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After Shi Daoist finished speaking, he looked slightly towards Zhang Yu, but the latter did not respond to him.

He couldn’t help being disappointed and sighed, “If we don’t exist, how can the fellow daoist alone support the proven techniques? We are synergistic and profit is lost.”

He seriously said: “For Celestial Xia’s many proven cultivator disciple plans, as well as the existence of we profound techniques Grand Dao, please follow daoist Zhang to consider it carefully. Today Zhang Profound Venerable Fang to upper layer, I think there is still Many things, I won’t bother much.” After he finished, he cups the hands politely, and the silhouette suddenly disappeared.

Before Zhang Yu stood at the found pillar, a person looked at the rays of light shining on it.

Before he came to the upper layer that day, Huo Heng told him that those “profound techniques Profound Venerable” might not stand with him, but this was fulfilled.

I just don’t know what Shi Cheng said to him, is it the idea of ​​one person or all the ideas of “profound techniques Profound Venerable”.

The implementation of it is stated that if this generation can eliminate its own hidden dangers, it will be a solution.

But the problem is that Shi Cheng does not mention how to solve the flaws on his own body, but only talks about the method from top to bottom.

But this generation is not complete with itself, so how can the deduction method ensure that there are no defects?

Can I wait for someone else to use it?

If this generation doesn’t want to change it and return that’s all, but thinks that the world’s found cultivator is still leading this way, then he will never agree.

Although he told the truth of the found techniques, and there was indeed turbulence in the name of the found techniques, there were things without destruction there can be no construction.

And this matter is not as serious as Shi Cheng said. The first four chapters of Profound Dao were evolved by countless discovered cultivators. It can be said that there is no problem, and the path of the real proven techniques has been developed by him. It is easy to obtain the higher boundary.

But a few people can, but most people only think of giving a seal or don’t think they can become a founding technique by themselves.

Here Profound Court’s name is critical.

Just like Profound Court let chaotic cultivator support one person to achieve “profound techniques”, most cultivators will only go if they know clearly that there is a way ahead, otherwise they will first deny themselves.

He thought of this, and since his arrival, it certainly attracted the attention of many people. If he stayed here before Ting Yi, someone might continue to come to him.

That’s it, then simply left here.

He looked up at the found pillar, and he didn’t go to see what was left in it because it was not his way.

He turned around and said, “Fellow daoist tomorrow.”

The silhouette of Ming Zhou emerged on the side, bowed, and said, “Zhang Profound Venerable, I don’t know what to say?”

Zhang Yu said: “Yusu Fellow daoist once suggested that you can open the dao temple outside of the Qingqiuyuan magnetic field. Do you know what happened there?”

Ming Zhou said: “The earth, fire, wind, and water are undecided, but it is a place of chaos and chaos. When the boat of the clear sky has not entered the upper layer, this is the case here.

In the past, if Profound Venerable went there to open a dao temple, it would have to confront all kinds of external forces. Many Profound Venerable also used this as a training cultivation, but there were dangerous and unfathomable there. If you live, you will fall into this place and never come out again. This is also a precedent.

Therefore, it is suggested that Profound Venerable can borrow one or two pieces of body protection magical treasure from Profound Court, so it is safe to enter this place. “

Zhang Yu thought about it and said, “Do you use earth, fire, wind, water to hone your cultivation? Can you have any records left by previous colleagues?”

Ming Zhou daoist said: “There are a lot of tricks of cultivation techniques that the true cultivator has honed in the past. This is not a secret, but Zhang Profound Venerable is a proven technique, which is different from the true technique. I don’t know these below. Whether method is also suitable for Zhang Profound Venerable.”

Zhang Yu said: “No problem, true technique profound techniques are all dao techniques, you can learn from each other, you can take a look at me.”

Ming Zhou Dao should be heard. When he reached out and caught it out of thin air, a jade plate appeared there. He raised his hands forward and said, “Here are all, Profound Venerable. Please look over.”

Zhang Yu took the jade plate volley photo, and when it fell to his eyes, his Heart Light fell, and this thing instantly turned into countless light spots in front of him, and the sound and color were born for a while.

He felt for a moment, and he already knew all the descriptions here. He nodded, and then asked Ming Zhou about some related situations, he said: “You can open the portal.”

Ming Zhou Daoist said that as the spirit of the clear vault, which is a combination of Profound Venerable, besides serving Profound Venerable in the upper layer, some unimportant access rights are also in his hands.

At this time, when he reached for a finger, there was a cloud of light, and the foreground object seemed to be torn apart, and he retreated to the west.

Zhang Yu looked over, and there was a chaotic image in front of him. It was difficult to express anything in words. It seems that everything is broken here.

And these things slammed into his perception, making him burst into starlight, but after a flash, they disappeared again.

Although he set his mind almost instantly, this is because the foundation is thick, and all his own deficiencies were made up before he became enlightened.

If the cultivation cultivation is not high enough, when I see such a scene, I am afraid it will take a while to get used to it.

Ming Zhoudao: “Zhang Profound Venerable, this is the place where the Qingqiang Yuan Magnet and this mixed space collide and collide, so it has such a scene, but this is good, if it is deep Go in, the frenzy is even worse.”

