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When everyone went to go by boat, when Zhang Yu came back, Heart Light wrapped the people, but in a flash, he returned to the coast.

Everyone exclaimed incessantly, in a flash spanning a long distance, but this is an experience they have never had before, this time, it can boast about going back.

At this time, someone looked back and cry out in surprise: “Look, the island is gone.”

The surnamed Lan man also turned his head to look around, and found that the silhouette of the island had disappeared, and said slightly: “It’s gone.”

Zhang Yu said: “This island was not supposed to be here, it was just standing because of things. Nowadays things are taken away. Since then, I have returned to that place, just like a kite in the sky, danced by the strong wind, and the rope was broken. , Flew away freely. “

The old villager arranged for someone to respond at the seaside. When the people asked to return, they immediately rushed over. The people in the village heard the news, and they all came to see the excitement and stood pointing in the distance.

The old villager rushed to the front and saw everyone unharmed. He felt relieved. He said, “Superior cultivator, Hu Shangli, you come back fast. I thought it would take two or three days at the latest.”

The old son of the village said: “Father, yeah, we just stayed on the island for three days.”

The old villager glared at him and said, “What three days? I only went back to stay for two Xia hour, I think you are dizzy.”

The people behind the old village are all agreeable, “Yes, it ’s only a small part of the day”, “That ’s not necessarily, I heard that the island is pretty evil, do n’t it be evil?”

Hu literary minor official and the others have strange faces on their faces.

The old son of the village is an upright person, not convinced: “But we obviously spent three days on the island!”

Hu literary minor official is also a little uncomfortable, he whispered to Zhang Yu: “We really feel that it has been three days, Profound Corrector, wouldn’t it be wrong?”

Zhang Yu said: “Don’t worry, it’s just that your induction has made a mistake, and you’re waiting for no evil.”

Hu literary minor official said: “Profound Corrector means, is it really just that I have different perceptions?”

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “It is so.”

Hu literary minor official sighed: “It’s a pity but a pity.”

Zhang Yu said: “What a pity?”

Hu literary minor official said with emotion: “If the island is still there, I can use it to study and study. It can be used for three days a day. I do n’t know how much to learn.”

Zhang Yu lightly said: “This thing is related to evil god, if you want to get benefits, it is never free, and it is not a pity.”

Hu literary minor official startled. After thinking for a while, he seriously said: “Profound Corrector said yes, I am greedy, but I am still a literary minor official. I will go back and copy the minor official article ten times. Take a good look at yourself. “

Speaking, the surnamed Lan man pulled out of the crowd about a ten-year-old, looks at a very strong child, and said: “Superior cultivator, this is my grandson, named Lan Xu.” “Call someone.”

The child said obediently: “superior cultivator.”

The Surnamed Lan man said with carelessness: “Superior cultivator, this kid will be handed over to the superior cultivator in the future, and the superior cultivator will be scolded at will.”

Zhang Yu glanced at the child and saw that the aptitude is ordinary, and it is not much different from the average person. If you take the cultivate road, the Heart Light level may be difficult to pass, but this child has a body like his father. The peculiarities, then maybe you can take other paths.

He nodded and said: “Alright, let him follow me first.”

surnamed Lan man pats the back of the child, gestured forward, the child came over, and stood obediently to the side of Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu glanced at him and turned to Hu literary minor official: “Hu Book Compiler, this time’s matter, thank you for your help.”

Hu literary minor official is busy, saying: “Profound Corrector, the official did not actually help,” he hesitated, saying: “I don’t know if the official can make a request to Profound Corrector.”

Zhang Yu nodded said: “But it doesn’t matter.”

Hu literary minor official said: “Now Qian State and Laozhou have cultivate academy, and our Qi State students want to go to school, but they have to cross the two states, too far away, only to see Profound Corrector received it Lan Lan is a student. I do n’t know if Profound Corrector can send some superior cultivator to teach the dao technique here. I am willing to persuade the people in the state to pay for the academy. The annual consumption does not need Profound Mansion.

He was paused and said, “We Qi State depends on the sea, and many people make a living by fishing out of the sea. They often go deep into the Sea Territory, and sometimes encounter some monsters. If they can do some dao techniques, those Can also have the power of self-preservation, and do n’t have to spend a lot of money every year to invite those soldiers to station. “

Zhang Yu thought for a while and said, “If Qi State Office is willing to build an academic by itself, then things will be simpler. After I go back, I will arrange for the right person to teach the dao technique here.”

Hu literary minor official is overjoyed, and cups the hands and says: “Then the officials will replace the Provincial Correctors of the State Neutral People.”

Zhang Yu did n’t want to stay here for a long time, so he said goodbye to everyone. Then his eyes fell and said to the blue man around him: “Close your eyes.”

