After thinking about it, An Zhizhi raised his head and asked, “If I learned the pranayama method, can I see clearly?”

Qing Shu looked down and said, “It’s still too far away, unless you can master mystical power, at least when you cultivate out Heart Light.”

The reluctance appeared on An Zhizhi ’s face, but he understood that with the power of mystical, he could not create a creation.

Qing Shu seems to be talking to himself, but also to him, saying: “I have always yearned for cultivate myself, but unfortunately I am limited by the foundation, I can’t do this, I am longing for the kind of One relies on one’s own strength to fly in the heaven and escaping through the earth, to move vertically and horizontally, and feel free to be restrained, let alone move mountain, collapsing sea, to change the art of all things, which cannot be done by creation. “

An Zhizhi’s disapproval: “That’s just now, I will be able to create various creations that compare to the divine ability magic in the future.”

Qing Shu said: “Cultivator can have today, it is because countless predecessors developed it, it is useless by one person, what use can you have? Even if divine robe can help lifespan, after all, lifespan is not as long as cultivator , Maybe you won’t be able to fulfill this wish when you are old. “

An Zhizhi loudly said: “Other people can’t do it, I can do it.”

Qing Shu looked at him and said, “If that is the case, why are you afraid of cultivate? You are really capable, then think of a way to make yourself cultivate and then create the creation.”

An Zhizhi thought for a while, he kicked the ground with his toes and looked up again: “Why can’t you learn creation first, and then learn cultivate?”

Qing Shu said: “creation can be learned at any time, but cultivate missed after years, and if you think about it, when you have a huge divine ability, what else can you do? “

An Zhizhi bowed his head.

Weishan standing next to him looked at him. He was very familiar with Anzhi. Knowing this habit, he was seriously considering one thing.

At this time, An Zhizhi suddenly felt a slight vibration in the white boat. He looked over and saw Chi Liyang and Huang Zhixing standing opposite each other, but there was a circle of light rushing out of each other between them. Colliding with each other, even if standing in the white boat, you can feel the force seems to rush to the eyebrows, there is a tingling sensation.

At this time, there was a large piece of floating rubble in the void, and the speed came over very fast, but it had not hit the two people. Only when it touched the light, it collapsed, and it immediately turned into Wuyou, these things seem to break the balance, the two are fighting in one place.

In the sky, the light flashed for a little half of Xia hour, and finally stopped, Huang Zhixing returned to the boat, he apologized: “Patrolling Protector, only that battle, I did not win that one. Chi fellow daoist, ashamed … “

Zhang Yu said: “Although the fellow daoist failed to defeat the fellow fellow daoist, but he defeated himself.” He looked towards the front and said, “I will take care of what comes down.”

He stood still, but there was a rays of light like great sun shining out of his body. In the void, it seemed that there was a group of raging sun rising, slamming all flying boats ahead It ’s all shrouded.

At this moment, even the distant Yiwei Celestial City was stained with a layer of golden light.

The cultivator standing in the flying boat was also in a trance for a while, after a while, they suddenly felt their feet vibrate, and then everyone suddenly found that a trace of the flying boat on which they were riding was born. Cracked, and spread to all corners at once, then burst out at the same time.

For a short while, everyone was exposed to the void.

The shocking colors are revealed in these cultivator eyes, and the arrogance of a Heart Light only makes them unable to show the courage to resist at all, and just shakes off the flying boat, not at all hurting them. Here, it shows the brilliant Heart Light changes to the extreme.

They glanced at each other for a few moments, then bowed silently to the white boat, and without saying a word, they all retreated, and they quickly disappeared into the void.

Huang Zhixing was shocked at the moment. He gave birth to a heart of admiration, and took a deep look at Zhang Yu’s back.

The young man, An Zhizhi, opened his mouth at this time, even if he could n’t understand it, it would be just like rays of light like a flying sun, and many flying boats, all of which burst scenes, but it gave him a young heart. Brought a strong impact.

Zhang Yu lightly said: “Let’s go back.”

When the white boat turns, it will land on the Legs Constellation earth star, without taking much time, and escape into the atmosphere, and then take a few breaths. The flying boat is shocked, and it has come to live above the residence, and slow down Slow down.

Zhang Yu said: “fellow daoist Huang, here is Legs Constellation, can you have a record?”

Huang Zhixing said busyly: “Not yet.”

Zhang Yu said: “Qing Shu, you will take fellow daoist Huang to the Military Office to create a book later,” and Huang Zhiping said: “After the book is created by fellow daoist Huang, you are free to go and stay.”

Huang Zhixing seriously said: “many thanks Patrolling Protector.”

After Zhang Yu commanded, he got off the flying boat and took care of Li Qinghe who was greeted. The latter bowed and took Anzhizhi and Weishan to arrange the accommodation.

Zhang Yu changed a loose robe, turned over before the book case, and handled some trivial matters, and then went to heavenly station to feed some powder powder to Wondrous Pills Lord.

After his mood was settled, he stepped into the quiet room and took out the jade lotus flower. He could feel that although the obstacles above had weakened a little over the past few days, there were still some Most of them exist, according to his original calculation, with his heart force at the time, it will take at least two days to dissolve.

However, he vaguely feels that it is better not to obey the restrictions imposed on him, but to act according to his own will.

Thinking of this, he must be in his heart. At present, all the remaining spirit essence in the body at this moment are filled into the Six Seals and Heart Light Seal.

At this moment, his breath was suddenly raised a little higher, and then the light of the pupil was pressed, and the Heart Light was pressed into the jade lotus. The originally closed petals also slowly open outwards.

At the same time, he can also feel that the obstacle is constantly being lifted under the Heart Light.

And one day after he worked so hard, as the last hindrance was removed, this jade lotus was finally fully opened, and at the same time released a rays of light from inside, and enveloped him in!



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