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Zhang Yu judged that the other party should have entered a lower layer.

The lower layer and the lower layer are also different. Some lower layers are closely related to the entire inner layer world, and there will be a connected portal between them from time to time. It seems that these places can be used for cultivator communication, while some have lower layers. It is completely unrelated.

If the inner layer is compared to a river, then the lower layers involved in it can be regarded as tributaries. As for the lower layers that have nothing to do with each other, they are purely disjoint water veins, and they need to be connected with each other by something special like the broken boundary beads.

The lower layer entered by this person should belong to the category closely related to the inner layer.

He put away the little wooden boy, pondered, and the boundary in front of him is far away from 13 Superior Continent, so even Celestial Xia doesn’t know the specific situation here. This person from the inner layer wants to be extremely accurate An inner layer entrance is found here, and it can only rely on luck.

But perhaps it was luck.

The chance of a cultivator can be achieved by some kind of chance.

But if newcomer impossible just give up like this, it must be the idea of ​​returning from the lower layer to the inner layer again.

It’s just a Profound Venerable. If you want to return from the lower layer, it’s not easy. There must be something to pull. Therefore, the other party must try to keep some and so on before crossing to the lower layer.

Thinking of this, he used Xuntian Dao Chapter to communicate with Profound Court for a while.

In the past a while, a hole opened up above the sky, and a stream of light fell along with it. When it reached his hand, it had already turned into a crystal clear and near-transparent silver mirror.

He flew the Heart Light in, and there was a layer of light film spreading on the silver mirror, which suddenly enveloped the boundary of a thousand miles.

His gaze fell away. After a while, he saw a vague silhouette standing there not far away. The figure looked like running water and a cloud of mist. This person stood there for a moment and then threw A precious orb, after leaving the body, this thing turned into a stream of light moved towards far away.

He stared in the direction where the jade bead was flying, and his mind turned, Mysterious Chaos Cicada traced out a star light trail and followed this path.

He stood there and waited quietly.

After a while, two sword lights flashed in the distance, but the two flying swords, Song of Cicadas and Firmament Startling, flew back by themselves after killing their respective targets.

He also eliminated the incarnation he was chasing before. This is what followed Mysterious Chaos Cicada. Now the two flying swords are back. It can be concluded from this that the one who escaped into the lower layer is the No doubt the Lord.

After another half of Xia hour, a star light flashed in front of him, Mysterious Chaos Cicada had already escaped back, but the brilliant star fog under the cicada’s feet was wrapped in a bright orb.

He took the orb and inspected it for a while, and he was sure that it was the token left by the one who fled.

If there is no external interference, this person can try to return to the inner layer once a suitable opportunity is found.

But it’s not that he can prevent this person from returning by destroying this thing. There should be more than one person invading the inner layer this time. If everyone is holding each other’s tokens, then they can attract each other. of.

The best way at the moment is to go directly to the inner layer to drive it away or sack it, but there is no rush to do this, but we can wait for the results in other places.

He called Grand Dao Chapter again, contacted Chao Huan with Xuntian Dao Chapter, and reported the situation here to his people.

Now Xuntian Dao Chapter convenience has been accepted by everyone, even in the upper layer. Dao Chapter is convenient to communicate, and there is no need to use any communication items. After all, these items are only pure consumables, and they need to be refined again.

It’s not that the Profound Court wants to save these treasures, but it takes a lot of time to refining these things. The Profound Venerable, who is responsible for the sacrificial vessels, saves these things, so you can focus more on other places.

After a while, there was a rumor from Profound Court, saying that the matter was known, and he was asked to return to the upper layer before discussing it.

When he saw this, he didn’t stay here. He turned into a magnificent clear light and rushed into the sky. After passing the gate, he fell on the land of the sky.

Tomorrow’s daoist was waiting here. There was a flying car by his side. When he saw him turning around, he bowed and said: “Sherence, several Court Managers are invited, please move.”

Zhang Yu nodded, followed Ming Zhou to board the car, the speeding car soared into the air, galloping for a while in the sea of ​​clouds, and fell just before a golden palace.

Without notification, he stepped directly into the palace, and when he reached the main hall, his eyes were swept away, and he saw Wu Qingxu, Zhu Yisheng, and Chao Huan, three Court Managers waiting here.

After seeing the ceremony with the three of them, he said: “I don’t know what the three Court Managers can explain?”

Wu Qingxu said: “Zhang Shouzheng, just now, I have already confirmed that there are two outer layer cultivators sneaking into the inner layer, and they are now chasing down this generation.

Now, only Shouzheng is responsible for determining whereabouts. Shouzheng believes that this person may carry each other’s tokens. Then we may be able to find this person first, and then follow this to find the other two. “

Zhang Yu said: “The meaning of Wu Court Manager is that I should go to the lower layer to capture this person?”

