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After absorbing a flesh of flesh and blood, Pang Li calmed down again.

The body that had been scattered into a black mist slowly converged, and the whole person returned to its original appearance.

It’s just that he didn’t even notice that his shadow on the ground was a monster with countless tentacles and arms.

With the help of the cultivation technique and the help of the absorbed blood, the other side of the human nature gains the upper hand briefly, but he has an obsession killing Zhang Yu in his heart.

This is also the two daoist who were swallowed by him secretly and intentionally promoted. Initially, he chose to get close to Grand Chaos for the purpose of hating and hostility to Zhang Yu.

This is his only obsession. Even if he falls into the unconscious, he will instinctively find Zhang Yu trouble.

He stayed in his place for a while, and then he drove a cloud of black mist again, flying directly to the east of Mountain of Serenity.

It stands to reason that he didn’t know where Zhang Yu went, but as he thought to pursue the latter in his heart, there was a voice guiding him, and he followed the voice dizzy. .

And at this moment, the white boat has already crossed the Mountain of Serenity early and is flying deep into the land.

In the main cabin, Zhang Yu is looking at the picture above the bulkhead.

The past few days, there is no change on the picture.

He stretched out his hand and stroked it. This thing is actually old enough, and also contains inexplicable power. It is reasonable to find the existence of source energy, but he did not feel the slightest heat flow.

He thought, this is probably because the picture is not complete, because after all, it was peeled off from the wall, Xu Huanfei was the first to encounter this practice, and it is not like the idol and antiquities. Certain belief.

For a while, he returned to the seat and took out a small piece of dim-blue stone from his sleeve. The surface of this thing is very smooth, and it is often rubbed by people.

There is only the giant sleeping place in the memory of the different God, and the style of the underground cave has never been seen. Wanting to find such a place in the vast land is tantamount to find a needle in a haystack.

But there is no clue here.

He saw that the cave rocks around the sleeping giant showed a slightly bluish color. This thing is very unique. I don’t know if it was the influence of the sleeping giant.

But this is undoubtedly an important clue, so he tried to verify from here.

He spent ten days searching the academic past documents, but he didn’t get anything. Later he went to the government to retrieve the register book attached to the tribes over the years to see if he could find anything here.

Yu Mingyang asked about the appearance of the rocks after hearing this, but it was recalled. As early as two years ago, among the tribes that fled in the Mountain of Serenity, he seemed to have seen this. Something like that.

Zhang Yu found the native and asked him. It is said that this stone is the most used among the tribes to communicate different God.

It’s just that this tribe came to Eastern Court after a long migration process according to the prophetic instructions in the tribe, and even he couldn’t figure out where the tribe was originally, and the priest had already died halfway. Where does this thing come from.

Fortunately, this is not a hindrance to Zhang Yu. He has carefully read the memory of everyone in the tribe. Although there are many intermittent and fuzzy places, when everyone’s memories are put together, But he let him find a place that can be roughly found.

The white boat has been flying for five days in a row, and in front of it is still endless jungles and dense fog.

But at this moment it is extremely deep inside the land.

Zhang Yu believes that few cultivators have ever penetrated into such a distant place. The reason why he never said never was that he was not sure if his teacher had ever been to a deeper place.

At this time, a sharp cone-shaped mountain appeared in his eyes. It looked like a volcanic crater, he was a minor rouses, because in the memory of the clansman of those tribes, this one was the place they had passed.

Not far away, it should be the place where the tribe originally lived.

Sure enough, half a minute after the flying boat went out again, he accurately found a deserted settlement based on those memories.

The huge white boat appeared above, making some small spirituality creatures and wild beasts who lived here were frightened and escaped from here.

Zhang Yu came out of the white boat and fell to the ground from the sky. He glanced at it. Although it was abandoned for a long time, he can see that this is where the tribe once lived.

After the death of priest, no one knows where it came from, but in the memory of those ministries, this thing is a consumable, and priest often uses this thing, so whether it is exchange or acquisition , There must be a place.

He took a step to the place where the former priest lived, and the rays of light shimmered slightly in his eyes. Unfortunately, the Chaos Tide here is relatively rich, and it is difficult to reproduce the scenery of the past.

He thought about it for a moment, and out of this abandoned settlement, he went to a low hill in the north.

