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Chong Court Manager sat down and looked into the long river of phobia. This time Zhu Court Manager didn’t arrive, but there were two more people in court.

One is the grandson daoist, and the other is Lin Court Manager. The latter and Wu Qingxu are generally those who are on the side of the chief executive, but there have been few appearances in the past, so the court is now 13 Court Managers.

He was thinking about it. It was a series of actions before them, including the use of “Minghe Tianyi” and other things that attracted the attention and doubts of the first executive, so it was this time that the Lin Court Manager was called. Convenient to stabilize the situation in the court.

At this time, he felt that Zhong Daoist had come over and nodded it.

When the first daoist is all seated, according to an example: “Can you ask the Court Manager?”

Zhong Daoist no longer hesitated at this time, picked up the jade mallet and knocked on the jade chime. When the first daoist appeared, he stood up and bowed to the upper end of the long river, saying: “The chief executive, the Court Managers , This time Zhongmou has a proposal here!”

The Court Managers in the seat are all sitting quietly, and their expressions have not changed, but everyone knows what Zhong Daoist wants to do this time.

The first daoist said: “Please say Zhong Zhong Manager.”

Zhong Daistist said: “The Grand Profound Calendar has been 308 years ago. When I was in Celestial Xia enter the world, in order to deal with the enemies inside and outside, I bless the Celestial Xia people, so I supported the proven techniques. Retreating from foreign enemies and opening up territory has now become the pattern of 13 Superior Continent in the inner world and 28 stars outside.

Now 300 or so years in the past, time moves and the world changes, Zhong Mou thought that the past strategy should also be changed. “

The first daoist glanced at him, and his eyes swept from the seat again. He paused for a while on Changsun daoist and Chong Court Manager before slowly saying: “Zhong Court Manager, there are many past actions, but I don’t know. Where do you want to change?”

Zhong Daoist raised his head and said: “The first executive, there has been a vigorous development of creation in this century, this method has endless potential, especially in the past decades, my Celestial Xia, regardless of military power and people’s livelihood, They all benefit greatly from this, flying boat speeding carriage, armored soldier profound weapon and so on, so that my ordinary Celestial Xia people can also use this against mystical enemy without years of hard work.

The prosperity of my Celestial Xia is twice as great as before!

Compared to this, if there are so many found cultivators in various provinces today, they occupy the place of life, but they are bloated and clumsy, and it is difficult to reach the top, and it is not beneficial to the bottom!

And this creation together has all kinds of benefits. It should have taken advantage of the wind to help me Celestial Xia become more important! However, nowadays, it is suppressed by Profound Mansion profound cultivator everywhere.

If you say that in the past 300 years, the proven techniques can be called good laws, which exemplify the virtue of Celestial Xia, and show the prestige of Celestial Xia, but today’s proven techniques are evil methods, especially for decades. It has become a vine that encloses Celestial Xia, just like the burden on the back, the stumbling under the foot, it should be cut off and removed. “

Yusu daoist heard this but was sneaked.

Feng and Gao are silent.

What the Court Managers are thinking about.

Since Celestial Xia enter the world, prosperity 300 or so years, the proven techniques that have made great achievements have been rejected at the moment, but there is no one person is right in the court.

Chong Court Manager also stood up and said, “The first executive, you guys, in the past ten years, I have also received reports from Jade Capital masters and several Jade Capital photographers, which also requested support for creation. ‘S petition, but it is also restricted by Profound Mansion everywhere, making it difficult to relax.

Just a few months ago, Shangchen Heaven and Gloom City joined several rebellious attempts to open Chaos Tide. This is not accidental, but it is known that Celestial Xia’s momentum has flourished day by day, so I have to find everything to find. Opportunity.

The enemy understands the truth here, how can I not know? Therefore, Celestial Xia should not bind itself at this time, but should let go of the binding and let his wings open. “

Zhong Daoist said again: “The first executive, you Court Manager, Zhong thought that the time is now ripe. In the past, the strategy of supporting the proven techniques should be changed and changed!”

Actually, creation has occupied an extremely important position in Celestial Xia, and they are not based on this groundless proposal.

Inner layer Because of the complex situation, there are true cultivator forces such as Wonderful Profound Boundary everywhere, so it is temporarily ignored, but in the outer layer 28 Constellations, creation has undoubtedly had a certain foundation and is gradually replacing The role of originally found cultivator.

If they can, they would have hoped to wait for a while, because the creation is developing very fast, and there will be another 20-30 years when the time is ripe. It would be easier to pass this proposal again at that time.

But now it’s different. Because of the existence of Zhang Yu, a path-opening person, proven techniques can’t allow them to delay any further.

Once one or two Profound Venerables appear in the found cultivator, it will be difficult to contain.

The difference between creation and discovered techniques is that both the outer armor, flying boat, and even discovered weapon are external forces.

The people who control these creations do not have any extraordinary powers, nor do they have any say in the upper layer, and they cannot compete with them for authority.

And creation is dependent on a huge system and requires coordination in all aspects. It seems to be strong and fragile.

