Qing Shu stood there and beckoned, and saw a middle-aged man with a twelve or three-year-old, young face, but a young man dressed as an adult came in, but the walking posture was slightly unnatural.

The middle-aged man approached him and bowed to the seat, saying, “Anri has seen Patrolling Protector and this daoist.” He turned his head and saw that the young man stood still and kicked. Scolded in a low voice: “Patrolling Protector face to face, not yet paid respect? Do you still want to face the board?”

The young man seemed to remember something, his small face stiffened, and he behaved reluctantly.

In the first few days, due to his actions, many people really paid attention to him and the flying boat he built. He was very proud of his strategy, but he heard that he was going to do a discipline for Zhang Yu. Like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

at first he was still reluctant, jumped up and down, shouted “I will not go, if I go, I will die for you to see” Too.

Zhang Yu looked at him and said, “In the next year, you will be with me.”

An Zhizhi lowered his head, un’ed.

An Li was busy, saying: “little nephew troubled Patrolling Protector to take care of him. If he was not honest, it would be up to Patrolling Protector to beat him.”

Zhang Yu turned to him and said, “I heard that both of your Anshi generations are great craftsman?”

Anritsu: “Yeah, I do n鈥檛 want Patrolling Protector to have heard of our reputation.”

Zhang Yu said: “I came from the inner layer Azure Sun Superior Continent, and the technique of creation is also quite desirable.”

An Li at the moment looked at Qing Shu standing behind Zhang Yu. He heard rumors that Zhang Yu was hostile to creation. He believed it easily because he felt that since it is a cultivator, he must not like creation. But now think about it, it seems very unreasonable.

He didn’t know if Zhang Yu had any other meaning in this sentence for a moment, so he decided to write it down and tell A-Fu. Think more.

Zhang Yu commented on it, but did n鈥檛 talk about it again, saying: “Qing Shu, take him down, let him learn some breathing techniques first. Before I go back, I hope he can learn.”

An Zhizhi suddenly looked up, loudly said: “I want to take away the things I created together with my attendant, too.”

Qing Shu looked at him and looked towards Zhang Yu.

An Li suddenly looked nervous.

Zhang Yu calmly said: “Let him bring whatever he wants with him.”

Qing Shu bowed and obeyed.

An Li immediately said: “After going back next time, I will order people and things to come without delaying Patrolling Protector’s journey.”

Xu Chengtong looks around at him, he feels that the age of Anzhi is young, but he has a lot of eyes,

This kid is just afraid that he wo n鈥檛 be allowed to study creation after he arrives here, so the sentence of Fang Cai is actually a temptation. If he is allowed to take things away, it probably means that he does n鈥檛 have this intention.

He chuckles that if this kid is really smart, he should seize this opportunity of apprenticeship. This is a ladder of heavenly ascension, but he ca n鈥檛 wait to replace it.

Qing Shu took Anzhizhi to the middle of the room. He first sat down, then gestured to the opposite side and said, “Sit down.”

An Zhizhi stood still, unconvinced.

Qing Shu took a willow branch in his hand and patted it twice in the palm of his hand. His voice said lightly: “I will say it again and sit down.”

An Zhizhi glanced at the wicker and seemed to have thought of something. She sat down obediently.

Qing Shu took out a volume and placed it on the table, and suddenly thought of something. Looking up, he said, “Are you literate?”

The image of An Zhi is blown up, loudly said: “I am a master craftsman! master craftsman!”

Qing Shu did n鈥檛 seem to react to the words master craftsman. After confirming his literacy, he pointed to the volume and said, “Starting today, you will learn the breathing technique above.”

An Zhizhi’s face immediately showed a disgusting and repulsive color, turning her head to the side and saying, “I don’t want to learn.”

Qing Shu said: “The breathing technique is just a simple method of breath adjustment, which can make the spirit more condensed and make the internal qi more accessible. It is to create a creation. It also requires a good body. It 鈥檚 not bad for you. “

An Zhizhi stared at him, revealing that you do n鈥檛 want to lie to me.

Qing Shu snorted and said, “What are you worried about? Will you become a cultivator if you learn the technique of pranayama? Oh, do you think that the cultivator is what you want to be? You are too high Myself. “

An Zhizhi is dissatisfied. He has learned everything since he was a child. Peers are still playing wooden swords and wooden spears. He has been able to create the creation of flying in the heaven and escaping through the earth, so he also Do not think that other things are difficult, even if cultivate is no exception, he feels that he may get started as soon as he learns.

Qing Shu did n鈥檛 mean to continue reasoning with him, saying: “After three days, I come to check on my homework. You ca n鈥檛 learn, and you will be punished.”

He waved the wicker, bang, and the sturdy table in front of him was like a knife blade that split into two halves. Then stood up and go outside,

An Zhizhi shivered, and his small face also turned pale, but he still refused to convince, “I am a student of Patrolling Protector Zhang, you ca n鈥檛 beat me.”

Qing Shu glanced at him and said, “When you learn this, let’s talk.” He walked out of it and came to Zhang Yu, cups the fist and says: “Sir, it’s arranged.”

Zhang Yu nodded, said: “I have been here for many days. When Anri delivers things and people, we will return.”

Qing Shu said yes.

Zhang Yu returned to the inner room, opened the copper box, and continued to absorb the heat flow from the endless stream.

There was no movement this night. He arrived at the next day at dawn. Afternoon, Anli brought the things and people, and he immediately ordered everyone to pack up and leave the residence. boat mooring heavenly station is coming.

After he arrived at the Stomach Constellation, the white boat has been stopped on the heavenly station. This is because the white boat already has its own consciousness. Out of the idea of 鈥嬧€媖eeping this consciousness, it has not been put away.

And white boat can also serve as his other eyes and ears, and the information that occurs around his body can be passed to him through consciousness.

Xu Chengtong suddenly said at this time: “Patrolling Protector, there are two people behind us.”

Zhang Yu lightly said: “As long as they do nothing, then ignore it.”

At the same time, inside another mansion in earth state, Cao daoist was walking under a tall cedar tree.

Chang Xu came in a hurry and said, “Teacher Cao, the news came just now. That person has left the residence and is going to the boat mooring heavenly station. It seems to be ready to turn back to Legs Constellation, but not sure Which Heavenly Gate did this time go? “

Cao Daoist said: “Look closely.”

Chang Hui said: “We also got a message. After this preaching, two people got the” Fate “. This Patrolling Protector Zhang is one of them.”

Cao daoist said: “Oh? So is anyone following this?”

Chang Yi nodded and said: “Yes.”

Daoist Cao pondered a bit, frowns saying: “These people are afraid that it will hinder you. You managed to lead them away. If you can’t lead them, you managed to clear them.”

Chang Qiao puts his hands together and responds with a loud voice: “Yes!”



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