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The method Zhang Yu applied was one of the divine abilities he obtained after his visualization picture was perfected. It was called “Heaven’s Fate”, and he could be transformed into a physical body, spanning thousands of miles in one breath to kill the enemy.

It 鈥檚 just that this method needs to be operated for many days in advance, and the dharma body can only exist for a moment, but at the moment of the shot, not only can it fully reflect the body 鈥檚 own ability, but the cultivation technique might also be more than the original body. 30% more Sheng, and after a blow, regardless of success or failure, they will disperse.

At the same time, the Jade Hang Superior Master sitting under the altar seemed to feel a little, raising his eyes slightly, but he was sitting still.

Many cultivators now listening under the altar are listening nodded.

The dao technique by Huang Menghuan is indeed refreshing, and he often preached on the outer layer, which is also familiar with this matter. It can be said that it is well controlled. Except for the dao technique, it is not mentioned, the rhythm of the speech is clear, the relaxation is good, and the voice Kuanhong is sweet and pleasant, making people feel very comfortable.

But at this time, there was a burst of misty fairy music. The sound was pleasant and pleasant, initially faintly discernable, but after a few breaths, it became clear and gradually overshadowed Huang Menghuan on the altar. The voice.

All the ways were surprised. They turned around, looking for the direction of the sound, and whispered to each other. At this time, a strong wind blew, and the array flag inserted on the altar fluttered for a while, and then I saw a huge round of rays of light suddenly appearing in the sky behind the sky. The light was so bright that it was dazzling and shining, making it hard to look directly at.

And this round of rays of light shines with photo engravings, so walks from inside a young daoist dressed in a large jade-colored cloak, outside he is floating in the jade mist star light, and the rainbow is flying, and the rays of the light are compared with the collision. The misty fairy music followed, and there was a ray of clang dao sound like a sword.

Everyone listened to each other, but they seemed to be able to hear all the truth from it. All of a sudden, they were unable to bear to explore the magic, but they were not in a hurry to care about the origin of the other party.

Yuhang Superior Master had already grasped the whisk in his hand. Hearing this, slightly frowned his eyebrow, but then sighed slightly, relaxed his hand, and shook his head. Missing. “He said, he closed his eyes again, and he couldn’t sit still.

On the altar, when Huang Menghuan heard the dao sound before, he felt the sense of crisis that had sunk down, and it once again emerged with a 100 times stronger momentum than before.

After he saw the silhouette of the young daoist appearing above the sky dome, he immediately guessed the identity of the latter, and he was frightened and immediately wanted to escape from this place.

However, at this moment, I suddenly saw a splendid brilliance shot from that round like a great sun. It has been falling on the altar. After being illuminated by this light, he was unable to move for a while, and then saw the daoist sleeve robe floating, Coming into the air.

He was shocked and anxious suddenly, because he could n鈥檛 move, he could only look away, but the Yuhang Superior Master he had hoped for now, but now there was no movement. He seemed to sit there and did n鈥檛 plan to help. Heart can not help sinking.

He understands that he can only save himself today, so he desperately mobilizes all the magical power, trying to stop the other party from coming, but there is a force in the midst that hinders him, making him internal qi unsuccessful, the magical power simply does not raise .

He could n鈥檛 help awakening, it must be that the other party already knew that he was responsible for the dao technique. He had previously participated in the violation of the discovered cultivator, and the other party came to discuss it, so Heavenly Secrets justified the other party. There, unless you avoid meeting somebody yourself, you must return to the other party on the dao technique.

It 鈥檚 not that he ca n鈥檛 deny this idea, but if he does that, he negates his own dao technique and hundreds of years of cultivation, then he will disperse the cultivation once and become like a mortal, which is more unacceptable.

The only thing that can save him at this moment is to use the dao technique to find the method of liberation before the other party breaks the magical item, or take a greater burden to relieve this difficulty.

Even if this can be done successfully, he may be hurt afterwards, but he has no way out now.

And before that, I need to hinder my opponent a little bit, so I called on my heart, and the various magical items collected over the years have all flew together, surrounded by all around, and then divine soul with this life. Even everything is entrusted in the dao technique and vowed: “If you get out today, you will benefit hundreds of millions of souls in the future!”

However, these dao techniques are not instantaneous. Normally, you need to prepare various Taoist rituals. You also need to wait for the celestial /heaven and man to meet. Now that you are in a hurry, how can it happen immediately?

In the midst of savings, the sound of Jianming suddenly passed from the opposite side suddenly increased, and he was excited by this sound, only feeling that he could not speak at the moment, but there was no hearing, no sense, no Moveable.

At this time, the confrontation between the two is not just a simple divine ability cultivation technique, but also a contest of dao technique.

His dao technique was completely overwhelmed by the way and the reason explained by the coming person, from the mind to the magical power, and there is nothing more that can resist.

Therefore, all the things he did at the moment became useless, and for this reason, the magical items outside, although still hovering outside, seem to have lost the necessary magical power support, defend The ability is also weakened to the minimum.