Chao Huan raised his eyebrows and said: “This does not guarantee that this person will be caught. In the lower layer world, even if Zhang Shouzheng can beat that person there, he may not be able to keep him there. .”

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “It is true.”

He still doesn’t know how strong this person is, or how determined the opponent is to fight, but once he goes to the lower layer, this person will leave that place and retreat after being aware of it, that’s really not possible. Caught this person.

Wu Qingxu said solemnly: “This is indeed not the best policy, Zhang Shouzheng, haven’t you found this person’s token of staying outside? Since this person refuses to give up the idea of ​​entering the inner layer, then Try to get him back.”

Zhang Yu understood what he meant, and said: “Does Wu Court Manager want to use this token as bait to lure him back?”

Zhu Yisheng opened the mouth and said at this time: “If it is only the crossing from the lower layer to the inner layer, it will not cause any changes in Chaos Tide. This is feasible.”

Wu Qingxu said: “Zhang Shouzheng, I already have a plan, or I can draw this person out. Take a look. If you think there is anything you need to add, Profound Court can support him.” As soon as he raised his hand, there was a cloud of aura in the hall.

Zhang Yu stared at it for a while, and it was already clear in his heart. He nodded and said: “The arrangement of the Profound Court is very proper, and the Yu has no objection.” He gently waved his sleeve and gave away the jade bead. In the past, said: “Things are here.”

Wu Qingxu reached out his hand to hold this thing, he looked at it, and said: “Then it’s decided.”

Zhang Yu came out of the temple, did not go to the lower realm, but went straight back to the Shouzheng Palace.

This is because no matter how much the person hiding in the lower layer desires to enter the inner layer, he will never come back in a short period of time, and he will definitely stay dormant for a while.

However, Profound Venerable itself has a higher level. If you stay in the lower layer all the time, it will cause the lower layer to gradually separate from the inner layer. The longer the delay, the less the hope of the person coming back.

If this person refuses to give up his own purpose, he will definitely choose to return.

And the jade bead is now in their hands, so no matter when the person chooses to fall, they can’t escape their eyes and eyes, so he doesn’t have to stare at all times.

Just wait until you come down.

After the determination, he returned to the inner hall and sat down, and then entered the holding.

A few days later, there was news that the other two sneaked in. The outer layer cultivator was chased by the Profound Court. In the end, they also chose to escape into the lower layer. They just haven’t found these two people. Leave anything.

After he learned of this, he couldn’t help but change his mind. If only one person chooses to escape into the lower layer, it may be a coincidence, but all escaped into it, which means that the other party is fully prepared. Although the whereabouts of this generation are now determined, he always feels that things are not that simple.

After this news, another half month passed, and a report was sent to the Shouzheng Palace, but it was to inform him that the jade bead had changed.

He immediately went out of the seat, came to the main hall, and looked at the inner layer.

According to Profound Court’s inference, when a Profound Venerable enters the lower layer, it should be disconnected from the inner layer within ten or two ten or so days. Now it’s almost seventeen-eighteen days in the past. If this one does not intend to give up, then in the time he comes down, he should choose to cross over again anyway.

The jade bead has been placed in the original place. In order to reduce its vigilance, there is no array around it, which is actually unnecessary. Profound Court has various methods. As long as the person shows up, Don’t even want to escape again.

He just waited for a long time, a bright ray appeared on the jade bead.

As far as the lower layer is closely related to the inner layer, most of the gateways are more than one, so this one will not necessarily come back from the original entrance, but there is this jade bead, no matter where this person last appeared, Can calculate it, and find this person’s whereabouts.

After a few breaths, he saw the faint glow of the jade bead above surface weakened, and then shattered into a powder.

Ming Zhou daoist appeared next to him at this time, and the judge said: “Shouzheng, the Court Manager Zhong has already estimated the whereabouts of this person, and is now pointing out where to go for Shouzheng.”

Zhang Yu looked up and saw that a golden light shot down from Miaohao Dao Palace to the lower realm, pointing straight to a certain place, he nodded, and his silhouette erratic for a while, he had followed the a golden light to escape to the lower realm .

At the same time, a swirling hole appeared somewhere in wasteland. First, an Essence Soul flew out, and after a round, Su Wei walks from inside.

It’s only been about twenty days for the inner layer, but he stayed in the lower layer, but more than half a year has passed. This period of time is actually quite short for the cultivator, but if he can, he is willing to continue to wait.

No matter what the situation is, he noticed that the lower layer and inner layer he was in was gradually breaking away. This didn’t allow him to wait any longer, so he could only venture to the inner layer again.

Fortunately, it seems that everything is business as usual.

But just when he thought so, the expression changed. In the sky, a vast and boundless golden light suddenly lit up and fell straight toward him!

Fangyuan several thousands li, always shrouded by this light.



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