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Zhang Yu put down the jade slip in his hand and felt a little bit. Seeing that there was a haze floating above the hall, he let go of the portal and let him in.

This plume of smoke enters the hall, and the floor is transformed into an exquisite table. Mysterious Chaos Cicada is engraved on both sides of the shield. On the top of the table, one big and one small are placed. Jade Jue, Juekou has Yingying light overflowing from inside. Under the table, there is a small copper and gold pill furnace.

Daoist of the Ming Dynasty said: “Shouzheng, according to Profound Court’s merits, Shouzheng can receive three cauldrons of “Xuanliang” and a furnace of spiritual pill, and Shouzheng captured Zhu Zhu this time, so Profound Court gave Thirty minutes of’Xuanliang’. However, if Shouzheng needs to refining what magical treasure, this Xuanliang can also be replaced by various treasures underneath.”

Zhang Yu looked at it for a few moments, then reached into the Jade Lord and grabbed a handful. The palm was full and smooth, like a grain of jade, where brilliant lights and vibrant colors glowed, And each grain is extremely stagnation, as heavy as a mountain.

He thought, “Is this thing mysterious food…”

Before coming to the upper layer, he asked Profound Venerable Dai about Profound Court, and some of them mentioned this “Xuanliang”.

It is said that this elementary grain contains’element quality’. It is said that this substance is the metamorphosis of heaven and earth, the essence of all things, and true cultivator after refining it, it can consolidate itself and enhance the cultivation base. After the found cultivator refining, it can also supplement spirit essence, which can be said to be a very important cultivate supplies.

And this thing can only be found in the upper layer. As for the real source, I am afraid that only the Court Manager or those filming parties will know.

On the slight side of his palm, he allowed Xuanliang to pour it back into the Jade Jue, saying: “What are the merits of the Profound Leaders and Outhouses of the Unknown Continents?”

Daoist of the Ming Dynasty said: “Now that the Superior Continent Profound Leader can receive five kettles of Xuanliang every ten days, and the Waisu Town Guardian can receive three kettles of Xuanliang every ten days.

However, this is not static. Before hundred years or so years ago, the outer layer’s defense was nothing but a kettle that’s all, which is not comparable to today’s.

The merits of fighting fighting are different from those of normally. Although the merits of each guard Profound Leader are not as good as the Court Manager, there are a few governing merit winners, but they are not under the Court Manager. “

Zhang Yu nodded, it seems that apart from his position, Profound Court is based on merit theory. As a defender, if he wants to get more supplies, he needs to try his best to kill the enemy.

He brushed his sleeves and brought in everything in front of him, and then walked to the palace.

The Daoist bowed to him on the back of Ming Zhou and consciously retreated.

Zhang Yu walked into the inner hall, waved his sleeves again, a haze flew away, and released the things again. After the pill furnace was settled down, it was ignited by his Heart Light, a few minutes, and there was a ray of clear air from inside. He only felt a little, and he felt that his body was a little clearer.

The pill in the pill furnace is used to assist Profound Venerable cultivation. Each furnace is usually available for more than ten days, which is almost ten days. And only the cultivator of the upper layer cultivation has to be given.

However, these things are only to assist that’s all. In fact, the real benefit to the cultivator is Xuanliang.

He sat down on the futon in the spacious hall, and began to breathe. After a while, the mysterious grain in the Jade Jade turned into a ray of clear spiritual shimmer, and was called into his body. in.

He can feel that just in a moment, his spirit essence has increased a little.

He thought about it, and the cultivator reached the Proven Venerable state, which is not comparable to the mortal body. It can already refining everything for his own use. It seems that this Xuanliang can help himself to stimulate the spirit essence.

And since he achieved Profound Venerable, no matter the six upright seals or the fundamental Seal Seal Dao Chapter, this will undoubtedly require a lot of spirit essence to fill in. This is the right time for this profound food.

Just because of these alone, it can’t make him overstep his peers. Those Profound Venerables that have been cultivate before he knows how many years before him, by the benefit of supplies, now I don’t know how to push his cultivation to some extent. Compared with those Court Manager High Venerable, he is really shallow. .

Cultivation step by step according to the normal situation, he will be able to overstep these people, I do not know how many years later, but he can ingest spirit essence from outside, but it makes him one more possibility to catch up with these High Venerable.

He right now is really the most suitable for him. However, this position can travel around, he can use this opportunity to go to those secret areas to explore, so as to find those things that contain spirit essence.

After thinking about it, he cleared his mind, enters meditation.

After a night passed, he opened his eyes and saw that among the Jade Lords, Xuanliang was 30% less. One was waiting to put it away, and suddenly his heart moved, but he saw Mysterious Chaos Cicada When it flew out, the bright wings spread and circled around the smaller Jade Lord.

Clear comprehension came when he was neutral, but in addition to his own cultivation, the visualization picture can also rely on Xuanliang to grow, and he should change his mind, putting it that way, Essence Soul of true cultivator should be the same.

