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Xu Chengtong had been looking at the camp squad station outside Tanquan State before the camp.

At this time, a shadow of rays of light flew in the distance, he immediately caught in his hands, and a rays of light fell on his body above the rune, and he immediately knew the shining shadow and Zhang that had previously attached to it. Yu talking words.

With Zhang Yu’s reply, he no longer hesitated and walked into the station.

It’s also strange to say that he used to be unrestrained in Gloom City, but he always felt uneasy, but now he is under control, but he is very stable and willing to abide by the rules.

His concealment technique is very brilliant. Although there are also cultivators in the camp, none of them discovered his existence.

Although the internal qi in the flying boat was confused at first, as long as a person is still in the world, there will always be some traces. As the deacon of the original Gloom City, he has the ability to pursue this. There is.

Not long after, he came to an army rampart, his body flicked, and he entered the room. He did n’t go deeper, but just listened to his ears.

For a while, the breath of people speaking and even walking in this army rampart entered the mind. There are at least a thousand people in it, but with these sounds, he can put everyone All are carefully distinguished.

Among these people, he heard a special voice. The reason why he is special is that this person, regardless of his walking habits or habits, is out of step with the soldiers in the army rampart.

This man’s footsteps are very brisk, and his age is not too old. His age will not exceed thirty. Xu Chengtong has not taken any action, but has been listening.

About half a day in the past, he sensed that another person appeared in this person ’s place.

He has mind rouses and his mind is slightly concentrated.

After saying hello to the person coming, the person said: “When will I be arranged to go back?”

Let ’s say: “It ’s decided over there. I do n’t want you to go back. Give me something. You know what to do. I ’ll clean it up for you.”

The man was silent for a long time before saying: “I am understood.”

Stood up after the person explained, said: “Give you a moment.” And said: “Don’t delay too long.” After this person finished, he left.

Xu Chengtong walked through the wall and walked directly into the accommodation, and saw a youngster sitting there with his back to him, wearing a short azure shirt and a comb on his head hair worn in a bun, but very clean, holding a dagger in his hand, and was wiping at the moment.

After a while, the youngster laid his dagger over his neck. After a little hesitation, the waist arm was about to exert force, but at this time, a hand was pressed on his shoulder.

Xu Chengtong’s voice came down: “Why so.”

Youngster ’s body suddenly froze, and his face also showed anxiety. He desperately tried hard, but he could n’t use it. It was difficult to tell whether this was his own reason or was influenced by external forces.

Xu Chengtong turned to his front face at this time and sat down at the position of the original visitor. He looked at it. This is a young created person with a metal strip embedded in his chin. He asked, “What is your name?” Name? “

The created person wanted to refuse, but unconsciously replied: “Cao Qi.”

Xu Chengtong said: “Who sent you?”

Cao Qi neck suddenly broke into blue muscles, and his face also gave a struggling color, and his whole body shivered slightly, but his mouth was still intermittent, “It was Cao, Master Cao sent me.”

When Xu Chengtong pondered the name again, he noticed that a large and large sweat came out of Cao Qi’s forehead. Obviously, his inner resistance was fierce, and he was more likely to be banned in his body.

He knows that if he asks for further inquiry at this moment, Cao Qi might fall into a coma, so he changed the topic, “Who was the person who spoke to you just now? What are you doing with him?”

Sure enough, in this way, the inner confrontation is not so intense, he said: “It is Wu army inspector, I did not know him before, Master Cao said, if the action is not good, then come to this person, he will place me . “

Xu Chengtong then noticed that someone was coming here.

He did n’t ask any more, he shook his sleeves, a white smoke rose, and Cao Qi was drawn in, and then he pointed a finger at the position where Cao Qi was sitting, and released a magical power, and then He stood up and stood quietly in the corner.

In a moment, the Wu army inspector came in. In his eyes, Cao Qi was lying on the table, a big mouth was opened on his neck, and the room was full of bloody air. He was very satisfied and turned back to greet a pro He came over, gave a few orders, and left again.

He was busy here and there, trying to remove the blood stains, and carried the body out, but he did not find out, whether it was the blood stains he wiped or the body carried on his shoulders, all of this was actually Does not exist.

Xu Chengtong walked out. He has been following behind the army inspector, but the two sides are no more than a punch away. At this time, he saw a cultivator coming across, he took a step forward and looked It was superimposed with Wu army inspector,

Kewu army inspector not at all any abnormalities occurred, and also greeted the cultivator.

When he returned to the house, he took a pen and paper and began to write letters, but the words used were simple symbols that could not be recognized.

Xu Chengtong watched it for a while, and remembered it all in his heart. He did n’t alarm the army inspector, but left a ray of internal qi on his body. After leaving the station, he returned directly to Yeya State.

He has not logged on to the Military Affairs Office so far, so he chooses to walk through wasteland, but even if someone stops him halfway, there are orders given by Zhang Yu.

