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Cen Daoist this time took a flying boat and turned several Superior Continents in a row. Every time, he disposes of those who abuse the Righteous Purity name on the spot. Even after the deceased, he is ruthless.

Now because of Dao Chapter, the continents are no longer as closed as before. What happens in one place can be known almost immediately in the other place.

Therefore, it is 13 Superior Continent. It is now known that the Righteous Purity lineage has returned with Profound Venerable. At this moment, people who have borrowed the name of Righteous Purity to act in the past are being eliminated.

This action really caused panic among many people.

The title of Righteous Purity lineage in the past is very useful, because the background of this lineage is large enough, and it was expelled early, even if it is used, no one will pursue it, and regardless of the past or the present, Quite a few true cultivators agree with their approach.

When doing some sneaky things, if you borrow the name of Righteous Purity, you can always reduce some obstacles, and even if there is a problem, you can push it on the Righteous Purity lineage, so this lineage did not take it in the past. The notoriety that shouldn’t be there.

But the Righteous Purity lineage is not really innocent. Some of the left-over disciples of this generation have been secretly targeting the profound cultivator, and many of those who borrow the name of Righteous Purity are also deliberately promoted and let loose.

And now that they heard about this, these people were afraid that they would be found by the Righteous Purity lineage. Many people immediately went to the continental government office to sue themselves. Although they are unavoidable from being punished, they can at least save themselves. The remaining people who thought they had committed too much and too much, they all went dormant and lurked.

These are exactly what Cen Daoist hopes to see.

Using severe measures to deter cultivators is far more useful than simply purging, and it is not easy to cause too much confusion, because this is likely to cause dissatisfaction in the Profound Court.

After this is done, he can use this just and honorable to return to the Profound Court, thus gaining authority.

On the way to the next Superior Continent, he said to the confidant who stood behind him: “After reading these days, what do you think is the situation of various continents now?”

The disciple couldn’t help showing a worrisome color, saying: “I don’t know the outer layer now, but from the inner layer, the profound cultivator powers are all over various continents, and now there is Dao Chapter connecting with each other, it is already difficult to control. , Master, we are going to be faster.”

Cen Daoist said: “I have waited for 300 or so years, is it still so short? This trip, there is something worth noting.”

Disciple hurriedly asked for advice: “I wonder what Master refers to?”

Cen Daoist said slowly: “I’m talking about creation.”

Disciple puzzled: “creation?”

Cen Daoist said: “Although the creation is now unremarkable, it can be hard to say. The dispute between us and the profound cultivator is, in the final analysis, the dispute between the dao cultivator. It can be regarded as an internal dispute. No matter who loses, the method of cultivating can be used. Save it, but if it involves creation, then it’s a foreign dispute. If one day, the creation overrides we, do you think anyone in the world will cultivate?”

disciple hesitantly said: “creation, isn’t it?”

These days have turned, and he has seen many novel things.

To be honest, the Celestial Xia more than 300 years ago, including the more distant time, there is actually no fundamental difference in the dunya, but now it is different. People’s livelihood has been greatly improved, and every time there is With the emergence of new things, and now with these results, the creation skill can be regarded as indispensable.

But no matter what, if there is no upper layer power, it can be overturned between the palms of the hand, and it will not threaten them.

Cen Daoist shook his head and said: “No, it’s more terrifying than that.” His voice turned cold, and said: “If I regain power in the future, this thing must be suppressed!”

On the other side, Zhu Feng didn’t want to go forward. The letter was really desperate, so she had to take the quotation mark given to it by the former and head towards the 13th continent, hoping to find a suitable one for her. The discipline.

Wandering outside for dozens of days, it finally brought a girl from the 14th Five-Year Plan to Zhu Feng, but the entire letter has become ignorant at this moment, even the bright rays of light that originally existed on the envelope. A layer of bleakness.

Zhu Feng looks at the timid girl, astonished and said: “I really am from Celestial Xia, where did you find her?”

Book channel: “The villain found it in a native settlement. Those natives worship her as Deity. She should be the discipline of the cultivator scattered in the wasteland after the arrival of Chaos Tide. The real person is 13 continents away. It’s too far, the villain can’t find anyone.”

Zhu Feng’s expression indifferently said: “But she has already cultivated the Chaotic Chapter method, how can I continue to pass on my Legacy?” She sighed: “You are still not enough, what do you say to you? What to do?”

The letter trembled. It really doesn’t know Zhu Feng’s true thoughts now, and hurriedly called out, “Wait, wait, although she has repaired Chaotic Chapter, she can communicate with Dao Chapter. So you can find the right person through this chapter.”

Zhu Feng said: “Of course you have several points of truth, but you need a seal to enter the Dao Chapter of Xuntian. How do you find it now?”

The letter hurriedly said: “I have, I have carried jade here.”

Zhu Feng pupil light turned and said: “Oh? What are you doing with this thing?”

The letter said with some guilty conscience: “This is not a very important matter. Lord is afraid that the two sides will lose contact at a critical time. So the villain is asked to carry a piece of carried jade, when the time comes in case it comes out If you find a profound cultivator, can you send it in time…”

Zhu Feng said with a slight smile: “Oh? Really? Your consideration is really thoughtful.”

