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outer layer In the depths of the void, a huge city exuding the aura of gloomy darkness, as if integrated with the void, hangs there.

In every ray of gloomy air wafting out from the outside, there is a city of boats floating up and down, hundreds of thousands of them, like arches of stars, gathered around the giant city.

Inside the giant city, there is another heaven and earth. Here stands a great stage floating on the sea of ​​white mist, and on top of it sit eight daoists wrapped in auspicious light and clouds. Clear light is like water, bright and radiant, and there are more colorful clouds and rainbows dyeing Yunyue, ethereal and fairy sounds lingering around the sea and sky.

This is where the main city of Gloom City is located. Although there is a word “you” above the name, it just means hiding in the dark. Except for those whose minds have long been distorted, who likes to hide in those dark and quiet places, cultivator not at all, so here is an immortal atmosphere.

Gamber incarnation is also here at the moment, but his small face is unhappy.

He has been here for several months, but most of the time he only discusses the dao with these Gloom City, but this generation is a true cultivator, even if he takes the initiative to talk to him, what can I say? No one here understands Grand Chaos better than him.

Because the main body has taken the Chaotic Chapter of the Grand Dao, incarnation can no longer be used, so most of the time he can only sit and sit here, very depressed.

Until the beginning of March, on this day, a light suddenly fell, Yuyu shining, full of mist, sea and sky, and above the great stage at the highest point, there appeared a person covered in dazzling golden light. The young daoist.

As soon as this person appeared, all the daoist present stood up, and Gamber stood up reluctantly, and paid a salute with all the Taoists, saying: “I have seen the High Venerable.”

Xiang daoist nodded his head as a courtesy, then sat down, raised his sleeves and asked, saying: “Fellow daoists, sit down.”

Zhongdao just sat down.

The daoist was sitting there, backed by Gold Jade’s light, and said: “I have troubled the fellow daoists for a long time. This time I invite the fellow daoists to come here. It needs to be discussed. How should my Gloom City deal with today? Times change.”

Somewhere on the great stage of Qihai, a daoist said: “Dare to ask Xianding High Venerable, where is the change?”

It is clear that the daoist sits and speaks.

Another Golden Eyebrow Profound Venerable said: “Cai Profound Venerable doesn’t know, recently Celestial Xia has used a Dao Chapter traffic Mysterious Chaos cultivator. Once this Dao Chapter comes out, the worlds are connected. With one voice, it is very difficult for me to approach 28 Constellations in Gloom City. It is even more difficult to find the inner layer portal.”

For more than 70 years, Gloom City is the same as Shangchen Heaven, and has been looking for a way to avoid Celestial Xia and enter the inner layer.

This is not impossible, because according to the calculations of Heavenly Secrets, every time after Chaos Tide, the inner layer heaven and earth experience an expansion. Although Celestial Xia occupies the center of the inner layer, there is a wider field outside. World.

They only need to find a suitable way to enter there, no longer need to hide in the void, but can have a foothold in the inner layer, and perhaps they may find the door to the upper layer by this.

It’s just that with the emergence of Xuntian Dao Chapter, Celestial Xia’s defense power has doubled. In the foreseeable future, this power will continue to increase, which seems to make their goals more difficult to achieve Up.

The name Cai surnamed Profound Venerable said: “High Venerable, Cai thinks, although Dao Chapter appeared, but at this time, it is more urgent than we, should it be Shangchen Heaven, right? If we watch the changes first and wait for Shangchen Heaven to find a way, we can try to learn it again.

Shangchen Heaven, if those people understand the truth, they would not refuse. After all, they also need our Gloom City to contain Celestial Xia. “

As soon as this remark came out, the Profound Venerable in the audience were nodded. This method is actually just waiting. If you don’t say it, it’s entirely about placing expectations on others. It can be described as passive and weak, but it is in their interest.

They normally have their own parties. The cultivator disciple under the seat is all cultivated and recruited by themselves, and if any changes are made, the main city will use this as an excuse to ask them to give something, which is undoubtedly unwilling. saw.

In short, if there are benefits, they are willing to accept them, but want them to take the benefits out, that is extremely difficult.

Xianding Daoist said: “Tsai Profound Venerable said, it also has several points of reason, but my Gloom City can’t count on others at all, and should have its own dependence, but on this matter, there is already a fate , Jin Fellow daoist, let’s talk about it for you.”

Everyone looked at it, and I don’t know when, on a high platform in the distance, there was a daoist wrapped in a dull mist, and none of the people in the room noticed when this person came.

Gan Bai was originally bored. At this moment, he let out a loud voice and couldn’t help revealing his attention.

Because he noticed that this person and him are generally Chaotic Chapter cultivator. Since he moved to Gloom City, he has never known that there is such a person.

At this time, he couldn’t help but think about it. There have been rumors that the eye seal of one of the Six Seals of the Grand Dao fell into Gloom City.

It is said that with the eye seal, Gloom City can observe the person’s future opportunities, so as to select people who are outstanding in terms of funding, and can also observe the shortcomings of the cultivator in fighting, and when the time comes, they also find to avoid Celestial Xia enters the entrance of the inner layer.

