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Zhang Yu felt the same, summoned the Profound Chapter of the Grand Dao, and then put the jade slip on his brow.

In an instant, the Six Uprights Seal has a one seal, but it is only slightly smaller than the normal seal.

And with the idea that came together in that jade slip, he already knew this high rank seal is called True Embryo Seal.

It can gather the internal and external yin-yang, refining the qi as the embryo, from now on all movements and changes will emerge from this, and there is no need to consume within the body essence, and apart from this, there are many mystical works.

This seal not only covers the six seals of eye, ear, mouth, nose, body and idea, but even uses Heart Light among them, and then it can really read. But even at this step, there is still the possibility of failure.

It is not unreasonable for Fan Lan to be so solemn.

Before the found principles are found, every discovered cultivator must carefully consider how to allocate its own spirit essence, and accidentally take the wrong step, which may lead to the failure to find the found principles.

But Zhang Yu not at all this concern.

Since this seal is so hard to cultivate, once it succeeds, it will inevitably bring corresponding benefits, so even if he uses the spirit essence pile, he must pile it up.

At this time, he checked, and the source energy provided in the three packs of bones was almost absorbed. The spirit essence accumulated this time was only enough for him to read one seal.

He not at all immediately started the True Embryo Seal read, but summoned the Chaotic Chapter, first chose Heart Lake Seal.

After all, the spirit of read True Embryo Seal is enough to read 6 or more seals. It will take a long time to save. Instead of waiting like this, it is better to choose a seal that can help you immediately.

With a while of the upper body of rays of light, he suddenly felt that a heart lake was born in his body, but it was slightly different from when he held Xia Sword, and it seemed more vibrant. If Xia Sword ’s heart lake was cold and empty, his Heart lake is hiding in the quiet.

He took Xia Sword, and the two heart lakes were seamlessly reflected together, and he could feel that both the sensing range and the sharpness were much stronger than before.

He originally guessed that the two heart lakes might interfere with each other, but now it seems that this is not the case. This should be due to the better understanding between the man and the sword.

After careful understanding for a while, he picked up another jade slip, and also put it on the eyebrow. In addition, besides the idea and body seals of the Profound Chapter, two seals were derived.

He took a look, these 2 seals are not used for fighting.

However, as he thought before, building a foundation is the most important thing, so he plans to come down and save the spirit essence as much as possible, first complete the True Embryo Seal, and then read the rest.

He estimated that the source energy uploaded from the golden ring plus the spirit essence he had collected would take about 2 months to make up for it.

Then we can only wait slowly.

In the following days, he spent most of his time practicing sword reading, raising spirit essence.

It’s just that the Academy still needs him to teach the Hard Claw Tribe language. Fortunately, this tribe has already started to learn the language of Celestial Xia, so it only needs to go 2 or 3 times a month.

It’s the kindergarten that has been decided for a long time, so he still needs his control. Because he is now the main teacher, he does not have to go every day, only ten days a month. For the rest of the work, there are naturally other auxiliary teachers to make up.

On this day, he taught young children, but saw a young scribe in azure clothes standing there, seeming to be waiting for him, but from the inadvertent expression of his body, this person should be a Political Council official .

There was a person dressed as an attendant standing beside him, but breathing faintly discernable, he could feel a powerful force in his body.

The young scribe took the initiative to give him a hand and said, “Teacher Zhang, Guo Shang, I have heard the name of Gentleman Zhang from Chief Xiang several times, and I finally met today.”

As soon as Zhang Yu heard his name, he understood this person. He was the chief of Division of Rites Yamen under the jursidiction of Scrutiny Administration Department. There was a person named Guo Mo who was a person in his early childhood. It should be his. Little son.

According to his knowledge, this person is very close to Profound Mansion.

He raised his hand in return and said, “It turns out to be Yamen Lord Guo.”

Guo Shang pointed at the attendant beside him and said, “This is my helper, named Xuan Xiaowu.”

The attendant was right to Zhang Yu a cup one fist in the other hand and said, “Teacher Zhang, you just call me Xiaowu. I also admire those things you did in the past.”

Zhang Yu also paid a gift, he can see that this Xuan Xiaowu should be Guo Shang’s celebrity guard.

Guo Shang laughed a little at this moment and said: “Teacher Zhang should not underestimate Xiaowu. Although I am a senior official, I also rely on Xiaowu in order to live peacefully till now.”

