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In the Dao Palace of Jin Ting, Zhong Daoist stood on the jade platform, looks at a report submitted to the most, most of them are about Dao Chapter.

Chong Court Manager is thinking behind closed doors, and he lent Liangyi Shuo to the former, who was also fined five years of merit and closed for three months.

That is to say, during these three months, he can only sit and watch the situation change in court, but he cannot intervene.

At this time, another report flew in from outside. After he received it, his face changed slightly, “Chao Huan went out of the Shouzheng Palace?”

He reached out to stroking his beard, combined with the training of Dao Chapter, it seems that this should be the meaning of Profound Court, but this is not necessarily his own wish.

He remembered the fact that Shouzheng visited by Feng, Gao, and Shi before, and couldn’t help thinking about it. After a long time, he said, “It seems to be the case.”

He waved his sleeves, his breath was clear, and the rays of light flashed above the great jade in the distance.

After a while, an indistinct person’s shadow appeared on it. It was the grandson daoist who asked him, “What’s the matter?”

Zhong Daoist said: “The elder Sun Dao brother, the Zhang Shouzheng who created profound techniques Dao Chapter, made us miss the opportunity to support creation, which is really regrettable, but we have a longer lifespan than heaven and earth. If it fails, try again next time, but there is one thing in front of you that is more critical.”

He looked serious: “As far as Chongmou knows, this’Training Dao Chapter’ can not only connect the world’s found cultivator, but also involve the Chaotic Chapter cultivator, but we are rejected. In addition, in the long run, Mysterious Chaos will definitely approach, which will make the balance of the court out of order.”

Changsun daoist voice indifferently said: “How do you do it?”

Zhong daoist said abruptly: “Zhong Mou was thinking for a while. Righteous Purity lineage was expelled by Profound Court because of the waste of Xuan Xingzhen. Now 300 or so years in the past, he has been exiled and has been fully punished. I might welcome Righteous Purity back to the court, so I can check and balance Mysterious Chaos!”

At the same time, Zhang Yu stood on the temple looking at the report sent by daoist in Ming Zhou.

Celestial Xia Jade Capital submitted several photos through Profound Court. I hope he can put some constraints on the communication between the found cultivator and set some rules in the back.

He looked down through the article, and seeing these laws is reasonable and well-founded, not deliberately aimed at the found cultivator, which obviously has the participation of cultivator

He thought a little bit, Heart Light fell, modified a few small places, and then handed it back to the Ming Zhou daoist, saying: “Ming Zhou fellow daoist, you send these documents to the place, if the following If you have any objections, please come to me again.”

Daoist took it in the past week, bowed and silhouette disappeared, and then disappeared.

In the past not very long, Daoist again appeared in the Shouzheng Palace in the past, and said to Zhang Yu: “Shouzheng, several big shots have been seen and all agreed, so rule and order will be established according to this agreement. “

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “That’s it, you tell a few big shots, I will restrict the people who use Dao Chapter as I come down.”

Ming Zhou Daoist Ji Shou said: “Ming Zhou will tell the truth.”

Zhang Yu said to the White Fruit little dao child around him after he left: “White Fruit, I will come down to retreat for cultivation, and the daily restraint will be left to your care.”

White Fruit was cultivated with his blood essence. At the time of his enlightenment, White Fruit also received great benefits. It cannot be seen purely as knowledge true spirit. As long as his thoughts were introduced, what he could see and let White Fruit see and see, if anything was wrong, White Fruit could tell him.

White Fruit cleverly said: “Yes, I will help Mr. good.”

Legs Constellation, Yiwei Celestial City, Military Office Main Hall.

Hong Yuanqiu sat behind the case, standing behind two celebrity literary minor official, and under the hall was a number of proven cultivator including Shi Yanxin, and more than ten Military Office field officers.

At this moment, everyone is serious, and there is a little anticipation in his eyes.

At this time, an army soldier came in, facing a cup one fist in the other hand, and said: “Office Lord, ready.”

Hong Yuanqiu expressed his knowledge of a nodded, and after the army soldier retreated, he stood up and shook his hands at Shi Yanxin and the others, saying, “The teacher discovered cultivator, several found cultivator, Please wait a few later.”

Shi Yanxin and the underlying cultivator behind him are also too up, and there is a gift for him.

Hong Yuanqiu said nothing more, turned around and looked towards a sundial not far away. After waiting for a while, the sundial made a clear voice.

All of the found cultivator looked towards their own Grand Dao Chapter. One of them looked at the line of writing that appeared on it, saying: “Abe 36 Star News, the residence is as usual, all is well.”

Another discovered cultivator reported: “Baibe 38 Star Report, the station is as usual and all are well.”

“Akabe thirty two stars report that the station is as usual and all are well.”

“Purple Division 42 Star Report…”

In just a dozen breaths, Legs Constellation cured more than one hundred and sixty earth stars, all of which came to report, reporting the situation above the earth star to Legs Constellation main office.

In fact, most of the more than one hundred and sixty stars are desolate stars. In some places, only a garrison with less than one person is stationed.

Because these places are too remote, even if they are occupied by people from Gloom City and Shangchen Heaven, Legs Constellation will take a while to become known.

But from now on, it is different from the past.

