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After Zhang Yu dismissed Fu Xin, he looked towards the contour of the land in front of him. This time came to the vicinity of Superior Continent in the wing, then he also saw the cultivator recommended by the daoist coming up next week and arranged some specifics. Matters.

Every continent will report in time even if a crack is found, but it was reported to Profound Court, and it will not be reported directly to him, so it is separated by one layer.

As a defender, if there are foreign enemies, he should immediately respond, so the defender must also have his own station in various places.

Fortunately, there are cracks in other places, and they are placed in the boundless void and Endless Wasteland. It usually takes a long time to be discovered, or even not found, and the cracks will also be themselves under the passage of time. Gradually disappearing.

The Superior Continent can be winged here because there are three large fissures, and the remaining fissures will be born from time to time, so we must focus on it.

So he changed his mind, an incarnation stepped away from the main body, and the little dao child transformed by White Fruit also followed him, and walked away with the Superior Continent.

After his main body stood for a while, he went back to the upper layer with a magnificent clear light.

This time Gao and Feng sent a letter. He guessed that it might be what happened to the upper layer, so he had to go back and find out the situation.

After returning to the Shouzheng Palace, he rubbed the Wondrous Pills Lord a few times, and fed some pill powder to him, and then came out from the inside, because the matter of the court is unknown to the daoist tomorrow. Yes, so if you want to know the specific situation, you need to visit the jade daoist.

Only when he was about to leave, there was Deity on duty to report, saying that it was Yusu High Venerable.

He thoughts stirred and nodded: “I’m welcome.” After the commander went down, he greeted him from the inside and invited the jade daoist into the inner hall.

The two of them settled here, and they sent the Xianguo Qingcha on duty. These things produced by the upper layer have the essence of heaven and earth, which is also slightly beneficial to Profound Venerable.

Yusu daoist looked around and said, “Fellow daoist here is a little bit more angry than when I came back, unlike some people’s Dao Palace, looking at isolation from the world, very indifferent.”

Zhang Yu said: “Although you are in the sky, your heart is in the world.”

Yusu daoist laughed and agreed: “Well said, there are always some people who think that mortal life has nothing to do with me, but we do not know which one is not from mortal cultivation to the present?”

Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something, slightly said with a sneer: “Some people think that To achieve the Dao and become Immortal, transcendence, they can kill and kill the world wantonly. Can this also be done to me? There must always be rules and regulations.”

He reached into his sleeves at this time, took out a jade dish, placed on the table, and pushed in the direction of Zhang Yu. “This is the theory of the final decision. The fellow daoist can have a look.”

Zhang Yu took it, and as soon as his consciousness turned around, he immediately knew the entire court’s passing. It’s no wonder that Feng and Gao two later gave him that letter.

Yusu daoist said: “Next month, I will continue to propose the name of the proven techniques, I expect this time to be able to pass the decision, but only follow-up or the meeting will provoke some opportunities, the fellow daoist needs to be prepared. “

Zhang Yu knows clearly that the founding of proven techniques Profound Court must take the initiative to avoid being used in reverse by Gloom City and Shangchen Heaven. But Yusu daoist asked this, not just referring to the correct name itself, but also to make preparations after the correct name, he nodded and said: “many thanks fellow daoist reminder.”

Yusu daoist says earnestly: “fellow daoist, if this generation is simply to discard the discovered techniques, I will certainly try to block it, but if they come up with a strategy that is more beneficial to Celestial Xia, then for the entire Celestial Xia, I It’s not going to be deliberately blocked. Does the fellow daoist understand?”

Zhang Yu slightly nodded, said: “Yu Nature understands.”

If the opponent can come up with better and more appropriate methods after discarding the found techniques, then he doesn’t need to fight. It’s just that he can roughly deduce how the person who proposed the Xuanxuan was considered, and he didn’t think that following the practice of this generation would be more beneficial to the entire Celestial Xia.

However, there are some things that he must speed up,

After talking for a while, Yusu daoist left and he turned back to the hall, explaining to the Deity Secretary: “I need to retreat in these few days, I don’t see foreigners, unless it’s something important. , Otherwise you don’t have to pass it on to me.”

There is incarnation to take care of the outside, and he does not need to come in person for general matters. Now the residences and manpower of all continents and residences have not been fully arranged, but there are foreign enemies, Profound Court will be communicated to him, so there is no need to always look at It is important to prepare for the first response.

After thinking about it, he walked to the inner hall, and as he entered, the gate of the heavy hall was also closed up.

On the other side, after sending the book, Feng and Gao were waiting for Zhang Yu reply, and then heard that the latter had returned to the Shouzheng Palace, but it did not seem to reply.

The two discussed and came to the Shouzheng Palace to visit, but when they arrived at the door, they were informed that Zhang Yu was retreating and no foreigners were seen.

They thought Zhang Yu had deliberately refused to interview them, and the two were helpless and had to replied to the palace.

