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Among Zhang Yu’s eyes, there is thunderbolt overflowing at this moment, one after another light stream flickers from time to time, and it takes a while to calm down.

At this time, there was a clear light flashed on wasteland, and Gao Mo incarnation appeared outside of the great array. He glanced at the empty beaded bead floating on the top, cautiously standing outside, rumors inside. Said: “fellow daoist, what’s wrong?”

He just noticed in the Profound Mansion that the entire land under his feet seemed to be moved and moved towards a certain direction. This force made him have to treat it seriously, so he was strengthening the inner continent. After the restriction array, I rushed over immediately.

Zhang Yu looked at all around at this moment, and saw that there were no traces of this different God, so he stretched out his hand and called, and put the empty beaded bead back into his sleeve. Then he stepped out of the array restriction and appeared in front of Gao Mo. He said to the latter: “Fellow daoist Gao, this battle is over, the different God has been killed by me.”

When Gao Mo heard this, his expression was slightly relaxed, nodded and said: “That’s good.”

He never doubted that Zhang Yu could win this battle. The Profound Court is upright. With sufficient preparation in advance, it is impossible for him to beat a different God.

In fact, he is more worried than this. Someone behind him is pushing the matter, so he can take advantage of the situation to do something with Yiluo Superior Continent. Fortunately, facts prove that he is worrying too much.

Because there was nothing wrong, he said a few words with Zhang Yu, then left and returned to Zhouzhong to sit in town.

Zhang Yu is now calling out the Profound Chapter of the Grand Dao to take a look. During his confrontation with the different God, there was no obvious change in the continents. This should be able to show that the different God and There is nothing directly involved in the recent changes in the rift, and there is obviously another reason for this matter.

And the results cannot be calculated on Profound Court. If it is not that the person who calculates deliberately did not contribute, then someone on the other side deliberately shielded Heavenly Secrets.

Such things are common in the past, because if you don’t do this, every invasion of Shangchen Heaven and Gloom City will be blocked by Celestial Xia.

It is actually easier to hide Heavenly Secrets than to calculate Heavenly Secrets, because the former only requires pure confusion, while the latter requires necessary conditions and long-term deduction. Therefore, Celestial Xia cannot fully take the initiative in this regard.

But this situation itself undoubtedly means that those outer layer forces have to act again.

In fact, whether Shangchen Heaven or Gloom City, or those beyond heaven evil god, generally speaking, there are only a few methods that can be used.

The most likely one is the plan to open up the inner outer layer boundary last time and expand the portal.

Because this is undoubtedly the easiest and most convenient way. It not only allows the outer layer to penetrate in, but also the number of people passing through, it may also provoke the Chaos Tide of the inner layer, making Celestial Xia restrained by a part of the force and no time. Go all out to deal with them.

Fortunately, there are resident sites on all continents inside and outside of the country to conduct inspections. Whenever there is a movement, he will know it in time, and he will be fully prepared for this generation.

He glanced at the front, and the different God had been removed, so he should have gone back. As for those god’s progeny follower god who may still be called, because the level of strength is not high, Yiluo Superior Continent can deal with it by himself, and he does not need to intervene.

He took out a bamboo tube from his sleeve, and muttered magic mantra silently. In a moment, thousands of thin bamboo sticks emerged from the atmosphere and turned into a long river of azure qi, all gathered in the sound of crash-bang Within the bamboo tube.

Then the light clouds above the sky melted, and a huge void appeared. As soon as he moved his sleeves, he turned a vast clear light back to the upper layer.

Above the wasteland, Zhu Feng stands on a stone cliff eroded by the wind, looks at the pink petals in the palm of his hand, and quickly loses the color of life, and then shatters in the wind.

She couldn’t help but sighed lightly: “This place is still so desolate. It was like this when I was in retreat, and it is still like this. It seems that there has been no change for more than two hundred years.”

Speaking of this, she seemed to complain and pity herself: “At the beginning, I left Celestial Xia with Yuan Tong and Bi Ming, two fellow daoists, and we should create heaven and earth separately, but I did both of them. I don’t like it, but I parted ways in the end. Yuan Tong was taken by the grandson Qian, and Bi Ming’s fellow daoist was missing, and I didn’t know where I was hiding in the cultivation. I alone still wandered here…”

The letter flew to her side, yelling: “True Zhu Feng, don’t mourn the spring and fall anymore, you are a Profound Venerable with the same life as the world.”

Zhu Feng shook his head and sighed: “Without Xuan Liang, where would you have the life of heaven and earth, there is nothing invincible in this world.”

The letter flew back and forth around her, yelling: “If you don’t have it, look for it. What’s the use of sighing here, I don’t have to lose my ambition.”

Zhu Feng said ill-humoredly: “Your words are really annoying.” Her eyes flashed, “But you are right, there are some things to find.”

The letter proudly said: “Yeah, I’m just a letter. If I were a cultivator… alas…”

Zhu Feng caught it in her hand and kneaded it twice. She smiled and said softly: “If you were a cultivator, I would have pinched you to death.”

The letter suddenly felt her hand loose and flew out in a hurry, but this time he didn’t dare to speak too much. At this moment, it deeply understood that it is easy to speak big words, but the most useful thing is the fist.

