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The man wearing the mask only tried to destroy himself, but he did not succeed in front of Zhang Yu, and it was not driven by his own will, but was driven by a force rooted in the body. After unsuccessful, there will be no such attempts.

Zhang Yu penetrated into his mind at this moment, and soon saw a memory. From the person to all the conversations in this tribe, the places that the person has been to, including the thoughts and thoughts in the heart of the person, all these details are clearly presented, even more clearly than the person himself remembers .

But weirdly, this memory can only be extended to more than a month, to be exact, it is thirty-seven days, and his memory ends abruptly on this day, as if reaching the end, and about Everything before is nonexistent.

If it is a normal person, impossible was born out of thin air without a past, so this memory may have been deliberately erased.

Zhang Yu sees here, and his expression does not change much. If it is put in the past, then he may only be able to stop here, but now, after the cultivation cultivation grows, his means have also increased, there are many Ways to verify.

Even if the memory in this person’s mind is discontinued, the body is still there.

As long as a person exists on the world, it must leave some traces, even if life is short and tiny, it once existed in this heaven and earth, and also participated in the operation of everything, These cannot be easily eliminated.

Unless there is a higher boundary mighty figure to cover it, but if it is so, then he will not be able to detect the situation at this moment, nor will he reach the other party.

From this point of view, he quickly discovered that this person’s body was not naturally grown, but it was as common as his memory, and there was only more than one month of existence. This person should be Created by this kind of power.

This person is not a created person, so what actually acts on him is a mystical force, including his own behavior and temperament, which are arranged in advance.

He was pondered and said, “Deacon Xu, I’m going to verify one thing, and the matter here will be given to you. You need to make arrangements.”

Xu Chengtong bowed: “This Xu understands.”

Zhang Yu slightly nodded, Xu Chengtong has always understood the meaning he conveyed very accurately. So far, there have been no lapses and deviations, and things here can be handled safely.

He had a Heart Light on him, which covered the masked man, and flew away directly.

After about ten breaths, he escaping light fell and landed on an earth slope. By tracing the memory of the mask man, this is the place where his memory first appeared.

Since this person is here, he is truly “waking up”, so someone has moved or transported him here.

And most of these people will leave some traces during their actions.

In his eyes, the rays of light flickered and looked towards the four sides. Soon, two silhouettes appeared nearby. One was the masked man in front of him, and the other followed him. As soon as he swings his sleeves, he walks along the traces of the two people.

The silhouettes appeared intermittently in his eyes, guiding where to go, but after half a Xia hour, the two silhouettes became more and more blurred until they could no longer be seen.

He made a distinction. This is because he gradually walked into the strong place of Chaos Tide, which made it difficult to see the past impressions again. Too.

But this is not to say that he can’t do anything at this point. This person came from his own step. Although it may have been prompted by some kind of hint or external force, it is still through his own body.

This person has only thirty-seven days of life, plus his complete memory, so he can refine the number of muscle skeleton movements every day to every moment, even moment, or even strength every day. He can distinguish the strength and weakness of the application and even the direction of the effect.

Exclude the person’s actions within thirty-seven days, then the rest is naturally the actions of the person when he has no memory.

Now as long as he rewinds and re-evolves all this, he can naturally find out where he is.

The reason for this is roughly that if the direction is deviated, or because the distance is too long, then the difference is a thousand miles away, and now the landform Celestial Phenomenon must be different from thirty-seven days ago.

However, if he works hard, everything can be restored to 90%, but he doesn’t need to be so elaborate, as long as he narrows it to a certain range, and he only needs a little induction, then he can naturally find that kind of deposit. Where there are abnormalities,

He stretched his hand and pressed lightly on the masked man. The latter followed the memory of his muscle skeleton and started to step backwards step by step.

From the perspective of his skeleton muscle movements, he inferred that he should have just walked for a long time before he had memory, so he just followed this.

But if he walks for too long, then he will not follow him by himself, but simply stands still and calculates.

