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Zhang Yu’s eyes fell, and all the jade slips shattered, turning into a bunch of qi, he looks at these qi, his various descriptions are reflected in his mind.

What surprises him is that there is also a book written by Cang Lu. Compared with the book of Profound Venerable Yu, the content in it is relatively simple, but this is precisely why it is easier to do. He accepted that after reading his writings, and then looking at the rest of the dao book, it was much more convenient and clear.

After looking at these, he closed his eyes and meditated for a while, and made Mingzhou daoist change a batch of dao books. After reading, he read a batch, and read three batches of dao books in a row. , He already knows.

He thought a little, reached out a finger, and gave birth to a jade talisman out of thin air, handing it to the daoist next week, saying: “Trouble fellow daoist will take these treasures for me.”

After the daoist took over the Ming Dynasty, I thought about it, and the content in the middle was clear, and said: “Shouzheng wait a moment, you can send this treasure to the Shouzheng Palace later.”

He bowed, and it was disappeared.

Zhang Yu was striding towards the side hall. Before reaching a jade Bi, it suddenly melted to reveal the inner secret palace, where rows of tall homes were erected.

He walked into the middle of the room and placed the granted the title on top of the middle cabinet.

This pavilion is quite large. Apart from the decree received last time, the rest of the place is empty.

Looking aside, there is a row of lofts that were left by the former Shouzheng, but the cabinets are all sealed, and there can be seen traces of the prohibition in the past, obviously those former Shouzheng did not Would like to see the things inside, although he is now the master of the main palace, but never touched these things.

He withdrew his gaze and walks from inside, and then took a look at the report from the past two days. Only in the past half a minute, the silhouette of the Daoist of Ming Zhou appeared in front of him again, bowed, saying: “Shouzheng, Shouzheng The treasures needed are all together.”

Zhang Yu summoned a Deity to come over and let him hand over the mysterious grains needed for these treasures to Ming Zhou. He took the treasure trail and went back to the inner hall and above the futon. Sit down.

In the lower realm, the cultivator refining magical item needs a furnace, but it is not necessary to reach the higher boundary. In order to make the magical item match its own internal qi, its own Heart Light magical power is the best furnace cauldron.

However, there are some dao writings on the side, there are some Profound Venerable who still like to use furnace cauldron. This is not because they are indispensable, but they are used to using this thing when the boundary is low. Later, although it was a cultivation, it was not necessary to throw it away. I always felt that I was missing something, and it was difficult to devote myself to it.

Although this point can be overcome, they did not take the initiative to change it, but regarded it as a sign that distinguished themselves from the other cultivators and their own way of offering sacrifices.

Of course, after reaching the Profound Venerable boundary, the requirements for furniture cauldron are not generally high, but this thing itself is a high rank magical item.

Zhang Yu took some bits and pieces of precious materials at this moment, tried to refining it several times with Heart Light, and after refining a few small magical items that were not very useful, he had a bottom in his heart and made a little adjustment. After the rest, he put the Heart Light, put all the treasures in, and officially started the refining.

In the inner layer land, the Purple Gold Dao Palace, which stands on the top of the mountain, is covered by a thin cloud of mist, looking like Heavenly Palace fairy court.

Mei daoist came to the main hall, facing the daoist bowed standing there looking up at the scenery, saying: “senior brother calls me?”

The daoist looks at these scenes and said with emotion: “We are here to open up the territory and stabilize the foundation. It has been 300 years. Now, when I think about it, it is like yesterday.”

Mei daoist stood silent.

The daoist stood for a while, then turned around and said, “Mei junior brother, Zhong Weiwu has a letter, this time it is very clear, he has several points of sincerity.” Between words, he will Letters handed over.

Mei daoist took it over, opened it, thought for a while, then looked up and said: “senior brother, this is just Zhong Weiwu wishful thinking that’s all, how many people in the court are willing to let us follow apprentices back?”

The daoist said: “I have managed to ask in secret. The appearance of the Dao Chapter of the training day makes the Mysterious Chaos and the two are extremely linked. Zhong Weiwu is worried that he will continue for a long time. The two will join forces. Get rid of the true technique.

So he wanted me to go back to lineage to balance the situation. He didn’t really cover up this matter. This is also for the sake of reassuring me. “

Mei daoist snorted and shook his head: “He used we as a knife, but he had a good idea.”

That daoist looked towards him, leisurely said: “Even if I know to make a knife, I am willing to do it.”

Mei daoist frowned, saying: “senior brother……”

The daoist waved his hand to stop him from saying, “Is the junior brother forgetting the way of we? Is the Xing Zhen Xuan Xuan, making Celestial Xia return to the previous true technique to take control of everything and rule the world?” Under the pattern, that is the wish of we.

He looks at Mei Daoist: “But it is only possible to return to Profound Court to fulfill this wish. Since this is a rare opportunity, why don’t we go grab it?”