Zhang Yu nodded. He showed Heart Light on his body. He rose from the cliff and threw himself into it.

At this moment, all kinds of inductions were coming, he seemed to feel the endless variables, and he immediately released a burst of light outside, and smoothed them one by one near the side, which calmed down.

At this moment, he also understands why some Profound Venerables in the past could not be maintained here for a long time, because confronting these variables every moment, this consumes a lot of magical power heart force. Unless you can make corresponding changes along these variables, then you can reduce the consumption of Heart Light magical power, so as to persist for a longer period.

It’s no wonder that it can be used as a hone, which is not easier than fighting with the enemy, and even more complicated to deal with.

He thought about it for a moment, and it’s just a dozen days away from Ting Yiu. According to Yu Su, this time may not have a result, so he doesn’t have to go back in a hurry. Where is your own limit?

The silhouette of the Daoist daoist at the moment has become unreal and uncertain, he said: “Going forward, I can’t accompany Profound Venerable anymore. I just hope Zhang Profound Venerable will go well.”

Zhang Yu nodded said: “You go.”

Daoist bowed, saying: “Profound Venerable be careful, I will retreat next.” After the words were finished, the silhouette disappeared for a while and disappeared.

Zhang Yu is light flashed outside, throwing it deeper.

Under the clear dome, jade platform palace pavilions appeared in the sea of ​​clouds. Jade Hang was studying attainment by himself, when he suddenly encountered an obstacle.

He didn’t ask for it, but stopped, looked at the outside room, thought about it, raised his hand to emit a light rune, and flew outside the hall. In a short time, a colorful bird flew from outside and passed through the corridor, The floor turned into a colorful boy, he respectfully said: “What is Profound Venerable calling?”

Yu Hang asked: “Do you know what happened to Zhang Profound Venerable from Fang to the upper layer?”

The boy was a little bit embarrassed, and he supported me, but at this time Yuhang’s eyes came, he also panicked and bowed his head: “Go back, look back to Profound Venerable, Zhang Profound Venerable, it seems that it’s been found by Jade High Venerable. Now.”

Yu Hang casually said: “What about later?”

The boy whispered: “Later Zhang Profound Venerable went back to Tianya Profound Pillar to watch. Here I met Shi Profound Venerable. After talking for a while, it seemed as if I went to Qingyongyuan again. Beyond magnetism, I think it’s time to develop the dao temple.”


Yu Hang somewhat surprised, the earth, fire, wind, and water are not flat outside the clear dome. It is not easy to open dao temple there.

When he entered the upper layer, he actually intended to go there, but after reading it, he felt that he was not sure about doing these things at the moment, and decided to rationalize the cultivation first. He narrowed his eyes and said, “Go ahead.”


The boy, such as the amnesty, leaned down, saluted the steps, and flew away as a colored bird.

Back to the top of the cliff above the sky, the vast and energetic supporting land is where the Profound Court of the Qing Dome is located. Among the vast and endless voids, there are star palaces shining brightly, such as twinkling silver stars. Embellished in the Star River.

Here Fangchen Star Palace is the dao temple of the jade daoist. He is now put on a Court Manager robe, sitting in the court, with incense burner in front of him, a smoky fragrance lingering in the hall Wrap around.

Few, I heard a clear bell ringing, and a Goddess incarnation came out, curtsies, and said: “High Venerable, the court meeting started.”

Yusu daoist stood up and walked away from the Star Palace. As he stepped, the surrounding scenery gradually changed, and the pavilions and towers were transformed. All kinds of star light came in, and suddenly I heard the sound of clear springs striking stones. The long river where phosgene converged came out, and came to his feet with the sound of hua hua water.

He stepped up, and when he stood still, he saw this long river winding up and farther and farther. Between the twists and turns, each and everyone’s daoist silhouette with immortal spirit and immortal spirit appeared from above. come out.

Yu Su looks at the past, together with herself, there are eleven silhouettes.

Of course, this is not to say that the Court Manager in Profound Court is just these eleven people, but that there are so many Court Managers who came to participate in this court discussion.

Normally, as long as there are nine Court Managers, the results will be recognized by Profound Court people, and those who are not overtime will not be included in this court discussion.

At this time, with a clear chime sound, the surrounding voids receded, and everyone’s feet turned into a splendid mountain and sea, the sky was clean, and the soft light was all over the sky.

And everyone is surrounded by different sceneries, some are sitting in the Qingshi Liuquan, some are standing on the top of the Qingsong high cliff, and some are sitting under the roaring peach forest. From the outside to the outside, the more dim, gradually integrated into this side of heaven and earth.

At the upper end of the long river, a daoist shrouded in light and fog spontaneously said: “This court meeting, can you ask the Court Manager to submit a proposal?”

At this time, Yu Su was sitting under an elegant and clean tea tree. He picked up the jade mallet in front of him and knocked on the jade chime before the case, making a long and quiet sound. After the court manager saw it, he stood up Said: “Profound Venerable Zhang Yu, now open the path of proven techniques lineage, I should find a new one in Profound Court, and justify it!”



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