Lan Xu closed his eyes obediently.

Afterwards, he felt his body floated, and for a long time, his feet fell to the ground, and he heard a voice from his ear: “eyes opened.”

His eyes opened, but he found himself already in an unfamiliar manor, and his small face was full of curiosity.

Zhang Yu led him into the main hall, Qing Mo greeted him, bowed his head and said, “Mr.”

Zhang Yu said: “This is my newly admitted student. He doesn’t know much now. You take him down and let Qing Shu teach him something first.”

The found cultivator is not like the true cultivator. The teacher student is not a master and disciple relationship. It seems that the found cultivator is never taught by the rules of a teacher like a father.

The other party is just a name for being his student. Professor cultivate does not require him to come by himself.

And before that, you must read first. If you ca n’t even read the book, how can you cultivate?

An Zhizhi can directly teach him the breathing technique, because he can build a small flying boat in 12 years old, which is a rare prodigy, and both are incomparable.

After Qing Mo answered, he took Lan Xu’s little hand and took him down.

Zhang Yu returned to the manor ’s secret room, and carefully placed several arrays of shelters and defends on the outside.

This incident was exceptionally smooth and unbelievably smooth. It seemed that the thing was waiting for him to get it, so he had to take some precautions.

After the arrangement, he took out the gold box about 0.33m long and placed it on the table.

He just reached out and slowly removed the box lid, which was covered with a beautiful layer of woven fabric, and a human figure was faintly revealed underneath.

He uncovered the cloth, and what was revealed below was a fat white sleeping baby with a tender face.

His eyes were closed, six small fat hands clasped together, resting on his belly, wrapped in a soft gray cloth.

But he can see that this looks at like a living person, but it was actually carved out of some unknown wood species.

The most important thing is that he felt a turbulent heat flow from the wooden statue, but the heat flow did not escape, but was completely enclosed within the body of the statue.

He watched the object for a moment, then took out the gold bestowal ring, and then let his finger loose, letting the object fall on the evil infant statue.

In a short time, there was a glow glowing on the evil baby, and then a trace of heat leaked from it, but it felt very reluctant, as if it was squeezed out of the gap.

He can feel that if the gold bestowal ring is retracted, the cover outside the statue will be closed again, and he will maintain his presence.

For the first time, he saw this situation.

But this does not necessarily mean that the different God behind it is more powerful than those he has seen before. Xu may also be that different God bets more power on the statue, perhaps this thing has experienced more than one era.

This is actually good news, indicating that there may be more source energy contained in this object.

It ’s just that this thing is not good for him to touch directly, so if he does so, if he takes the initiative to accept the other party, he may be implicated in the evil god behind it.

Sometimes thinking, he suddenly saw that the baby’s eyes did not know when it opened, and stared at him strangely.

He stared at him indifferently for a moment, then walked aside, sat down, and slowly absorbed that little heat into his body.

However, at this time, he found that he was slowly casting four arms on the ground.

He knows very well that if he believes that this is true, or if he has a little doubt, then such things may become true.

But he remains unmoved at all, as long as the strength of the upper layer has not directly penetrated him, then there is no need to fear anything, even more how he has body protection, Profound Venerable incarnation. Not to mention the power of evil god.

For the next three days, he sat here and absorbed the heat from it.

But he also found that as he sat in front of the statue, there were also countless strange mantras coming into his ears. Although it had no effect on him, he needed to be distracted to fight each time. I am afraid that the time is not even effective for half a day.

I ’m afraid I ca n’t get the source energy contained in this thing for months, so I have to find a way to suppress it.

He was pondered and went to Wonderful Profound Boundary to avoid such evil god power, but he had a better place in his mind.

After thinking, he stood up, closed the golden box again, came out of the secret room, walked directly out of the manor, and then emptied a long way, suddenly out of the continent, and came to southern territory wasteland.

flying short time, he landed on a low hill, his eyes inquired a little, the silhouette flashed, he came to an open space, stopped for a moment, fell down, and fell silently to the ground , Into a huge underground cavity, there are endless fiendish qi surging here.

It can be seen that at the end of the front, a large jade plate is erected, and a fuzzy silhouette is bound on it, and there are black and red fiendish qi field rivers rolling beside.

This is the place where Old Ancestor Yuan Tong is imprisoned!

There are not only these fiendish qi, but also the prohibition imposed by Profound Mansion at the time. Even the power of Old Ancestor Yuan Tong cannot be vented, and the power of evil god is not even in the least.

He took the gold box out again, let it float in front, and then removed the lid, but I do n’t know when, the evil baby ’s eyes opened again, staring at this moment. Holding him.

He looked at it indifferently, then raised his hand and pressed it up.



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