However, the visualization picture is integrated with him, and the benefits also fall on him, and some of the benefits are reasonable, so I can get Mysterious Chaos Cicada to consume Xuanliang, but I picked up jade slip and continued to look at his predecessor. The descriptions left by Profound Corrector.

With every account of Shouzheng, he also found that when Celestial Xia traveled to this world, the number of Shouzheng was usually maintained at more than four, but at that time, all the people in this position were already killed or killed. Is missing.

And the position of Shouzheng has been replaced a hundred years ago. At that time, there were two. One of them is still in the Profound Court, but I don’t know what specific role to play. The other one seems to be missing.

Over the past few hundred years, they have held the post of Shouzheng, only a few people can retire after meritorious service.

In fact, this is not surprising. Shouzheng usually rushes to the forefront of fighting. There is no fair competition here. Often, one person can deal with several opponents. That is extremely dangerous. No matter how high your cultivation is, you may not be able to win the game. .

Like Zhu Zhu he met before, if someone used to cooperate with him when using divine ability, few people could really stop it.

So his own stability is what matters. He is also considering that to deal with opponents from all walks of life, he must also have one or two high rank body protection magical items.

At this moment, after he settled in the main palace and heard the news that he would call for manpower, it caused the attention of Deity who lived in the upper layer.

Most of these Deity are longing for Profound Court, and are close to Profound Venerable, proud to serve under Profound Venerable.

This is because every Deity here was born after the pressure of the boat cleared the sky and the chaos of chaos, and they all felt that the idea of ​​Profound Venerable was transformed, so as soon as I heard Profound Venerable convening people, all Is willing to vote.

On a spacious palace platform in the sea of ​​clouds, several young deities surrounded it, moved towards a delicate and pretty teenager and asked, “Zhu Baiyi, have you seen this Zhang Shouzheng?”

Zhu Baiyi said dissatisfiedly: “Call me Zhu on the day.” He was snorted and proudly said: “I can tell you that the first day of Shouzheng’s arrival in the palace, I saw Shouzheng.”

Several young Deity looked at each other, and one of them asked, “So, please Zhu Zhuri to say, what is Zhang Shouzheng?”

Zhu Baiyi was satisfied, saying, “I tell you, this defender is very capable.”

Seeing that Deity’s attention was attracted, he coughed and said, “When I heard that Shouzheng was still in the lower realm, he once held Profound Venerable. Only on the first day of Shouzheng, he escaped. The Profound Venerable Zhu Zhu went back to the catcher, and I think it will surely become the one on the table.”

A few young Deity heard it, and they couldn’t help but eagerly, someone longed to say: “Zhu Baiyi, then if you say that if we follow Zhang Shouzheng, will he let us go to the lower bound?”

Zhu Baiyi complexion slightly changed, scolded: “Shut up!”

He looked at a few people and whispered: “Don’t you know the rules of Profound Court? Well, I won’t say more to you.” After that, he turned into a fire bird and flew away.

The young Deity looked at each other, and there was no more interest for a while, and they all left.

In the Shouzheng Palace, Daoist of the Ming Dynasty raised his hands and handed a jade book forward, saying, “The list of Shouzheng is ready for the next.”

As soon as Zhang Yu’s eyes fell, the jade book floated over. He opened it and it was divided into two books. One contained the Deity transformed by the innate vital soul, and the other contained the Is a cultivator.

His request for those Deity is just guarding palace, to meet and accompany each other, or to send messages, or to inspect dao temple everywhere, after all, they were born in the Land of Primal Chaos, do these things It is very convenient to come.

As for sending them to the lower bound, it is absolutely impossible, and Profound Court will not allow it.

These Deity are innately pure, and it’s okay to say in the upper layer, but once they go to the inner outer layer, under the attack of Chaos Tide and void external influence, it is also degraded faster than anyone, and it’s hard to know what will become thing.

There is also Profound Venerable suspicion that some of the different Gods in the inner layer are most likely related to these innate vital souls, so it is better to be restricted to the upper layer.

So it is still necessary to rely on the cultivator to work in the inner outer layer.

He roughly turned it over, and there are some familiar names in the cultivator roster. Obviously, Profound Court also pays attention to the outstanding cultivators of all continents and residences.

Except these people, he found that there are some more special people listed, saying: “Profound Venerable disciple?”

Daoist of the Ming Dynasty said: “This is a few Profound Venerable Wendshou is choosing staff, so it is recommended.”

Zhang Yu turned over again, and he suddenly had a count.

These cultivators, like Wei Gao, who succeeded him as the Profound Corrector, are all disciplines that are not valued by the teachers. Therefore, they came to him to do things and accumulate seniority experience. They may also be able to serve in Profound Court in the future.

He said: “Ming Zhou follow daoist, they know that if they come under my door, what they have to do can be much more dangerous than the other guarding places.”

Daoist Mingzhou said: “They understand it.”

Zhang Yu nodded, as long as these disciplines know clearly in his own heart, if he has the ability, he will never push out the door, but he will not deliberately care for it.

But the person he truly trusts is still his old ministry.

He closed the jade book and thought to himself that it was time to arrange it properly.



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