If there is anything wrong, it is easy for them to suppress, which in their view is a perfect tool.

And the world of the world can be completely separated from the upper layer from now on, no longer as the found cultivator can both enter the world, and can be born, can link up and down, they only need to choose the suitable cultivate every year elite disciple take in as a disciple.

This pattern is exactly what many true cultivators want to see.

The first daoist thought about it for a moment, looked towards all of you here, and said, “Court Manager, can you make any suggestions about this?”

Chen Court Manager can’t sit still. In his view, this is a contradiction between true cultivator and proven cultivator. What does it do with their chaotic cultivator? The Chaotic Chapter cultivator underneath has always been guarded out on both sides.

Besides, he was transferred from true cultivator to Chaotic Chapter. It is not the same as those of the found techniques cultivator at first and then cultivation Chaotic Chapter. Naturally, there is no need to come up with proven techniques.

Chao Daoist knocked the jade chime in front of him, and said in the seat: “I thought it was so wrong.”

Court Managers are not surprised to see this. Chao Huan has to fight for everything. Even if the proposal has nothing to do with himself, he must pick a reason to oppose it.

The first daoist said: “What do you think of Chao daoist?”

Chao Daoist stood up, bowed, and said in a loud voice: “The first one, you, Zhong Court Manager and Chong Court Manager said to change the old policy, support creation instead of proven techniques, and in a hurry, I can’t tell whether this is good or bad. For the time being, let’s just say that as of today’s Profound Mansion, almost all are being looked after by the found cultivator, the outer layer 28 Constellations, there are countless found cultivator contributions.

Inner layer 13 Superior Continent, in particular, is the root of my Celestial Xia. If it is chaotic due to sudden changes, aren’t these two sinners? “

Zhong daoist said with a smile: “Originally Chao Court Manager was worried, and Chao Court Manager is now a Profound Leader in 13 continents, not a found cultivator.

Inner layer continent government and military now have to rely on the power of creation. Every continent has tens of thousands of armor wearers and thousands of fighting flying boats. Enough to deter all parties and stabilize the situation, as for the chaos underneath…”

He glanced at Feng and Gao, “It seems to be the same as the previous name for the proven techniques, and has never seen any turmoil. Chao Court Manager need not worry about this.”

Chao Daoist said: “Oh? In this way, is it not only the found cultivator that suffers a loss?”

Chong Court Manager expressionlessly said: “Chao Court Manager, proven techniques have already enjoyed the benefits of 300 years, and now it has become the stagnation of my Celestial Xia. For my overall consideration, it should be given up.”

Chao daoist showed a hint of sarcasm, saying: “First take its name, then take its place, you are better plot against.” He looked towards the wind and the high two, “Are you two willing?”

Feng and Gao continued to remain silent.

They are helpless, even if they don’t want to? After they won the title, they were not an orthodox discovered cultivator. Their identity was awkward. Even if they went to fight, if they didn’t get any benefits, they would be easy to offend the person. Why then?

However, after Chao Daoist said so few words, he sat down without speaking again, and could not see what it meant.

Zhong daoist stroking his beard smiled, in fact, as long as Chao daoist went to Dao Palace of Feng and Gao, he met with him and promised to give chaotic cultivator some benefits and calm him down.

As for what the person said at the moment, it seems to be a different opinion, but in fact it does not hinder anything. On the contrary, if no one comes out to object to his proposal, the first one will be more doubtful, but now it is just right. .

The first daoist saw that the princes in the court no longer uttered their voices and could not help thinking, but he actually had many concerns about this matter.

Profound techniques were renamed before. The reason why they did not cause any turmoil is that there are roads ahead of the proven techniques, and Zhang Yu, the proven techniques Profound Venerable, is just sitting on it.

Now, if you support the creation again, it will inevitably cause a substantial suppression of the found techniques. This will cause all the found cultivators in the world to have the illusion that the found techniques are really to be rejected. Encourage, that is really about to make trouble.

Even if it is just one or two cultivator chaos, it can cause great damage to the world, which is not what he wants to see.

So even if you really want to do this, don’t worry so much.

He couldn’t help but looked towards Lin Court Manager on the seat. The latter got him to signal that he was about to get up and say, but at this time, the grandson daoist said aloud: “The chief executive, I have a thing, internal It is contained in the article, but I want to ask for the first opinion.” Then, he took a jade dish out of his sleeve.

The first daoist glanced at him, then groaned slightly, then gestured. Behind him, a delicate and pretty dao child came out, stepped on a lotus, and walked down the long river of phoenix to come to Changsun daoist, Hit a punch, take the jade dish, and send it to the top of Changhe under the attention of Court Manager. .

The first daoist took it over and glanced at it. There was no change in the expression on his face, but there was a slight surprise in his eyes. After a little contemplation, he lifts the head and slowly said: “Since you The Court Manager has nothing to say, then decide.”

Zhong Daoist and Chong Court Manager glanced at each other, and immediately reached out to take the jade mallet and knocked on the handle, playing the jade chime in front of him.



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