purpose of Zhang Yu coming here.

After all, Profound Court Patrolling Protector is a deterrent to the local government office and cultivator, and it is impossible to say that there is nothing out of the ordinary in the military office and the state capital, so face this People, the first reaction is to beware of fear, for fear of being caught by him.

Mo Qiuyan stepped over, and her skin after only vigorous exercise was still rosy. She let sweat flow along the slender body to the ground and stood on the stage. She held her arms and thought: “Other people open and Come aboveboard, is it necessary for us to be so stingy? You use my name card to invite people. “

Her eyes glowed in her eyes, “This Patrolling Protector is famous recently, but I haven’t seen it yet.”

Female deputy cups the fist and says: “Yes.” She thought for a while and said: “Colonel Su seems to have a relationship with Patrolling Protector Zhang, did she let her …”

Mo Qiuyan raised an eyebrow, vetoing: “It doesn’t have to be this way, Colonel Su’s friendship is her own, public is public, private is private, don’t confuse one.”

The female deputy lowered her head and said, “Yes, my subordinates will do it.”

After getting off the boat mooring heavenly station, Zhang Yu chose one of the state capital ’s palace palaces called the residence of the god forgiveness, and the cultivator that came from outside the Stomach Constellation, now mostly lives here. .

The location of this residence is quite good. Standing on the stage hall, you can directly see the central magical stage more than ten miles away. Now the above rays of light are flashing, and there is escaping light back and forth. This should be under the Profound Venerable door. He is arranging the altar with the discipline, preparing for the lecture ten days later.

As far as he knows, the Shen Profound Venerable who guards the Stomach Constellation is not cultivated by the method of found cultivator, and is generally the same as Profound Venerable Dai, which is also converted from the Chaotic Chapter by true technique.

This man came out to preach last year, but it was arranged at the same time as Profound Venerable Yu Tanquan’s lecture, so he didn’t come here.

And at this time, because Profound Venerable Dai obviously did n’t mean to preach, the surrounding constellation cultivators flooded here.

speaking of which, because Profound Venerable Dai no longer preaches, the true and mysterious comparisons that have lasted for many years on Legs Constellation will no longer be carried out. Such fighting competition may be transferred here in the future.

Qing Shu came to report at this time: “Mr. Yu, the proven cultivator came to visit.”

Zhang Yu turned back and said, “Please, please.”

In a little while, Yu Ruiqing walked out with a petite girl. That ’s his recipe Yue Luo. When the latter saw Zhang Yu, his bright eyes showed a bright luster

After meeting the ceremony with Yu Ruiqing and Zhang Yu, Yue Luo also came to curtsies and said: “Mr. Zhang.”

Zhang Yu looked at her, nodded and said: “Yes, it seems that you have not slacked in cultivation.” Compared to last year, Yue Luo’s cultivation has grown significantly.

Yu Ruiqing said: “Without the dao book presented by Patrolling Protector Zhang, her cultivation will not be as fast as it is now.”

Zhang Yu said: “This also requires my own efforts. If I hadn’t seen her as hard as that day, I wouldn’t pass on her dao technique.” He then reached out and asked, “Fellow daoist, please sit down and talk.”

Yu Ruiqing bowed his hand and thanked Xie, followed him in,

When the two of them arrived and sat down in the hall, Zhang Yu asked: “After Guo Star is separated, can the fellow daoist be okay?”

Yu Ruiqing nodded and said: “Very good, calm the Guo Star, there is much less disturbance outside, we are also rare and comfortable, before hearing about the previous years, Patrolling Protector Zhang alone cut through Gloom City, Yu heard, really admired . “

Zhang Yu said: “I can break this city, and I have the help of Profound Venerable Dai and Military Affairs Office. I can’t do this alone.”

Yu Ruiqing laughed, said: “But this person is also hard to find.”

The two chatted for more than half of Xia hour. Because Yue Luo still had his homework, Yu Ruiqing left with a recipe, but they did n’t take long before Qing Shu came to the newspaper again and said, “Mr. Military Affairs Office is here to ask for advice. “

Zhang Yu said: “Please ask her to come in.”

After a while, a female soldier with a small head came in, and a cup one fist in the other hand, said to him: “Patrolling Protector Zhang is well, in Xingdingyu, coming in the Office Lord Mo order, I want to invite Patrolling Protector Zhang to see you soon. “

Zhang Yu refused: “No need, please give your thanks to the thanks of Lord Office Lord Mo. I am here to listen to Profound Venerable preaching, and I will leave here later.”

This is to tell him clearly that he is here not at all other purposes and is not going to verify anything.

Ding deputy a cup one fist in the other hand, said: “Yes, I will return to the Office Lord faithfully in the next time.” She paused a little, and said: “The department has checked it out, and the person who is blocking Patrolling Protector on the way Is a master craftsman called Heavenly Secrets Workshop called “An Zhi Zhi”, but this master craftsman is only 12 years old now. “

Zhang Yu heard this, but was interested, saying: “12 years old master craftsman?”

When he was in the Azure Sun Superior Continent, the master craftsman saw a lot. He might become a master craftsman. They are all 30-40 years old. The 12 years old master craftsman is unheard-of.

Ding deputy said: “Yes, the father and father of Anzhi are all great craftsman. They are extremely intelligent and have learned from all kinds of skills since they were young, so they were upgraded to master craftsman.

It is just that many of his ideas cannot be recognized by elders. In this time, in order to promote the flying boat he built, he learned that Patrolling Protector Zhang is coming, and suddenly he has a thought to borrow Patrolling Protector Zhang. It was also the young man who did not know the importance before he did such audacious things. When we found him, he also quickly realized his mistake and urged Patrolling Protector to forgive him, and he was willing to apologize. “

Zhang Yu thought about it, if such a talent, if it is in the inner layer, it has long been recommended to go to the Academy, or it is valued by the cultivator to take in as a disciple, and it will never be allowed to contact creation.

This kid is also very smart and admits mistakes so quickly. I am afraid that it ’s at first. Because he is young, even if he finds him, he wo n’t do anything about it. Instead, he can achieve the purpose of making him famous.

He took a cup of tea and tasted it lightly said: “You go to Naan young man and say that an apology is not necessary. I think he is a talent and willing to support him and let him come to me for a year as a student Right. “



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