There are now two to five discovered cultivators stationed on each station. Any problem can be directly transmitted to the Legs Constellation main star, or directly to the fleet that is cruising in the void at any time. Sending a message for help, the passive situation where the loopholes were everywhere in the past and need to be guarded everywhere will never appear again.

But this also poses a problem.

Military Office’s current demand for the found cultivator is all the urgency of the past, even if it is the discipline that cultivated Heart Light, they are not disgusted, and they immediately solicited it, even if it cannot be arranged beyond the earth star, between the continents These people are also needed to maintain, so there are no commands that can be carried out immediately.

When the army uniforms and medicinal oils were promoted before, the army both believed that the role of the found cultivator was not so great.

Especially some radical soldiers believe that this generation can do as well as army soldiers. With the secret promotion of some heart-warming people, there are more and more such speeches in the past days, so that many profound cultivator Leaving Legs Constellation in one go.

But who knows that this is not very long, but there is a great reversal. The emergence of Dao Chapter Xuntian, the role of the found cultivator has raised above the irreplaceable height. Those who previously advocated the found cultivator The useless person has never said anything in these days.

Hong Yuanqiu’s close friend literary minor official said: “Office Lord, and now Military Offices are recruiting the found cultivator, Legs Constellation can compete against them here, and there are not many people.”

Hong Yuanqiu thought for a while and said, “Try to solicit from the inner layer and pass on the meaning. I will find a way to provide them with a variety of cultivate supplies. Besides, don’t they also need work? Outer layer some are evil. god, external repairs, how many are there.”

Shi Yanxin then said: “So still not enough.”

Hong Yuanqiu attaches great importance to his opinion and asks seriously: “Is the professor cultivator not knowing what to think?”

Shi Yanxin said: “Office Lord Hong can build academy on top of Legs Constellation, absorb students here, and invite the found cultivator to teach profound techniques here, so that these disciplines can be used by Legs Constellation after learning. ”

Hong Yuanqiu frowns saying: “Most of the outer layers are void external influence, so they have established academy. Except for a few talents, it is difficult to cultivate here for a long time.”

Shi Yanxin said: “You can put academy in Celestial City, so it can be blessed by Profound Venerable, so you don’t have to fear external evil.”

Legs Constellation guarded Profound Venerable Dai. After leaving, Profound Court sent a Profound Venerable here. This one is a true cultivator, but its people are better than Profound Venerable Dai. They are willing to speak like Profound Venerable Dai. Venerable Yu generally covers Celestial City up and down.

Hong Yuanqiu thinks about it carefully, but it is a little emotional. This thing is indeed easy to accomplish, but there are other things involved. He thought about it and said, “Professor cultivator, many thanks for your advice, let me think about it for a second or two.”

Western Vault of Heaven In the depths of the void, in a Gloom City, a daoist with two eyes slightly red and a child in his twenties sitting on the cliff platform in the city, he is looking at a grand play at the moment.

He was the original Dongqiangtian who had escaped from Profound Court. After Long Huai was captured, he noticed that the situation was wrong, but he did not hesitate at all. He immediately escaped with the main body and fled directly to Gloom. City here.

After all, he is also a Profound Venerable, and Gloom City is also quite courteous to him, and he also entrusted a Gloom City to him as a temporary dao temple.

As long as the Chaotic Chapter cultivator is contaminated with Grand Chaos, even if the guard of the mind is lived, it may more or less magnify a certain aspect of preferences or temperament. In the Profound Court, he still has rules, and no one is here. Repression, but completely let go of themselves.

This grand play tells the story of a poor young man who set foot on the man who seeks immortals because of his chance. After passing the test of Divine Immortal, he won an Immortal Pill and became a fairy.

Gan Bai started to see it with keen interest pleasure, but when he saw this, he was not happy anymore. He cursed: “This kid can become a fairy by taking a medicine. Why? I can’t spread such good things. , It’s just blindly made!”

At this time, a discipline came from the low rank cloud of the cliff and handed a jade talisman up and said, “Profound Venerable, I got something.”

Gan Bai’s eyes lit up, reached out and beckoned, photographed the jade talisman in his hand, and an expression of interest appeared on the small face, saying: “All say that this training day Dao Chapter has some meaning, let me come Take a look…”

Zhang Yu originally spread the Dao Chapter to many found cultivators and even chaotic cultivators through the found pillars of various continents. At that time, those cultivators could choose to refuse or accept.

There were quite a few people who said they would never accept an order of unknown origin, but they turned around and ate back the words.

And the found cultivator of Gloom City and Shangchen Heaven wants to obtain Dao Chapter, only the ears and eyes ambushing in Celestial Xia can manage to copy it with the found jade, and then try to find a way to send it to the outside, which has procrastinated. A few days.

Gan Bai a little bit of jade talisman, this thing turned into a pool of jade chips and fell.

And when he looked over the Chaotic Chapter of the Grand Dao, there was a seal with a shimmering light on it, and there was a “Xuan Men” seal underneath. He smiled triumphantly. Touching, I felt like I was surrounded by a curtain of light.

Only at this moment he noticed that a few people as good as his own put their ideas into the room. He murmured a few times, he didn’t dare to show his head too much, he could only wander around the lower layer and look at at .

When he saw the comments and comments written by the cultivator there, he was disdainful and disdainful, saying: “Let old ancestor teach you what is the dao technique!”



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