Gao Daoist said: “Since Zhang Shouzheng doesn’t want to give up the proposal to correct his name, then I’m waiting for the Dao technique to be difficult to preserve.”

The wind daoist thought for a while, and said firmly: “Do not give up easily, I will go to Xun Chao Court Manager to talk about it later.”

Gao Daoist said: “Why should the Dao Brother ask for them again? If they could let them know the last time, I wouldn’t be ashamed at the court.”

The wind daoist shook his head and said: “Chaotic cultivator and chaotic cultivator are also different. Just like this time, Chao Court Manager and the other two disagreed. We are Court Manager after all, if we promise to help when necessary He once, in exchange for his rebuttal of this court decision, he may still agree.”

Gao Daoist said: “What’s the use of just one time?”

Feng Daoist said: “If we have one more month, we can have one more month and day.”

Gao Daoist thought about it and sighed: “But it’s still too late.”

According to their calculations, it takes a few years to improve the dao technique in the shortest time, which is definitely not enough in just a few months. If the method is incomplete, it is useless to take it out, but it is even more serious that their dao technique has drawbacks.

Wind daoist said solemnly: “Let’s talk for a month and let’s find a way slowly.”

Gao Daoist sighed: “It can only be so.”

The Wing Air Superior Continent is connected to the mountains, land and sky, floating across the sky, and surrounded by layers of Jade Capital. It is the inner layer 13 Superior Continent is the most imposing and towering magnificent place.

After approaching here, Zhang Yu incarnation reached out a little, and the sea water separated, which facilitated the collection of numerous subsidence sandstones, and slowly rose upwards. In an instant, an island rose from the sky and stood on the sea. Above.

In this area, he intends to serve as the residence of the Shouzheng Palace in the superior continent.

And this moment, the Profound Venerable of the Superior Continent guarding the wing air was immediately aware of it. Not long after, a clear light shrouded daoist silhouette appeared in front of him and bowed to him, saying: “It turned out to be Zhang Shouzheng , I don’t know if I can teach you here?”

Zhang Yu raised his sleeves with another gift and said, “Here I will summon a few disciplines who have entered my main palace. I will arrange some things by the way. I don’t want to alarm the fellow daoist. I hope the fellow daoist won’t be surprised.”

The daoist said: “So that’s how it is, keep the right words.”

upper layer cultivators, if it’s okay, even if the Court Manager is impossible, come to the inner outer layer at will, but the only exception is the guard, but as a Profound Leader of a continent, the guard is up to his own territory, and he must also ask. Yes, after saying hello and doing his duty, he bowed and left.

Zhang Yu’s incarnation is a wave of sleeves, and there are dozens of clear lights turned into runes, flying to the upper wing of the Superior Continent mountain and land.

After half a day, there were more than ten flying boats flying and stopped on the flat stone platform similar to the surrounding mooring station.

The cabin door unscrewed, and more than ten disciplines came out of it, looking at the silhouette sitting in the middle of the island, shrouded in the clear light and fog. Bye, said: “See Profound Venerable.”

Zhang Yu looked at the past. These people were recommended by Ming Zhou. With his current boundary, at a glance, everyone’s thoughts and desires are clearly exposed in front of him.

Some of these people are really for doing things, while others are for attaching to him, so as to find benefits and outlets for themselves.

No matter what you think, as long as you are really willing to do good things, he will be able to use it.

What’s more, people’s thoughts and desires are the most uncertain things in the world. If you think so today, you will think so tomorrow, you don’t have to be demanding.

He looked towards a cultivator whose appearance is about 30 years old. Among the crowd, this person has the highest aptitude, the dao technique is the most brilliant, and the mind is also the most active. It is suitable for being a leader here.

He said: “Are you honesty?”

Lao Chengyi stood out as a gift and respectfully said: “Yes, it is the discipline. Can Profound Venerable command?”

Zhang Yu said: “Starting today, you will be on duty here, responsible for the inspection of Jade Capital and Wing Kong Superior Continent. If you see a crack, you must report it in time.”

Lao Chengyi was happy in his heart, and he bowed his head and said, “The discipline must be diligent.”

Zhang Yu looked towards the other side: “Kang sign.”

A simple-looking middle-aged cultivator stood up and said steadily: “the recipe is here.”

Zhang Yu said: “You are the deputy of the duty department, and you are watching all disciples. If someone takes advantage of the situation or colludes with outsiders, I will let you catch first. This symbol will give you. “He reached for a finger and a talisman fell into his arms.”

Kang Zheng solemnly arched his hand and said: “disciple leads the life,”

Zhang Yu waved his sleeve lightly at this time, more than ten clear lights fell to people’s bodies, and turned into a sword-shaped jade pendant, saying: “If all disciples are urgent, you can call me with this jade, I will know for myself.”

Everyone is bowing down.

Zhang Yu, after explaining a few more words, bowed down and gave away at the disciples of the disciples, and transformed into a magnificent clear light shining on the sea.



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