The letter looks at her smile, I can’t help being scared witless, I can only laugh twice, hehe,

Zhu Feng took a white hand and said: “Bring it.”

The book said: “Yes.” It hurriedly sent Tuoyu to Zhu Feng’s white palm.

After Zhu Feng took it, she said gently to the girl: “What’s your name?”

The girl said: “The girl’s name is Du Xiaoxiao.”

Zhu Feng said: “Do you have any elders?”

Du Xiaoxiao shook the head.

Zhu Feng sighed and said: “Poor child.” She reached out and handed the carried jade to Du Xiaoxiao’s hand, “Take it, do you know how to use it?”

Du Xiaoxiao nodded, she took the carried jade with both hands, and looked up at Zhu Feng and said: “The paper says you can be my teacher.”

Zhu Feng stroked her girl’s corner lightly, and said: “Unfortunately you can’t do my inheritance discipline. Just be an honorary disciple. Maybe I can bring my inheritance back in the future.”

Du Xiaoxiao thought for a while, bowed to her, and said: “Meet the teacher,”

Zhu Feng sighed and said, “No need to be polite.” She took a step from her sleeve and shook it out, “Take it, this magical item is used when the teacher cultivates for a while, so I will give it to you. “

Du Xiaoxiao took it carefully and put it away, and bowed again, saying: “Thank you teacher.”

Zhu Feng lifted his hand lightly and motioned her to use the carried jade. Du Xiaoxiao called out the Chaotic Chapter of the Grand Dao, picked up the carried jade in his hand, and while breathing, the object turned into jade powder and fell.

She saw that there were two more seals on the Grand Dao Chapter, and according to the letter, she wanted to poke one seal into it. After a while, her eyes lit up.

At this moment, Zhu Feng’s magical power turned and instantly communicated with Du Xiaoxiao’s mind.

Grand Dao Chapter can only be seen by the cultivator itself, even Profound Venerable can’t be seen directly, but she can recreate a scene of the performance through the reflection of Du Xiaoxiao’s mind, so she just waits if she sees it Arrived.

But it’s limited to this. Even if she wants to do something through Dao Chapter, it must be Du Xiaoxiao’s own intentions. Forcing and suggesting are useless.

However, through the reflection of Du Xiaoxiao’s mind, she also gradually learned the things in Xuntian Dao Chapter, and the elegant eyes have a faint brilliance from time to time.

I just want to do things through Dao Chapter, but it takes a lot of work, which is not difficult for her.

As soon as she turned her elegant eyes, she instructed Du Xiaoxiao to leave a message under Dao Chapter as she ordered.

Although she doesn’t understand the profound techniques, the boundary is there after all. It is very easy to teach some lower-level disciplines. It doesn’t take long to get a lot of work easily.

However, this is no longer her first goal…

At this time, Gan Bo is leaving comments everywhere in Dao Chapter. In these days, he has made up enough merit, and now his merit has already surpassed Ban Lan.

Just when he was eagerly going to trouble Ban Lan, he found that this person was missing. When asked, he said it was a retreat. He couldn’t help feeling very unhappy and could only find the target.

At this time, he noticed Zhu Feng’s message, and he couldn’t help but scream.

These words are very meaningful. They mainly talk about principles, not dao techniques, and in an ancient style, he immediately concluded that the person who left the words must be a true cultivator, and the cultivation base is not weak.

The profound cultivator’s statement about a certain seal is often very accurate. There is nothing to change, and you don’t need to understand it, but true cultivator often uses this set, which usually makes people fall into the cloud. Here, people with bad perceptions don’t know what you are talking about. Most branches will cause misunderstandings.

These words are better. The people behind it obviously also noticed the difference between true cultivator and profound cultivator. Although it is also from the general direction, there is a thread running through it, which will not let people go astray. If you can understand it, you can really get something from it.

But since he saw it, how could he not comment?

He agreed together and left a sentence on it: “I originally had several points of talent, but I wanted to build words for people to guess. If there is no ghost in my heart, why not explain it openly?”

After finishing the approval, he was happy now, so he changed his mind and went elsewhere.

Zhu Feng had done a good job at first. Others saw her words were polite, but when she saw this sentence in Du Xiaoxiao’s mind, she was surprised at first, then annoyed. “Who is this person, more annoying than the thief!”

In the Shouzheng Palace, Zhang Yu was refining Xuanliang. At this moment, he felt a sudden feeling in his heart. He couldn’t help but open his eyes, and his heart called out to call out the Profound Chapter of the Grand Dao. His thoughts were instantly on Dao Chapter. After a transit, I noticed those messages left by Zhu Feng.

But after reading them one by one, he found that the person who left the word on the surface was pointing to others, but what he really wanted to express was more than that.

All the linguistic words and sentences are quaint and timeless, and they also contain some ancient Xia allusions. They have their own connotations. If you can accurately grasp the meaning, then you can extract one or two sentences from them. It means…

Seeing this, his pupil light flashed slightly.



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