He followed this person all the way. As he judged, after a long time, after passing through a waist-deep grass, a huge rock body appeared in front of him.

Although no clues can be seen outside, it fell into his eyes, but it can be seen that it was obviously artificially modified, and there is a huge hole in the mountain’s belly, not far in front, and A gateway where the color is almost integrated with the mountain wall.

He knew that he had found the ground.

The man with the mask is still walking forward by step by step, but there is a portal blocking the road in front of him. He walks to the front, Heart Light is showing, covering his people, and the silhouette of the two people is running. Suddenly, he penetrated through the thick portal and entered the inner mountain.

He looked up and there is a lot of space here. There is a rough stone cabinet neatly placed on the ground, some of the lids are opened, the inside is empty, and some are closed, and the inside is obviously still placed. Something.

And on both sides of the wall. It is also a wall cave under the each and everyone about one zhang high, in which are placed tall pottery figurines erected.

He stepped forward and lifted his sleeves. The lid of one of the stone cabinets was lifted, revealing a living figurine made of clay.

He had a glance in front of him. When the heart force turned, all the lids of the closed stone cabinets were lifted out of thin air by an invisible force, and what appeared inside was also the figurines of each and everyone.

The figures of these figurines are similar, and they are not much different from each other. What is interesting is that the masked man beside him seems to be the same as it is, as if it came out of the same mold.

As soon as he changed his mind, the rays of light appeared again in his eyes, and then he saw a blurry silhouette walked to a stone cabinet. The person was holding something in his hand and spilled it on the figure below.

After a while, the figurine moved slightly and then climbed up from the stone cabinet. His original body was originally stiff, and even bumped during the movement, but after a few breaths, it changed. It’s like a stranger.

After the person came out, another person came up and took the person straight out, and the stone cabinet behind him became empty.

After seeing this, he turned towards the masked man next to him, reaching out and gently pushing it to continue his original behavior.

This person walked slowly forward and started to walk smoothly, but then stiffened, and then found a stone cabinet and lay down again.

When he saw this scene, his eyes moved slightly. Obviously, the members of this God Restoration Group, and even those of the God Restoration Group, may not be normal people, but have been shaped by the day after tomorrow. Some kind of mystical power is used.

It may be very difficult to create some intelligent creatures with mystical power, but if it is just some Otsu people who can only move for a short time and have no mystical power, it is relatively simple, Even in ancient times Celestial Xia also had a skill of a puppet.

The reason why so many figurines are here is probably because these things are crude in nature and cannot exist for a long time. According to him, the longest lifespan is only about fifty days.

It seems that these things have to change their bodies every one or two months, and the memory of this generation should be inherited by some method.

They may have always considered themselves to be normal people for a long time, but privately, they do not know how many times they have been changed.

These people may wear masks not just to cover themselves, but also to prevent others from seeing subtle differences between different bodies.

And there is another advantage to doing this. Even if there is something missing, it is difficult to trace the enemy to the roots of the messy and broken memory for a moment.

But the other party probably didn’t think of it, but he could find it directly with various clues.

He looks at those figurines. If Celestial Xia’s created person relies on superb skills, then these figurines simply use the power from the upper layer.

But also not saying that creation skill must be brilliant, but the two sides are going in different directions, one from the bottom up and one from the top down.

But he looks at the pottery jars in the cave, but he feels familiar with these things. This is very similar to the pottery jar he saw in the ruins where his adoptive father placed the stone slabs. From the perspective of style and form, it is almost the same.

I don’t know why, he suddenly got the silhouette that took overwhelming majority of perfect blood. Will this person be related to God Restoration Group?

After thinking for a while, he came to the side and sat down.

Since the lifespan of those figurines is only a few dozen days, and they cannot change their bodies themselves, then someone must be in charge of it.

If he waits here, he must be able to wait until his door comes.

He closed his eyes, and the whole cave fell silent.

After some time in the past, the gate of the cave rumbling loudly, and then footsteps were heard, but someone walked in from outside.



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