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Zhang Yu pointed with two fingers, Cao daoist’s broken body and cranialized rays of light burst, and everything was never left.

If it is placed in the past, he said that he must not be taken down to try to track down his party, but it seems that such chief figures who can be favored by Profound Venerable must be banned, so he also Don’t go that much.

It was only at the last moment that something seemed to have changed.

He was standing outside, and he could feel the mysterious divine ability displayed by Cao daoist was extremely mysterious, like pulling away from a world in an instant.

This is not like what the cultivator at this level can use, most likely borrowed the power of the higher boundary mighty figure.

If this is the case, this person is still very likely to escape from him, and he can only use the jade beads to pursue after the divine ability has changed.

But Cao daoist disappeared after it disappeared, which was a bit strange. He thoughts stirred, guessing that this might be the effect of the higher boundary mighty figure that was given the power behind it.

He reached out and took the jade ball into his hand.

Just as soon as the object reaches the palm of your hand, you feel a vigorous momentum.

His eyes flickered, which clearly showed that in addition to the one he was killed, there were people who had touched this thing, but there was something to be dealt with here, he could only go back and continue the matter.

With a certain idea, he flew back.

At this time, on the stage hall beside the Heavenly Gate of Bisu, there was a daoist in a hooded man who had been watching the battle silently. At this moment he turned around and walked into the hall.

Beside the table in the middle, there was a magnificent cultivator with majestic appearance sitting on his head, and he looked up at the daoist who came in and said, “Fellow daoist Liang, I have heard that you seem to have lost before This hand? “

The daoist lifted off the hat of the smock and revealed a square face. It was Liang Yi who had no news before.

He said frankly: “Yes, I did lose in this hand. Although I only used observers to fight each other, I know that even if I face each other, I am not a rival of fellow daoist Zhang. Lu Xuanhe, I admire him even more. Now, the Fellow daoist Zhang cultivation has improved and I am no longer his opponent. “

The heroic cultivator groaned and said, “Fellow daoist Liang, I do n’t mean anything to him. Only I saw this prestige today, and I know why he is Profound Court Patrolling Protector.”

In his voice, he was quite irritated: “Why doesn’t Profound Court come to me? I am very capable, and I want to sell my life to Profound Court.”

Liang Yi glanced at the opposite of the obvious strong features. He was righteous, but what he said was out of tune with the external performance. It felt very contrary.

He shook his head and said: “If the fellow daoist changes his temper, maybe the Profound Court will come to you.”

Yingwei cultivator sighed: “Jiangshan is easy to change, and its nature is difficult to change.”

He took the tea from the case and drank it, smashed his mouth, and said: “fellow daoist Liang just said what I said, I agreed, I will try to let more colleagues use observers.”

Liang Yi somewhat surprised, saying: “Why did the fellow daoist agree again?”

The Yingwei cultivator laughed and said, “Even people like Patrolling Protector Zhang use observers, I do n’t think I need to stick to it.”

Liang Yi was silent for a while, seriously said: “Although Patrolling Protector Zhang also uses observers, I need to make it clear that this person’s is powerful and does not depend on this thing. What I have to do does not mean Patrolling Protector Zhang Willing to do, he is him, I am me, can not be confused. ”

Yingwei cultivator pouted: “I know, I will not preach this matter, this is just my reason to persuade myself, okay? Persuade other people I will not mention this matter, I do not want Patrolling Protector Zhang came to trouble me. “

Liang Yi turned around and walked out.

The heroic cultivator: “Fellow daoist Liang, where are you going?”

Liang Yi said: “Since the fellow daoist has already agreed, I have done the things here, and I should go to find the next fellow fellow daoist with similar ideas.” After he finished, he put on his hood again. Walked out the door.

At another moment, Cao daoist’s flying boat left behind was abandoned by his people, and he has been floating in the void.

The remaining few disciplines in the flying boat are also trying to escape with this boat. But this flying boat is a magical item, not everyone can control it. The magical power is not enough, but secondly, it ’s mainly that no one is flying. The boat master, of course, can’t be motivated. After a long time, she still stayed in place.

At this time, the bang made a big noise, and the flying boat shook up. Several recipes were shaken involuntarily. Fortunately, all of them were cultivators. After a little change, they stood firmly, but There was a bad feeling in my heart.

A few people looked around and saw that the hatch broke a big hole from the outside, and then Zhang Yu walked in slowly with a sword from the outside.

When several disciples saw him, they were all terrified. At the same time, their faces were pale, and they were all a bit not knowing what to do,

At the moment, they felt that they should rush up to fight Zhang Yu, but they couldn’t afford the courage, so each and everyone froze there.

