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Within the clear sky, many Court Managers can see that within the territory of Celestial Xia, from outer layer’s constellations to inner layer continents, from boundless void to land mountains and seas, wherever the found pillar stands, it blooms. Out of one after another light.

The light was like a group of torches that kept going on, lit on the humane earth.

Chong Court Manager saw this scene and calculated it a little, knowing what was happening at the moment, he couldn’t help but sink his heart.

This should be the method of Zhang Shouzheng, and no one except this one can do this with the found techniques.

All Court Managers present are also counted as to who is behind them.

Court Managers looked at Zhong Daoist and other three people, and they all had different meanings in their eyes. These hard-working heart forces supported the creation and suppressed the proven techniques. But now that this situation has changed for a lifetime, the proven techniques are simply abandoned. By the way, even they will not agree.

Because they all know that these discovered cultivators that have the ability to communicate will bring huge changes to heaven and earth in the future, and they will be beneficial changes. As Celestial Xia Court Manager, they will never refuse to go Such things.

Wind and high two are shaking at the moment, no matter what their status is now, but after all, they came up with profound techniques all the way to cultivation. It can be said that no one can understand this change more than they can. Impact.

The key to the prosperity of profound techniques lies in communication and communication. The more profound cultivators are added, the greater the promotion of the profound techniques.

With the help of today’s proven techniques, there will be even more amazing changes. With their capabilities, unimaginable profound techniques will get to what extent under the impetus of this force. Perhaps the pattern of Zhuyu will be so in the future. After a certain impact, it is no wonder that the heaven and earth luck has changed.

And the Court Managers present are thinking about the variables here.

At this time, suddenly all around light and dark, then there are five inexplicable rays of light projected on the sea of ​​clouds.

The rays of light are boundless and infinite, like the other side heaven and earth is in harmony with this world, and then there are five vain silhouettes in the light, the silhouette is bright and vast, unfathomable and ethereal, difficult to describe.

When the first daoist saw it, he felt awkward. He was busy and turned around. He said with respect: “I have seen you filming.”

The twelve Court Manager behind him also got up from the seat together and gave a courtesy to the five people. He also said: “I have seen five filming executives.”

The five directors appeared together, something that has not been seen in hundreds of years.

One of the directors started speaking first, and his grand voice came like nine days away: “Zhang Shouzheng is opening the way for Profound Dao, so that the world’s proven cultivator can get ahead, and give Xuanliang two thousand minutes!”

Another executive said: “Zhang Shouzheng creates profound techniques Dao Chapter, heaven and earth is well-spoken, the world sees people at peace, great achievements, and give Xuanliang four thousand minutes.”

When the Court Manager heard this, they were all heart-shocked. This is the six thousand minutes of Xuanliang, which they can’t exchange for hundreds of years of cultivation.

It’s just that it’s not over yet. Another executive said: “Zhang Shouzheng is committed to the righteous way, and the position of Shouzheng is always taken. If he doesn’t give up, he won’t go. Record.”

Court Managers heard this and could not help making waves again.

This decree, in other words, from this moment on, Zhang Yu’s righteous position is the norm. As long as he doesn’t want to get rid of it in the future, then Profound Court can’t be undone.

But the key lies in the last two sentences, that is to say. Even if Zhang Yu is improperly defensive, he does not need to carry the magical item. The achievement’s cultivation technique divine ability need not be reported to Profound Court.

Zhong daoist looked very depressed at this time, because Profound Court was impossible and allowed Zhang Yu to be the defensive guard for so long. For a long time, it is necessary to arrange him to take up other positions.

But if Zhang Yu refuses to take the position himself, and Profound Court can’t change it, wouldn’t he be able to hold the position and hold other positions? Is this power too great?

Not only was he thinking about this at the moment, but the other Court Managers also gave birth to this idea, and felt that something was wrong, and now someone wanted to speak.

It seems that after seeing everyone’s thoughts, another executive voice said softly: “Zhang Shouzheng’s achievements have far-reaching implications. I have great benefits for Celestial Xia. This is a loss for him, and your Court Managers don’t have to be dissatisfied with it.”

As soon as I heard this, the Court Managers stopped talking, and if it was compared like this, it wouldn’t be too much.

Shen Sheng, the last filming director, said: “I waited a long time to appear, it was already a disturbing order, everyone, it is time to retreat.”

The rest of the directors nodded together, and then the five misty silhouettes scattered, and the vast vast rays of light also diverted away, leaving only a sea of ​​surging clouds.

All Court Managers give gifts.

Zhong Daoist’s face is not very good-looking. At this moment, he already knows in his heart that the proposal he drew is impossible and passed in Profound Court.

Execution is not allowed to interfere with the Profound Court’s resolution, but these people did not speak out the objections at all, but the merits given in person are enough to show how important the proven techniques are today. Such proven techniques are fundamentally replaced by creation.

This time has been a complete failure of your own, and it was defeated by the beating, and it has no strength to fight back.

In fact, what makes him angry is that even if he knows what Zhang Yu wants to do in advance, there is no very good way to stop it.

Because this is clearly a good thing for Celestial Xia, they have no way to go against the trend. Court Managers will not allow it, and you will not be allowed to film.