At this time, it turned around, seeming to feel something, and exclaimed with excitement: “True person Zhu Feng, this is here, right in front.”

Zhu Feng stared at it. As Zhang Yu guessed, Shangchen Heaven sent this letter this time to let her cooperate with the outer layer to open up the inner outer sect households in a place far away from Celestial Xia 13 continents.

However, the inner layer portal can be beyond 13 continents, but the outer layer end must be within the envelope of 28 Constellations, so when you start it, Celestial Xia must discover it. In order to maintain the portal, one Fighting is inevitable.

But she looked at it for a while, but frowned slightly.

The letter sensed her emotions and asked, “Mr Zhu Feng, is there anything wrong?”

Zhu Feng shook his head and said, “Chaos Tide is too prosperous here.”

The letter shook and asked, “What about it?”

Zhu Feng said: “There will be many uncertainties in the rich Chaos Tide. If you communicate with the outside world here, I am afraid that there will be many hidden dangers.”

The letter said disapprovingly: “What are you afraid of? Huo, Huo, Huo will not show up here.”

Seeing that he didn’t even dare to say his name, Zhu Feng said curiously: “Who is this person?”

The letter is a little reluctant, saying: “This is not easy to talk about, you guys told me to mention this person less.”

Zhu Feng smiled softly. At this moment, he gently twisted the corners of his sleeves and brushed his white hand. The rock platform under his feet instantly became clean and smooth, and the surrounding flowers were blooming. She sat down and said, “It seems that there have been a lot of changes over the past two hundred years, so please tell me about it.”

Zhang Yu returned to the clear sky land. He turned his mind and returned to the Shouzheng Palace. At this time, he flicked his sleeve, and as the two spiritual lights vacated, the two borrowed magical items flew together. Came out.

he extends a finger, but to return these two things to Profound Court, the bamboo tube turned into a rays of light and flew away, but the “empty do not robbery bead” circled him, and He wandered back and forth around his sleeves, seemingly reluctant to go back.

He knew it well. After this battle, this thing seemed to have been refined once, but he got closer to him.

This is also natural. The magical item also pays attention to the fate of the master. Obviously, this magical item is closely related to him, so he refuses to leave.

But this is a magical item borrowed from Profound Court. He takes it as his own impossible. Next time, if there is a chance, he may use it again. At the moment, a thought was passed, and the Jiezhu got his promise, and then circled around him again, then turned into a rays of light and left.

Zhang Yu looks at this rays of light, feeling a little bit in his heart, the magical item has greatly improved the cultivator battle strength.

Just now, this different God is actually quite good. If you let go of fighting under normal circumstances, even if you can smoothly surrender it, the Yiluo Superior Continent on the side will inevitably suffer an impact, but with the help of magical item Later, it was totally two results.

But if you can really change as you wish, including magical items in the Heart Light magical power, a cultivator can only handle one or two that’s all at most. No matter how much it is, one is that there is no free time, but it will become a burden if there is more, because the cultivator also needs to drive the magical item when it improves the cultivation.

Once it cannot be driven, there will be barriers again. If it is more serious, it will hinder the cultivation. The choice here is difficult to grasp, and only the cultivator knows it.

Compared with other Profound Venerables, his duty of keeping integrity is that he can borrow various magical items to deal with the enemy. Although he cannot use it in fierce fighting, even if he only takes a protection treasure, It’s the first to get a chance.

While thinking, the rays of light in front moved, and the daoist appeared there in the next week, bowed him, respectfully said: “Stay right.”

Seeing him coming, Zhang Yu asked: “Is there anything wrong with the fellow daoist tomorrow?”

Ming Zhou daoist respectfully said: “Shouzheng, Cen Chuancen Profound Venerable of Righteous Purity lineage returned to Profound Court the day before, so the court ordered to tell Shouzheng the next day.”

Zhang Yu thoughts stirred, nodded, saying: “I understood.”

He understands the meaning of Profound Court. Cen Chuan was only called back temporarily. Now the charge of this person’s body has not been cleared out, so Profound Court still needs to monitor it, and as a defender, this and the others It is within the scope of his supervision.

But this also shows Profound Court’s attitude. If this person is really cleansed of the guilt, as long as he does not violate the law, then the Righteous Purity lineage is highly likely to return.

He feels that Righteous Purity lineage will not give up his persistence, otherwise he would have tried to return to Profound Court proactively. He believes that other people can also see this, so it is obvious that this lineage is Profound Court. Used to maintain the court balance.

He thought about it for a while, and now he has Xuntian Dao Chapter, Mysterious Chaos, or the foundation of profound techniques, but because there is not enough power on the Profound Court to maintain, overall It looks a little vain.

Fortunately, Xuntian Dao Chapter was recognized by the five executives. At present, it seems that no one can overthrow it. But the future is very difficult to say.

So on the one hand, he has to improve his strength, and on the other hand, he has to try to gain a higher position in order to be able to make his own voice, and at the same time to find more colleagues in the process.

Now Xuntian Dao Chapter is like the soil where the seeds are planted, waiting for more power to support the profound techniques to break through the ground. It takes patience and waiting here, but at the same time it needs to do its best to provide shelter.

Thinking of this, he withdrew his thoughts, sank his mind, and began to check the gains of this battle.



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