After Zhang Yu walked in, he swept the cabin, stayed on the surface of all disciples for a moment, and walked towards the main cabin.

One of the young disciple trembles and asks, “Cao, what about Master Cao?”

Zhang Yu lightly said: “It has been cut by me.”

All the disciplines are shocked. Cao daoist has a very high status in their hearts, and these people have never lost their hands. All disciplines have an inexplicable belief in him.

So it was just that even if Cao daoist left them and escaped alone, they did not complain, and at the moment he heard that their people were dead, which undoubtedly shocked their minds.

One of the young disciple looks at Zhang Yu walked towards the main cabin, gritted his teeth, and said loudly to him: “Driving, under the table under the main cabin, there is a document left by Master Cao, there Maybe there is something you want. “

Zhang Yu stopped looking at him, and then went on.

After he left the cabin, another young disciple surprised and angry said: “Liu Fang, dare you betray Cao Shi?”

Liu Fang said: “Master Cao is dead. What else do I have to betray him? Only then did Master Cao make us send out a warning, but until now there has been no one to help Master Cao, none of them.”

He looks at everyone, coldly said: “Why did Master Cao die alone? They should die together too!”

all disciples silently.

Zhang Yu has now walked into the main cabin. He came to the edge of the table and stared at it for a moment. Seeing that there was a layer of prohibition, lightly waved, he banned it.

Heart Light turned inside, and the table slowly separated to the sides. Inside, there was a stack of manuscripts and a letter. The letters were neatly organized, and the manuscripts were staggered and placed randomly. There are many messy handwriting.

He glanced a little, and his heart moved slightly. After a few glances, he flicked his sleeves and put them all in the star bag.

He walks from inside and said to the disciples of the outside world: “Several of you, come back with me. You have followed this Cao dao cultivator for a long time. If you want to come, it is also understood many things.

Although a few people were just emotional, they are now calming down.

They also thought about die die than submit, if Cao daoist is still okay to say, they can still be tough, now it seems meaningless to do this, the young disciple who said the earliest looked up: “We are willing to follow Patrolling Protector, We can explain what we can explain. “

Zhang Yu did n’t say much, one Heart Light, all over the boat all of a sudden, and then all disciples saw that the flying boat, which they could n’t call even with all their hard work, was forcibly pushed up towards Heavenly Gate flew away.

It was only flying boat that was not far away, but I saw multiple fighting flying boats flying across, and stopped in front.

This is because the movement caused by the fight between Zhang Cai and Cao Daoist is really not small, especially the thunder bead that burst out caused a great panic, which caused the guards near Bisu Heavenly Gate tension.

Celestial City also reacted in time after detecting it, and mobilized a large number of flying boats to temporarily close the Heavenly Gate.

At the moment, a blue robe daoist flew out of the fighting flying boat headed by that, followed by a large number of armed soldiers. Before he came to the flying boat, he bowed and said, “Fellow daoist is polite, can you come out and say something? “

Zhang Yu silhouette was empty, flying out of the flying boat, and the armored soldiers around him saw him, and each and everyone was very nervous, and they were ready to do it at any time. After all, he only showed it. The power is terrifying.

Zhang Yu did n’t say much, he directly issued the seal of Profound Court Patrolling Protector ’s seal. The daoist saw the seal and expressed his expression. Then he did n’t say much. With a short while, the entire fleet gave way.

Zhang Yu returned to the flying boat for the daoist nodded, and the flying boat crossed the Heavenly Gate in a flash.

After he left, an Armored Colonel floated to the side of the daoist and said: “The one who is the most famous is the Profound Court Patrolling Protector?”

The daoist said: “It’s him.” He sighed: “Where do I say such a strong cultivator, if this one is not surprising.”

The Armored Colonel tsk tsk said: “I used to think that the rumors have expanded, but I didn’t think this one is really good. I don’t know who he is fighting with? It seems that it is not a simple character.” /p>

The daoist shook his head and said: “These have nothing to do with us, so you don’t have to ask more.”

He also saw that Cao daoist just disappeared and that scene appeared again. He felt that the water was deep here, so he did n’t want to involve too much.

After passing the Heavenly Gate, Zhang Yu pushed the flying boat back to the Legs Constellation earth star. After passing through the atmosphere, after he settled in the manor located in Quanzhou, Xu Chengtong, who was inquired, would come Those disciples first watched and put them up.

He returned to the lobby and sat down. He took the letters and manuscripts from the star bag and placed them in front of the case.

He did n’t move those letters first, but his eyes turned to those manuscripts first. This was because when he glanced at it before, he found that there was a word that mentioned the breakthrough method of the found cultivator.

He reached out and picked up one of them, slowly turned it over.



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