Chong Court Manager stood silently for a while, turned around, and bowed to Zhong Daoist and Dao Sun Daoist, saying: “Before I blocked people from enlightenment, I will wait to receive the penalty, but the penalty will be the reward, but I expect it will break. I closed my eyes for a few years, and the matter in court can only be asked to two.”

Zhong daoist had another gift and sighed: “I borrowed treasure and fellow daoist privately, and I should be punished later. As for things in court, Zhong will do his best.”

While Feng and Gao are in a very complicated mood at the moment, when they see Zhong Daoist as embarrassed at the moment, they have a very happy feeling in their hearts.

Chao Huan glanced back at this time, said with a smile: “Interesting, interesting.” He turned his head and said to Zhong Daoist: “Zong Court Manager, I don’t care whether you succeeded or failed, you Promise my business, but don’t count on it, or you and I will never end.”

Looking at him, he doesn’t mind being known by others that Zeng and Zhong Court Manager had exchanged interests privately.

Chung Daoist snorted.

The wind daoist also said leisurely at this time: “Yes, Zhong Court Manager, but I don’t know what you allowed me to do, can you still count?”

Zhong daoist’s eyes were sharp, he seemed like didn’t expect even these two people came to hit a person when he’s down.

The wind daoist looked at him without fear, Zhong Daoist nodded, said indifferently: “I will never deny what I have said.”

Feng Daoist said: “That’s fine.” He said: “Gao Dao brother, let’s go.” Gao Daoist, once nodded, left Yunhai with him and returned to Dao Palace.

On the way, Gao Daoist asked: “Dao brother just said that, aren’t you afraid to anger him?”

The wind daoist said: “No matter what I say or not, the result is general. If I wait for a marionette in court, what difference does it make if I don’t do Court Manager?

What’s more, when Zhang Shouzheng came out of this method, not only the world’s found cultivator, but also your own and my disciple, also benefited in general. Why am I afraid of him? ”

At this moment, he couldn’t help but give birth to infinite sigh, the right way is dignified, so he has no fear of sprites, because the right way represents the general trend of people’s hearts, and any slanders and ghosts are unable to withstand a single blow.

Gao Daoist said: “That Zhang Shouzheng there, are we…”

The wind daoist said: “Go back and talk.”

High daoist nodded.

In the Shouzheng Palace, Zhang Yu is standing in the great stage. The voices and words on the Grand Dao Chapter are getting more and more, and the more they come, the more they can do it with Profound Venerable. What a difficult thing.

However, he did not at all go like this, but let it flow from the outside of his mind without touching it.

Unless someone communicates with him or is willing to show it to others, he will not actively read the privacy of these other people.

Before practicing this method, he used Avatar to go to the lower realm and asked about Great Craftsman Wu.

Of course, this is not as expected by Zhong Court Manager, it is to combine the found techniques or creation, but want to discuss with Great Craftsman Wu, whether the creation can communicate the various continents, if it can be done How long will it take to arrive?

Great Craftsman Wu believes that creation may be able to achieve this step in the future, but it cannot be done at present, because Chaos Tide and void external influence have a great influence. If this is not overcome, then it will not pass this level.

But things are not suitable for people, and people can adapt to things. There is also a radical way to reform themselves, just like the Frost Continent people, from the outside to the transformation, but it is necessary to discard a lot of things, Celestial Xia people are no longer the original Celestial Xia people.

After asking this, he officially decided to step out of this step.

Here Heavenly Secrets was messed up and became obscure, he was also aware of it, knowing that this was someone who wanted to stop him from carrying back into the cultivator.

However, he did not intend to do so. He would not go directly to the cultivation of the cultivator, nor would he forcibly promote anyone in order to change the situation. Everyone has their own fate and forced to intervene. Perhaps it is good for him, but it is good for others.

give a man a fish is not as good as teaching people to fish. Now he teaches Dao Chapter to enter the world, and the found cultivator and the same way can communicate with each other, like Liang Yi, Shi Yanxin, Wan Ming and the others Not only can you use the same traffic to improve your own dao technique, but you can also give the younger disciples some advice.

He is looking at the lower realm. At this moment, he still has many ideas in his heart. He wants to borrow the Dao Chapter. The first thing to do is also the most critical thing, that is…

When I was thinking about it, suddenly my heart moved. As soon as he was shaking his sleeves, he got off the jade platform and came out of the inner hall. A Deity officer came up and told him, “Shouzheng, Yusu High Venerable is here. .”

Zhang Yu micro-nodded and came back and forth. When he arrived at the gate of the great hall, he saw the jade daoist standing there, holding a letter in his hand, and the person smiled and said: “fellow daoist Zhang, this is five Zhang Zhishou received the rewards after you knew what you were doing. Zhang Shou was collecting it. Go back and take a look slowly.”

Speaking, he handed the decree forward to Zhang Yu and praised again: “This time the fellow daoist has done a good job. This time I want to come to the fellow daoist. The opportunity is complicated. It’s disturbed, and I will talk to fellow daoist again.” Then, he bowed to Zhang Yu bowed and went away.



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