There is a Holy Land in this tribe, which is the burial and spiritual enlightenment place of previous priests. When the tribe decided to migrate, this priest once went there alone.

In between, he came to the bare hill.

He stood on the original altar and released the Heart Light outward, and he soon sensed many things.

In the depths of the underground, there are ten or so holes, each of which is a corpse. From its appearance, it should be the predecessor of the tribe.

In addition, there are a lot of burial objects and humans in the potholes, and they are mixed with bones of a large number of creatures, but he looked down. These burial objects are not at all the dim-blue stones. .

At this step, the clue seems to be broken.

But he is not helpless, he flicked his sleeves, and with a flash of light flashing, a half-man stood like a pika, like a small group of white light mist gathered in a small thing appeared in In front of him.

When he came out, he looked at him with his eyes open.

This is an old spirit that he named “Lord of Treasure”, and he is best at finding antiquities and hidden treasures. This time came out, in order to facilitate the search for antiquities, he also carried it on his body.

He took out the bluish stone and placed it in front of him.

Lord of Treasure took it, held it in his hand and took a bite, then swallowed it in twos and threes.

Zhang Yu looks at its movement, but not at all reaches out and stops.

This is just a stone that’s all. In the memory of Different God, this thing is more in that cave. If you can find the place, it’s okay to drop it.

Lord of Treasure swallowed the stone, and his two short ears jittered, and they lay prone on the ground, seeming to feel something. After a while, they jumped in one direction.

Zhang Yu saw this, and stepped up as well. After about half an hour, the thick mist in front suddenly dispersed, and he came to a tall ash-gray hill.

As soon as he arrived here, he felt a deep sense of depression, and the body of Lord of Treasure was shaking.

He looked around and saw the hills surrounded by each and everyone potholes, each of which was buried with a huge creature bone.

At the same time, he felt a surging heat flow towards himself.

His pupil light couldn’t help moving slightly.

Some of the spirits of spirituality also contain source energy. When he first entered Peaceful Sun Academy, he had ingested source energy from the skeletons of a spirituality.

It’s just that these things are actually very rare. Except that he has seen some in the priest pit under Goddess Peak, he hasn’t encountered anything similar in the future, but didn’t expect here, but he hit again Arrived, and the number is still quite a lot.

He observed that these potholes all around have signs of various types of stone barriers, as well as marks smeared by peeling paint, but each other’s style has nothing common with each other.

He deduced from his heart that these potholes were probably from different tribes, but also for the purpose of sacrifice, and the object of their worship should be this hill, or the hill below Something.

When he sensed it, he was blocked by a layer of power, and he couldn’t go any further, but the more so, the more the following not simple.

He was nodded to the Lord of Treasure who was waiting aside. The latter jumped towards the hill, and when he reached the edge of the hill, he drilled down to the ground and suddenly did not enter.

Zhang Yu silhouette was emptied, and he sank down to the ground together. After a few breaths, he opened his eyes and unexpectedly came into a wide cave.

He looked at both eyes, and as the Lord of Treasure went deeper, some of the surrounding scenes gradually overlapped with the memory of the Different God, but at this time, he felt something was wrong.

Short time, he came to the deepest part of the cave, but his gaze was slightly fixed.

The land at his feet is exactly the place he saw in the memory of Different God. It can be said that it is not bad, but the front is empty, and the giant who should have slept here is missing.

Where did this giant go? Was it moved away, or did you wake up from a deep sleep, so I left?

He was pondered in place, and suddenly thought of something. There was a flash of rays of light outside his body. He blinked and returned to the surface. He summoned his heart, called the white boat, and flew into the main cabin. .

At this moment he looked towards the picture again, and unexpectedly it reappeared again.

The daoist in the feather star crown is still standing there, but beneath it is a huge black shadow with countless tentacle-shaped arms, which connects him to the giant.

He just thought that those giants may not be here, but that their level may be higher, and they may be in a land similar to a divine country, so they cannot be directly contacted by outsiders, but since they can be different As God sees, then there must be a way to connect with each other.

In fact, those things I saw outside when I came over already told him the answer, that is, a sacrifice is needed here.

From the perspective of the picture, this offering is a chaos monster.

It used to be there, but both the chaos monster and Daoist Ji have been wiped out by him. Where can I find these things now?



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