Xiaowu stood beside and said nothing.

Zhang Yu looked at him and said, “Someone wants to hurt Yamen Lord Guo?”

Guo Shang looked a little solemn and said, “Since the beginning of the year, there’s a popular sect named Balance, which has believed in a certain unknown God, specializing in assassination of my Protectorate’s officials, and now many Protectorate’s office officials have died. In its hand. “

Zhang Yu suddenly thought that when he came to Auspicious Light City a few months ago, he had read a tabloid of unknown origin, which stated that many of the Protectorate officials were assassinated. Now it seems that this matter is true?

He said: “If this happened a few months ago, did the Divine Army ignore this?”

Guo Shang said solemnly: “Because all the assassins responsible for the assassination of Balance Sect, most of them do not have extraordinary powers, so the Divine Army used this as an excuse to refuse to help. Although the Minister of Justice Yamen has been pursuing, there is nothing too bad. Big gain. “

Xiaowu said: “In the previous assassination of this Balance Sect, many people used weapons with certain mystical, so it was difficult for general guards to resist.”

Zhang Yu thoughts stirred, saying: “This Balance Sect is composed of who?”

Guo Shang said: “There are serenese, barbarian, and even Celestial Xia people.”

Zhang Yu thoughts stirred, he was able to see that Guo Shang was waiting for him here today, and specifically mentioned this matter, it must have been approved by Profound Mansion, so he directly asked: “Yamen Lord Guo wants me to do what?”

Guo Shang joins palms and bows, sincerely said: “Teacher Zhang once killed young salamander, and now is a discovered cultivator, so I discussed with Chief Xiang and wanted to work with Teacher Zhang to come forward and protect a worthy person. “

Zhang Yu said: “I don’t know what this important person is?”

Guo Shang said: “This name is Jiang Dingyi, a former Book Compiler of the former Office Duke Dukedom Yao, and now he is about to serve as the manager of the Library Division Yamen. We received the news that the person at Balance Sect has recently targeted him, and Someone around him may have been bought through, so it takes some time for a found cultivator protection to him. “

Speaking of which, he looked towards Zhang Yu, “Teacher Zhang, you are both an academic teacher and an envoy. You are already a person stepping into the Political Council. If you go to Manager Jiang, it wo n’t attract you. doubt.”

Zhang Yu’s heart was suddenly there. It seems that Profound Mansion and Guo Shang not only hoped that he protected this one, but also hoped that he could find the one who was bought through. He said: “When?”

Guo Shang was very pleased to see him agree. After all, Profound Mansion cannot find anyone more suitable for this matter than Zhang Yu. He said: “It is appropriate in the middle of the month, when Manager Jiang is already in office, it is convenient for Teacher Zhang to arrange Ministry. “

Zhang Yu thought about it for a moment, then he should get off, and then separated from Guo Shang, went straight to his residence.

He washed a little at home, put on a Profound Mansion robe, put on vermillion gloves, put on his cloak, and put on Xia Sword. He said, “Qinghe, clean up and follow me out.”

Li Qinghe should get off immediately.

Seeing the two of them go out, the Leopard cat leaned out of the high basket and looked around, then jumped down and followed.

When Zhang Yu came out of Profound Mansion, he called for a carriage. After two people got on the bus, he ordered that the carriage drive all the way to the riverside south of the outer city. After that, there was a residential courtyard.

He did not get off the carriage, but looked at a Celestial Xia-style mansion on the other side. The door was open and there was a osmanthus tree in front of it, but the look at was withered.

The identity of the person who stolen his register book was unknown, but one person may know it.

Peaceful Sun Academy has its own set of rules in order to prevent students ’register book from being stolen. One of them is the guarantor system, the register book will be removed, but if there is no guarantor ’s signature printed, then you just took it Useless.

He remembers that when he passed the selective examination that year, he was guaranteed by a friend of his adoptive father.

He should have lived in the house opposite, but I do n’t know if he is still here.

The reason why he didn’t come here before, in addition to scrupling Divine Army, was also afraid of prematurely disturbing the person behind him. Now that the Divine Army has contracted completely, he also has a certain degree of self-preservation, but he can come to check on this matter.

And while he was looking at the house, the heart lake suddenly shone into the breath of an acquaintance, and he couldn’t help moving, secretly thought: “Why is he here?”



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