Mei daoist secretly sighed, raised his head and said, “Where is the eldest senior brother?”

The daoist said: “When the eldest senior brother is doing his work to a critical point, I didn’t go to disturb him, but I didn’t say that I should go back immediately. The junior brother is right when you have concerns.” He paused and said: “I decided not to respond.”

Mei Daoist said: “senior brother’s consciousness…”

The daoist said: “Zhong Weiwu wanted to borrow the power of we, but there are still birds in the world, Liang Gongzang said, now that the eldest senior brother is not here, the teacher may not be able to wait for me, if I wait Fighting down that Zhang Shouzheng, and disturbing the possibility of Mysterious Chaos’ second connection, then I am afraid that he will have to deal with us.”

Mei daoist nodded said: “senior brother makes sense.”

The Daoist, a robed robe, sat down on the seat and said calmly: “Zhang Shouzheng who created the Dao Chapter is still too shallow, Mysterious Chaos is not close enough now, we can wait for their strength Get bigger, and wait until Zhong Weiwu they need us again.

I went there, I don’t want to suppress this generation, as long as I can stand on the court, since Zhong Weiwu they need we to contribute, they can only support us and rely on us, so wait for elderest senior brother achieves success Return, when you can suppress this generation! “

On the other side, within the Dao Chapter they are talking about, it is becoming extremely unstable at the moment.

After leaving his words, Dai Gonghan withdrew from Dao Chapter Xuntian. After he left, the talisman seal he left exudes shining rays of light.

This is a very strange sight. I have never seen such a cultivator talisman seal, so I was curious about the cultivator and looked up, but I couldn’t see the first name and last name at all. A reply left by Profound Venerable!

This shock is not trivial, and the news spread out at once, immediately attracting countless cultivators to visit and observe.

Be aware that this is Profound Venerable, and there are so many Mysterious Chaos cultivators in the world, but there are only a few people who have seen Profound Venerable or heard of Profound Venerable preaching.

The most important thing is that this Profound Venerable answered the reply of a junior cultivator very carefully, not the aloof and remote, elusive as before.

cultivators No matter whether they are Chaotic Chapter cultivator or not, after reading the remarks, they are both moved and excited. What does this matter mean? Explain that in the Dao Chapter of training days, the cultivator blurs the boundary between upper and lower boundaries.

Be aware that in the past, the found cultivator can communicate with each other, and it is often the same peer exchange. There has never been a higher boundary cultivator and the lower cultivator exchange dao technique, nor is there such a possibility, that is, elders to later generations, also Just simply teach dao technique that’s all.

But now, Profound Venerable is just like an ordinary discovered cultivator, to solve the confusion of another fellow. Seeing this, many cultivators see this.

Especially the questioning Chaotic Chapter cultivator, he was still cultivation, but when the Chaotic Chapter of the Grand Dao was called out, there were hundreds of thousands of words pouring into him, he was also scared A big jump.

After seeing it later, I learned that Profound Venerable personally answered the questions he raised. At this moment, he was completely stunned.

He can’t believe that the unpredictable Profound Venerable will puzzle himself, so that he has repeatedly confirmed dozens of times before he can really believe this result.

He looked carefully at the messages and found that he could really solve his problems. Apart from being grateful, he stood up on his own seat, sorted out his robe, and then paid a solemn worship to the light curtain.

Although Dai Gonghan is a true technique, he has changed the Chaotic Chapter and can deal with Grand Chaos for so long. The understanding of this is not comparable to these junior cultivators.

The muddy method is more difficult to advance than the discovered techniques, and most people rely on Grand Chaos as soon as they enter this path, and their mind and spirit are distorted. It is difficult to achieve success again. Most of them are directly transformed into chaos monsters.

These cultivators who used the true technique to repair the Chaotic Chapter were because they had enough temporary cultivation before, and in this remark, he emphasized the temporary cultivation more and left a magic mantra . In particular, this magic mantra is not a paragraph, but the first chapter to the fourth chapter.

For him, it just left a thoughtful expression at will, but for all the cultivation cultivation of Chaotic Chapter cultivator, it was a huge gain. It is difficult to know how many chaotic cultivator would benefit from it.

In a short while, there are countless words of gratitude beneath these words, even if it is not chaotic cultivator, it is also a way to leave a sentence below.

It’s just that in many cultivator’s remarks, many people have never noticed that there is a talisman seal called “peach” flashing, and the secret stamp leaves a sentence: “It is easy to read and difficult to read. Go back and turn the book.”

And as soon as his talisman seal appeared, a profound cultivator moved his heart. Ma uploaded a word to He Li and said, “Fellow daoist He, is he?”

He Li looked at it and said, “It’s him, you must watch me closely, don’t let him mess with Mr. Ban!”



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