In addition to mastering the Mysterious Chaos cultivator of the Grand Dao Chapter, who can hold the eye seal? The appearance of this person made him wonder if this seal would be on this person?

But this is only his suspicion, because no one knows whether Gloom City has other discovered cultivator or Chaotic Chapter cultivator, and until now, he is not sure what the daoist in the seat is obviously cultivating. law. I only know that the one who led the Daoists away from Celestial Xia brought it by hand.

Jin Daoist said at this time: “This Jin recently got something, or may change the situation of my Gloom City. Fellow daoists may wish to take a look.”

Between speaking, he stretched out his hand, and a rays of light scattered in his palm, and went to each platform.

Gan Bai stretched out his hand and saw that it was a token. His thoughts moved, and this symbol turned into a flare of light, and what was contained in it appeared in his mind. “Frost Continent’s creation skill?”

Jin Daoist said: “A few days ago, a disciple in my seat caught a cultivator who had arrived from the inner layer. Although these things are rare, they were not nothing in the past, and there was nothing originally.

But this person was going to destroy something in his body for the first time. After my report was reported, I restored it and found these Frost Continent’s creation skills.

If this method is applied well, although you can’t do it like Celestial Xia’s Dao Chapter, it can generally connect the heavens, but if it is only used on my Gloom City to find the inner layer portal, it is enough. “

Then Cai Profound Venerable will wait and see, “Gold Profound Venerable, I think from what I said above, this method of creation can only be used by the so-called frost people? Where are we going to find some frost people?”

Jin Profound Venerable said: “This Jin has been checked. The frost people are originally Celestial Xia people, but they are only contaminated with some Nightmare Demon parasitic insects. This has caused a metamorphosis, we only need to draw a group of people It’s just coming out to reform, and these Frost Continent only talk about Bloodline, not cultivation cultivation technique, which is more beneficial to us.”

At this moment, Proven Venerable asked again: “Gold fellow daoist, I wonder where the cultivator from the inner layer is now?”

Jin Profound Venerable said: “People are still being held at my discipline, but this person’s memory has been banned. It should be a Profound Venerable pen of a certain person. It can’t be forcibly peeped, so it can only be temporarily detained.”

Xianding daoist said: “I intend to adopt the method of golden follow daoist. First, a group of frost people will be created. If it is useful, then it will be pushed to the cities. What do you think?”

People here will understand that this is for them to come out, but if this method is successful, it can indeed strengthen its own strength. The changes on the Celestial Xia side are obvious to all.

Several Profound Venerables spoke at the moment, expressing their willingness to accept the object, but the rest did not speak, apparently preparing to take a look at the judgment first.

Gan Bai pouted, and there was also no sound.

He had been staying outside and staying in the house, and he knew very well that since this thing was created, it was by no means simple. This looks at this is just a skill, but there may be more skills involved behind it, and the manpower and material resources to be paid in it are by no means a few, he is unwilling to worry about this mind.

You have Dao Chapter, what more creation?

Clear sky and clouds, guarding the inner palace of Zhengzheng Palace.

Zhang Yu is thinking about it. It has been more than a month since he opened the dao temple that day. In addition to his daily cultivation, he has been deducing magic mantra here.

In Profound Court, there are actually a lot of writings about Grand Chaos, but it’s not as good as Huo Heng, a person who specializes in cultivation of chaos. That’s all, but it can also give him certain proof and inspiration, so it is After he came back, he also read a lot.

With this quiet reading, he gradually had some thoughts in his heart, but when he was about to take the photos, he suddenly felt a sense and couldn’t help but stop to look out.

Deity Duty said outside the hall door: “Shouzheng, Tang Profound Venerable came to visit.”

Zhang Yu thoughts stirred, this person has not heard of it before. If there is no accident, this person is probably a Profound Venerable in upper layer closed-door cultivation.

Profound Venerable in the upper layer, not all will come out to hold the position of Profound Court, some Profound Venerable still adhere to the past closed-door cultivation way, rarely come out to ask foreign affairs, but sometimes also Will look around for visits.

However, when he thinks about the situation like that, it seems that Heavenly Secrets is blocking it. This person’s intention is not so simple.

His pupil light moved slightly and got up and walked out to the top of the main hall. Then he asked Deity to bring people in.

After a while, I saw a lentist daoist walked into the great hall from outside. This person has wide-sleeved robes, embraces whisk, and has a clear beard. The ebony hairpin is on the bun. Yu bowed, said: “Zhang Shouzheng, Poor Daoist Thomson, courteous.”

Zhang Yu raised his sleeves with another gift and said, “Tong Profound Venerable came to my main palace, I don’t know why?”

Town Profound Venerable looked at him for a while, but sighed aloud, “Zhang Shouzheng, but you know that what you have done in recent days is already hindering the number of days. If you don’t try to reduce it, Calamity Tribulation will come.”

Zhang Yu lightly said: “Oh? Then I will ask for advice.”



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