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After New Year’s Eve, it entered the Grand Profound Calendar 308 years.

Zhang Yu stayed in the Peaceful Sun Academy’s residence until the fifth day, which was away from the hustle and bustle and returned to the white boat.

He came to the main cabin and sat down. With a call of his heart, he summoned the Chaotic Chapter of the Grand Dao.

He looked towards the “Seal of Righteousness”, which has been delayed these days, and it is now time to complete the seal.

When my heart moved, I took the spirit essence into it.

And as the spirit essence fills it, the “Seal of Ego” becomes brighter and brighter. As the seal becomes fuller, there are rays of light on it, like a flash of lightning in the night, and then A ray of magnificent light dropped and shone on him.

At this moment, he felt that all around seemed dark.

If he feels it, he looks up, but he sees the darkness, and a person who looks like himself is moving towards himself.

This seems to be another him, but it seems not.

This person didn’t stay. He kept coming to him, and then he didn’t seem to see him generally walking to where he was, and then turned around and sat down, and the two became one.

At this moment, the rays of light above the seal are also dispersed.

Zhang Yu lifts the head, like a bright silver star flashing in his eyes, at this moment, he felt a sense of comfort and peace unprecedented in his body, and his my breath was actually producing all kinds of mysterious The strange sound is like the eternal waves breaking on the shore, and like the immortal spirit sounded on the top of the distant mountain.

At the same time, he tranced and felt heaven and earth in front of him seemed to have a sense of illusion, making him unable to bear to escape from it, to find the truth that the body and mind think.

He knows that this is because he has improved in the way of cultivation, and he has further improved himself, which has caused more rejection of heaven and earth.


He looks to Chaotic Chapter of the Grand Dao. Although the “Seal of Self” has been completed, he does not at all get the third yuan, or the third yuan is not Perfection.

He looked at the top of this seal, and saw that another seal was derived there. Obviously there are still defects here. If you want to go down, you need to continue to fill this seal.

He is not disappointed with this. Now his spirit essence is sufficient, at worst it is enough to fill this seal again.

In fact, it is a good thing to have such changes, so that he will not go to find out what he is missing.

So the idea changed, and the spirit essence was transferred into it. The seal also gradually became brighter, and at this time, the word “holding me” gradually appeared on it.

Just seeing that the seal is to be filled, and when the last line is about to be completed, he found that no matter how he pushed it, he could not complete it.

He couldn’t help but be surprised, and after completing the seal of “I Am Self” at this moment, his mind became exceptionally clear and clear. As soon as the doubt came out, the answer appeared when he was neutral.

This is not the reason of seal and itself, but the place where he and he are at this moment is not suitable.

He couldn’t help looking towards the sky above, this time after returning to the inner layer for so long, it’s time to return to the outer layer.

The time has gone by. After fifteen, almost the entire year has passed, and the entire Protectorate has started a new year.

Zhang Yu made the following people tidy up and prepared to set off in a few days. And besides the necessary homework these days, he read dao writing there.

Although the dao writing in my hand has been read many times, every time I have made some progress in cultivation, and then read it again, there are different gains.

Qing Shu walked above heavenly station and said: “Sir, Deacon Xu is here.”

Zhang Yu said: “Let him come in.”

Xu Chengtong walked in, bowed, and said, “Patrolling Protector is polite.”

Zhang Yu said: “Deacon Xu sit down.”

Xu Chengtong was busy: “Is there a seat for this Xu in front of Patrolling Protector.”

Zhang Yu also did not reluctantly say, “Profound Mansion has a result there?”

Xu Chengtong said: “Yes, Profound Mansion has made the two people clear. Both of them are cultivators who worship the Righteous Purity lineage.”

Zhang Yu said: “Is it Righteous Purity disciple?”

Xu Chengtong said: “From the two people’s past, it’s not that they have no relationship with each other’s teachers. However, the elders of the two have had contact with Righteous Purity, and later Righteous Purity was expelled, these two Teacher People also received certain punishments, but also fell silent.”

At this time, he said indignantly: “I thought this generation would have abandoned evil and good from now on, but didn’t expect, and secretly still doing this kind of sneaky work, it was really a thief, no shame! Xu despised this and the others most!”

Zhang Yu also knows that Righteous Purity lineage has never been the only person of Righteous Purity Sect Founder. He is also impossible to do extinguish profound promote true. There are actually a large number of secret supporters behind this lineage .

This generation is borrowing the name of Righteous Purity, but some people are secretly plotting to overthrow the original cultivator and restore the original pattern of true cultivator, while some people just shouted casually, in fact it was purely Use this name for personal gain.

He looked towards Xu Chengtong and said: “Deacon Xu, do you think this generation might succeed?”

Xu Chengtong said resolutely: “Patrolling Protector, when the Profound Court set out to promote the found cultivator lineage, this matter was initially opposed by many cultivators, even this Xu teacher was also one of them, but that was due to practical considerations.

Later facts prove that this is a move to comply with Heavenly Dao. The found cultivator does take on the important task, making Celestial Xia prosperous, and Righteous Purity lineage moves against the trend, against Heavenly Dao, it is absolutely. impossible! “

He said a few words and said: “Patrolling Protector will become Profound Venerable sooner or later. Even if all the found cultivators in the world are dead, Profound Venerable will not be a problem. I just have to follow Patrolling Protector will do.”

