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Ji Yu heard Guo Ying’s words, and his heart suddenly made a terrible noise. He took advantage of Zhang Yu’s words and hurriedly said:

“Guo great craftsman is also too concerned about Ann young man, she also lacks understanding of cultivate along the way, and the words are a bit heavier, but she has no bad heart, and hopes that Patrolling Protector Zhang will not be surprised.”

He then looked up towards Zhang Yu and said, “Although Jimou is a member of the Department of Heavenly Punishment, he is more willing to form a good karma with people than to Bo Gongtang.”

Guo Ying was a little unhappy, but she could see that Ji Yu was helping her anyway, and she also said what she should say, so she didn’t say anything.

Zhang Yu glanced at Ji Qu, and the expression calmly said: “The two are also coming from afar. Today is too late for long conversations. You can use the dinner first, rest here for one night, and talk about it tomorrow.”

Ji Qu quickly said: “Also, I arrived all the way, and I was quite tired, so I harassed Patrolling Protector.”

Zhang Yu was nodded, and said, “Two people please help yourself”, and left.

Qing Xi walked up to the two curtsies and said, “Please come with me, two guests.”

This newly-built house has a vast area. Ji and Guo followed Qing Xi out of the main hall, along the outer veranda to a three-layer loft overlooking the distant mountains. At the moment the sunset is near the mountain, the clouds are burning like fire, the breeze is coming, the flowers and trees are swaying, and there is a certain mood.

However, the two of them apparently did not appreciate the scenery.

Ji Qu sat down and said, “I said earlier, this matter has to be discussed, how can you … alas.”

Guo Ying frowned: “But obviously you can do things according to the law, why don’t you do it? And this matter is ours, why should we give in?”

Ji Qu shook his head and said, “It would be nice if it was so simple. This is Profound Court Patrolling Protector. To control him, it is useless just to be ruled by the attorney. Finally, the lawsuit must be brought to Profound Court. Difficult. “

Guo Yingdao: “If this is unwilling, then take the lawsuit to Profound Court, I can ask the teacher to help.”

Ji Yan said patiently: “But you have to know that there is no human life or military warfare involved here. Let ’s not say whether Profound Court will ignore it, it will be ignored, and it must be entrust to the following agency. Check and verify on your behalf.

Everything needs to be done by people. This kind of thing is not forced by the above. It is often handled by post-processing. There is a slight disconnect in it. It will be delayed for a long time. Maybe it will be a year after the result is reached. After that, why bother? “

Guo Ying said seriously: “But I handed over the book, at least until it was decided, he would not be able to teach the young man man dao technique.”

Ji Yan looked at her and said, “So you think so.”

Guo Ying wondered: “What’s wrong?”

Ji Yun shook his head. Guo Ying thought it was not wrong, but the law is the law, the actual is the actual.

If Zhang Yu is interested and only needs a little means, then the student that Guo Ying is optimistic about can stop the idea of ​​creation all the way. What’s the point of winning the ruling?

Even if there is a penalty afterwards, how about taking this Patrolling Protector? At most, he punishes some gold things symbolically, so at first he didn’t think about pushing hard.

He thought for a while and said, “Since Uncle asked me to help you, I will try to help you get the students back.”

As the sky was getting late, after the two had a feast here, Ji Qu got up and said, “I’m walking away.”

He left the attic and walked to the main residence along the flower gallery. Under the steps, he greeted Qing Xi who was waiting in front of the door and said, “Dare to ask this little girl, can Patrolling Protector Zhang be here? I want to see you. “

Qing Xi looked sideways and seemed to hear something. He said sideways: “Mr. Ji, please come in, Mr. is waiting for you inside.”

Ji Qu arched his hand and thanked him, and walked into the back room. When he saw Zhang Yu was sitting on the couch, he went on foot, walked on the light and observable floor, and stepped forward to cups the hands politely.

Zhang Yu said: “Jifu Zuo, please sit down.”

Ji Xie gave a sound and sat down opposite him.

Zhang Yu said: “Has Kisuke ever used the dinner?”

Ji Yun said in a hurry: “It ’s used, many thanks Patrolling Protector Zhang entertains.”

Zhang Yu said: “I don’t see anything that Jifu Zuofang said, so I can say it now.”

Ji Yun ’s cups the hands and says: “Patrolling Protector Zhang, this arrival is really presumptuous. If you offend, I hope you can forgive me.”

Afterwards, he looked towards Zhang Yu and said, “Then I will tell the truth. That young man is not only Guo Ying, she is also optimistic about her teacher, this is the two masters of Heavenly Works Division. First, it is now highly valued by you big shots. “

He said with sincerity: “He said this thing below, not to oppress Patrolling Protector in this way, but just to say that this matter is not handled well, Guo Ying is bound to go to her teacher, that will only make the matter bigger, Ping Bai added a lot of trouble to both sides, so Jimou came back, just want to find a proper way to solve this matter. “

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “Kisukesa, I already know what you said, you can go back and come back tomorrow, I will give you a reply.”

Ji Yun was startled, looked at Zhang Yu, then nodded, and stood up, cups the hands and says: “Then waiting for the Patrolling Protector’s echo tomorrow.”

Zhang Yu is still reading dao writing there after he leaves, it seems not at all how to take this matter seriously.

After a long time, the sky was completely dark. At this time, Qing Shu walked in and said, “Sir, the person is here.”

Zhang Yu said: “Let him come in.”