Although the methods on both sides are long, it looks really long, but in fact it is just a matter of moments. The young daoist followed the rays of light and came over the altar, instead of going forward, he was on the top Point at him gently.

At this moment, the sky seemed to disappear for a moment.

In Huang Menghuan 鈥檚 eyes, he clearly saw a sword light coming slowly and quickly, and all the magical items blocked along the way were broken one by one.

With Zhubao broken, he also burst out with multi-colored rays of light, and then a sharp sword glow hit him, penetrated through his brow, and shot through the back of his head.

Huang Menghuan stiffened his body. After sitting for a moment, he suddenly lost his breath. The whole person collapsed and his head fell down to his chest, and he stopped moving.

That sword light, after killing its people, whirled outside and flew back to the ground, blinking into the young daoist 鈥檚 Heart Light, he flicked his sleeves and flew away in amazement.

As he walked, the silhouette gradually became dark, and finally disappeared. There was only a wisp of misty jade mist and a little bit of star light still wandering between heaven and earth.

The sudden loss of public opinion in the altar is both a deterrent to the arrogance of the dao technique of the coming person and a shock to what they do.

It wasn’t until the interest was counted that everyone suddenly woke up and suddenly fell into an uproar.

They could n鈥檛 believe it. Someone actually went to power and killed Huang Menghuan in front of them all.

What makes them unbelievable is that the person who came here does not seem to be a real person, but a magical power incarnation.

This change is actually only a few breaths before and after, but an incarnation. In a moment, he actually killed a cultivation, a deep fellow, what an amazing divine ability magical power?

Everyone asked about the identity of the coming person, and believed that although the coming person came as a dharma incarnation, the true body was still in the Profound Boundary, and it must be found.

Xu Chengtong looked at everyone contemptuously underneath.

He knows very well that this cry of this generation is not only out of righteous indignation, but also partly out of fear in his heart.

Because Zhang Yu can kill Huang Menghuan in the eyes of everyone today, he can kill them in the same way in the future.

But the people here, apart from Yuhang Superior Master, he does not think anyone else can pose any threat to Zhang Yu.

The Yuhang Superior Master has been silent from beginning to end, indicating that he does not intend to intervene in this matter. When he thinks of this, he feels a lot lighter in his heart.

At this time, he turned to look at the silent silhouette of Huang Menghuan in the stands, and he gave a cry in his heart.

At his level, Fang Cai Huang Menghuan understood a few things, but it certainly has several points of truth.

It 鈥檚 particularly interesting that this lecture is extremely profound. This person told the mysterious and malpractice of the law of responsibility by everyone 鈥檚 own experience. Only by doing good and doing good, less is more righteousness. Otherwise, if you ask for something yesterday, you may repay it tomorrow, but in the end it will be futile that’s all.

And at the moment when the emotions below are fierce, Gu Daoist, the disciple of Yuhang Superior Master, stood up and said: “You are quiet, there is no reason for this matter, our teacher will give you an explanation.”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone calmed down. They did n鈥檛 know why Fang Caiyuhang Superior Master had n鈥檛 come forward to stop them. At the moment, they finally let them feel at ease.

At this time, Zhang Yu is still sitting in a hall outside Shengri Peak, with rays of light flashed behind him, a sword light turning around, falling on the case, and still a long sword Looks like.

It was only then that he felt a little bit suddenly, and the pupil light moved a little bit, and a few words, he heard a Shulang voice say: “fellow daoist, can you see it?”

Zhang Yu stood up and walked out of the quiet room. After standing under the hall, he said, “Fellow daoist, please come in.”

As soon as the front door was closed, I saw a handsome daoist walk in and walked in, wearing a Xueyu robe and holding a jasper whisk in his hand, when he arrived, bowed, saying: “Patrolling Protector Zhang, Be polite. “

Zhang Yu still has a gift to raise his sleeves, saying: “Yu Hang Fellow daoist is courteous.”

Yuhang Superior Master stood there and said in a peaceful voice: “Fellow daoist Huang 鈥檚 method pays attention to the burden, and there are causes and consequences. If the burden only falls on the individual, it is a trail. And if you can use the heaven and earth to run this method, you can rush like a river, scrolling thousands of tributaries without consciously investing, and threatening people. That is Grand Dao. “

At the time, I also entered into his teacher dao technique plot against, but I do n鈥檛 complain about him. I can move this method. Since it is his ability, I believe that after the law is completed, I can resolve it, and fellow daoist Huang will It is a chess piece.

But today is a wrong step. I am afraid that it is impossible to return to this responsibility in this situation.

In this round, I ended up making a difference. “

Some regrets in his expression, I do n鈥檛 know if it 鈥檚 Huang Menghuan 鈥檚 teacher, Zhang Yu, or both.

Zhang Yu lightly said: “That dare to ask the fellow daoist what he meant?”

Yuhang Superior Master looked towards him, saying: “I want to ask the fellow daoist for a trick, no matter how winning or losing, if the fellow daoist has no higher boundary in his life, then the commitment between me and fellow daoist will be over, if it is fellow The daoist will be successful in the future, so let 鈥檚 talk about success in the future! “



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