Zhang Yu slightly nodded, in fact, in his opinion, if things were to go along the way, instead of conforming to Heavenly Dao, it is better to say that people conform to the way.

The cultivate thing is in the process of reversal, not the end.

After Xu Chengtong withdrew, he continued to read books, but today was destined to be not calm. After noon, Qing Shu came to the newspaper again: “Patrolling Protector, Profound Mansion, passed over and said that the new guard has arrived, It’s just that this guard wants to see Patrolling Protector.”

Zhang Yu said: “What’s the matter with me?”

Qing Shu said: “It is said that it is related to Ji guard and I would like to ask Mr. So, so why is it convenient to ask Mr.?”

Zhang Yu said: “You go to the Profound Mansion and I will leave Eastern Court in these two days. If the grandson guard wants to see me, let him come here.”

Qing Shu said: “Yes, Qing Shu will reply accordingly.”

I just didn’t think about it. The rumors went out for less than one Xia hour, and the grandson guard came to the door.

The man is in his thirties, dressed in dark azure bamboo leaf pattern daoist clothes, looks at elegant and easy-going, with a scribe spirit.

After seeing Zhang Yu, he took the initiative to bowed and said, “Patrolling Protector Zhang, under the grandson Sun Shao, be courteous.”

Zhang Yu saw him say his position at once, knowing that this person may have some origin in Profound Court, and it is not so easy to come here today.

After returning the gift, he invited the person to sit down and said: “I have told Bi Envoy about the Fellow daoist Ji, I don’t know if Gongsun guard has anything else to ask?”

Gongsun Shaodao said: “I really heard Envoy say about the guard, please don’t mind Patrolling Protector, this person is just an excuse for me to talk to Patrolling Protector that’s all, but it is also true Something to do with Ji guard.”

Although the foreigner is elegant, he speaks with a strong and coherent voice. It can be seen that he is a firm-willed person who will carry out firmly when he makes a decision,

He looks at Zhang Yu and said: “I have seen Bi Envoy’s report and I also know that there was actually a chaos monster before Patrolling Protector against Ji Ji.”

Zhang Yu said: “That’s why the guard guard chased this chaos monster, and was infested by his breath, causing him to fall into the sideways.”

Gongsun Shaodao said: “I am here today for this chaos monster. Does Patrolling Protector know the identity of that chaos monster?”

Zhang Yu said: “I don’t know, but I have heard from Profound Mansion that this person was originally a common cultivator who visited Protectorate.”

Gongsun Shaodao said: “It is now clear that this person’s name is called Song Lu, but then I saw a person on the way, and it turned into a later look. About this person, this is his paper, please also Patrolling Protector glanced.” He said, he took a roll of document from the star bag and handed it over.

Zhang Yu took it over and opened it. He started to think which Profound Venerable door it might be, so Jade Capital Profound Mansion attached so much importance to it. It was found that this was not the case, but the fact actually attracted her attention.

The above is a cultivator called Huo Heng. This talent is amazing and can be called the first talent at the time.

With this talent, he could have become a true cultivator, and he paid respects to join a Profound Venerable door. However, he gave up the truth and instead became a found cultivator.

The reason here is that this person believes that the true cultivator is well-established, and his talents and ability cannot be revealed by step-by-step cultivation. At the time, Profound Court was intending to support the found cultivator, and he was very supportive and admirable for his move.

And Huo Heng has not lived up to the high hopes. In less than 20 years, he has become a fourth chapter cultivator from a discipline that can only breathe.

In the beginning, he was expected to become a founder cultivator first place Profound Venerable, and even many Court Managers on Profound Court paid attention to him.

However, it is such a person who has placed great expectations, but for some reason, just stepped out of the last step, and when he was about to achieve it, he returned.

Originally, this is nothing. Everyone thinks he is just not prepared enough, or has any new insights. After all, no one can go to the higher boundary with the found techniques.

With the talents of this person, as long as the Dao Foundation is intact, even if it has been done from scratch, it is not difficult.

However, something unexpected happened.

Shortly after this incident, the person turned into a chaos monster in full view! After leaving a sentence on the spot, he left.

Zhang Yu’s eyes narrowed when he saw this, what happened in this, and why did this person choose that way, what was that sentence, but the paper didn’t say it.

Only mentioned that coincided with the arrival of Chaos Tide, the heaven and earth machine changed, the land expansion changed, Celestial Xia various continents were attacked, and no one went after him, and they disappeared afterwards. Too.

Gongsun Shaodao: “In fact, we haven’t finished the paper, but according to our verification, the person surrendered to a mighty figure who also fell into the chaotic path. This person was near Azure Sun Superior Continent, perhaps Patrolling Protector Zhang has also heard of it.”

Zhang Yu nodded, the mighty figure near Azure Sun Superior Continent, should be referring to the person that Profound Leader Zhu has been guarding against.

Gongsun Shao said at this time: “Do you know Patrolling Protector Zhang, then Huo Heng is different from other people, even though he is a chaos monster, but we infer that he is very likely to maintain a certain level of wisdom, and now his cultivation has reached what At this point, we can’t be sure. And what he is very good at is infecting others with his own breath.

There are more than one victim.

Song Law is the same, as is Ji Guard, they are all trapped in their unconsciously. “

Speaking of which, he looked directly at him and stared at Zhang Yu: “So what we want to ask is, is Patrolling Protector really sure that the two monsters have been killed? Did Patrolling Protector feel it? How has it changed?”



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