After half a day, he entered Yeya State and came under the supreme stage. He had n’t waited. He heard Zhang Yu ’s voice in his ears, “Deacon, do n’t need to pass it on. Let ’s talk at heavenly station. . “

Xu Chengtong immediately floated onto heavenly station. After he settled, he bowed and said: “Patrolling Protector is polite.” He gave a little pause. “Patrolling Protector, the person found it, Xumou has brought him back. . “

The white sand dust flickered behind him, and the created person called Cao Qi was released, but at this time, he was unconscious.

He said again: “Xu is afraid that this person has a ban, so he didn’t ask too much.”

Zhang Yu took a look and said, “Apart from him, can anyone else be involved?”

Xu Chengtong said: “There is also an army inspector, but Xu did not alarm him for the time being.”

Zhang Yu nodded, he put Heart Light on, and covered the whole person, and then said: “Deacon Xu, you will ask questions, do n’t worry too much.”

generally speaking, even if it is set up by people in the body, it mostly depends on the Heart Light or magical power left in the body, just suppress it from time to time, then there is no problem, but then Subtle mysterious means and more arrogant heart force, and these two, he is undoubtedly possessed.

Xu Chengtong said mind rouses, I think it ’s time for me to act.

So in front of Zhang Yu, he used means to force Cao Qi to respond, asking the latter and answering the question. During several times, rays of light emerged from his person, which could be suppressed by Zhang Yu Heart Light. He didn’t hurt anyone at all.

It’s just that Cao Qi knows it is very limited, especially he is a created person. Obviously at first is intended to be abandoned, but after this interrogation, the general situation of the day is made clear.

Xu Chengtong said: “Patrolling Protector, these people have sinister intentions, they actually want to insult Patrolling Protector when Patrolling Protector crosses the Heavenly Gate, but Heavenly Gate is set up by Profound Venerable, and it is necessary to shake its power. With sufficient means, does that mean … “

Zhang Yu thought for a while. The other party should not be someone from Gloom City. Gloom City came to him for the dao seal that may exist on him, rather than simply wanting his life.

If it is Shangchen Heaven, it is not like their style. Shangchen Heaven is most concerned about the inner layer entrance, and the work is usually on a higher level.

And these people can penetrate their tentacles into the army and can make various effective arrangements. This may be someone from within.

He took care: “Deacon Xu, look at the army inspector to see who he has been dealing with recently. After finding the clue, come back and report to me.”

Xu Chengtong said: “Xu Mou leads the life,” he looked up: “Patrolling Protector, can Xu allow some people to find?”

Zhang Yu turned his head and said, “Who do you want?”

Xu Chengtong said: “Xu used to have a few talented people in Gloom City, but now they are all detained. This matter allows someone to fear that they can’t do anything. Maybe they can be called together to help. “

Zhang Yu thought a little, and went to the case, he raised the pen and wrote a notice, saying: “You go to pick people, if they do things well, let them follow you first.”

Xu Chengtong said with respect: “Yes, Xu will let them atone for it.” He bowed and backed up several steps back, crossing the heavenly station wall.

Zhang Yu stood up at this time, looks at Wei family army station direction.

Fang Cai Xu Chengtong talked about manpower. He also remembered that he had been in Yeya State for more than a year. His contract with the Wei family army was over, and his identity was already revealed, so it was unnecessary to continue. Stay in the Wei family army.

He worked with the Wei family army for a while, but he recognized the character of the Wei family army upper layer. He felt that he could consider hiring it for his own use.

However, the cost of an enlisted hired army is not small. He cannot afford it himself, but he can write to Profound Court. These small things don’t need him to go to the reporting place in person, just report it directly to the cultivator that Profound Court reports at Legs Constellation.

After having a decision, he thought he would settle the matter when he went to Tanquan State next time, and then he was going to retreat for some time, trying to get another dollar.

Before that, you need to make some more arrangements, so Li Qinghe and Qing Shu were called together. First, they explained some things to Li Qinghe, and after they went, they told Qing Shu: “An Zhizhi How is your homework? “

Qing Shu said: “Although this young man lacks discipline, aptitude is really good. It only takes half a day to master the breathing technique, and he hasn’t learned much. His attendant Weishan has worked hard, but I can see Give him a few months to get started. “

Zhang Yu lightly said: “But I have mastered the skill that’s all, far from Full Mastery, let him continue to polish, as long as the Weishan is willing to learn, then you can teach first, what is the matter, etc. I will come out and say something after retiring. “

Qing Shu cups the fist and says: “Yes, sir.”

Zhang Yu waved him back and sat down for a while. Then he got up from heavenly station, walked into the quiet room, and throwed out the jade chips, arranged an array. After sitting down again, put the copper box Opened, and then the mind was certain, and began to absorb the hot heat passed through.



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