A few moments, the bamboo curtain lifted, and an young man walked in from outside and bowed to him, saying: “The student meets the teacher.”

Zhang Yu put down the scroll and said, “Did the thing Qing Shu tell you?”

An young man said: “Student understood.”

Zhang Yu and Yan Yue said: “What do you think? You don’t have to take care of anyone, just say what you really think in your heart.”

An young man scratched his head and said, “Teacher, students always want to ask, why do you want me to be a student?”

Zhang Yu un’ed, said: “Cultivator pays attention to fate, you blocked my flying boat that day, that is to say, you and me are destined, but I did not seek you because of this.

On the day I heard about your trifling 12 years old, I was able to build a flying boat. In the future, I may have a great future on the way of creation. Only now there are many contradictions between creation and cultivator. Contention, but ultimately not the enemy.

That ’s why I want to teach you a year, let you understand the cultivate, and look squarely at it, instead of being influenced by other people ’s words, and if you come to a high position in the future, this matter is also avoided. Not open. “

An young man ’s eyes appeared bright, and said: “The teacher said that the teacher thought that the student could go far above the creation in the future, so he accepted the student.”

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “There is this consideration.”

An young man thought about it and quickly bowed to him, saying: “Many thanks teacher, the student has already decided.”

Zhang Yu looked at him, nodded and said, “That’s it, you will see me with these two tomorrow with me.”

On the next day at dawn, Ji Yu and Guo Ying were invited to the main hall again. They waited for a while, and Zhang Yu walked in, but at this time, the two found that he was still following An. Young man, could not help but glanced at each other.

Zhang Yu sat down and said, “An Zhizhi.”

An young man responded: “teacher.”

Zhang Yu said: “Guo great craftsman said he will take you back to study creation. I think you will always ask your own wishes here, how do you think about it?”

Ann young man loudly said: “teacher, I am willing to follow teacher cultivation for a year.”

Guo Ying listened to him and could n’t help but rush: “No, I know the young man and the teacher here, but there is a promise from your father and grandfather, you ca n’t go to cultivate.”

An young man turned around and said, “Korno didn’t say how old I was under the teacher’s door, and I promised Mr. Zhang that if you want to follow him for a year, you can’t say it without faith. Teacher does n’t want me to be such a person? Otherwise, when the time comes, how can I fulfill my family ’s promise to the teacher? ”

Guo Ying thought, hesitated, and said: “This is also reasonable, and faithfulness is still necessary.”

Ji Yun couldn’t help touching his forehead.

An young man said right away: “The Guo teacher, let me study first at Mr. Zhang. After one year, I will go home and go to the teacher when the time comes.”

Guo Ying thought for a while and looked towards him seriously: “If I promise you, you must promise me too, not to be a cultivator.”

An Zhizhi um, two times, looked very clever and said: “I promised Guo teacher, will not become a cultivator within this year.”

Guo Ying said cheerfully: “You are a good student.”

Ji 衿 looks at this scene, it is also speechless, but he said nothing.

Guo Ying thought that Ji Yu was coming, and turned his head and said, “What do you think?”

Ji Yu was powerless and said: “Just so.”

For the sake of not repeating things, Ji Yun issued a document from the neutrality on the spot, so it was officially decided.

Hou Ji and Guo did not stay here, but they quit from this house.

Going back to the carriage, Guo Ying asked, “Am I doing something wrong?”

Ji Yu thought about the sentence and said, “The result is good.”

Guo Yingdao: “I am willing to believe once.”


Ji Yun unknown towards her.

Guo Ying explained: “I saw that the attendant used by Patrolling Protector Zhang was all created person. I also asked it privately. Those created persons have followed him for many years and have not been subjected to any harsh treatment. I think he may Not so hostile to creation. “

Ji wanted to say that these two things don’t seem to be related. How did you put them together? But he didn’t speak wisely.

Guo Ying looks at him and says, “Thank you for staying with me this time.”

Ji Qu Xin Dao finally paid a little bit in return, but he felt comfortable in his heart, and Guo Ying’s sentence made him sullen again.

“Although you haven’t been able to help, I still want to thank you.”

Ji Yun looks at her sincere look, but also a moment of helplessness, said: “Some words don’t need to be said, we just know it ourselves.” Paused, “including me.”

Guo Ying thought for a while, nodded and said: “You are right.”

Zhang Yu walked under the gallery after the two of them left, looking outside at the negative sleeves.

Ji and Guo found them. In fact, in his opinion, it was only a trivial matter, but behind this was the long-standing contradiction between the creation school and the cultivator. The important thing here is the competition for talent.

From the current point of view, whether it is a found cultivator or creation, it is still in the ascending stage, and it needs continuous talent to be supported.

But if you look up, it still comes from the game between Profound Venerable.

Looking at the Azure Sun Superior Continent, we can see that the creation faction has always been supported by Profound Venerable in the back. However, there are only a few Profound Venerables that can support the found cultivator. The strength is limited, and the neutral people are also happy to see it. To the found cultivator lineage was chased and restrained by the creation faction.

If you want to reverse the disadvantage, there must be enough people in the found cultivator to stand firm and speak for the found cultivator lineage.

In a moment of thought, he felt an array of force waves outside, and said: “Deacon Xu, come in.”

The rays of light shook a little, Xu Chengtong walked into the hall, bowed to him, and said, “Patrolling Protector is polite.” Following him again, he said: “Patrolling Protector, Xu Mou recently stared at the end. I got something useful. “



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