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Du Xiaoxiao thought for a while and felt that he had indeed gained a lot from Ban Lan’s sermon this time, so he spoke frankly and said: “Very good.”

He Li was very satisfied with her answer and said: “Then fellow daoist will often come to listen to the sermon in the future, and the new fellow daoist can ask Mr. Ban some questions. There is no credit for work. Naturally, if there is If you don’t know anything, you can find He and Mo directly.”

Du Xiaoxiao politely thanked her, but although Ban Lan’s sermons helped her, and He Li looked very enthusiastic, but the long life in wasteland in the past made her face any initiative When approaching people or things, they have a high degree of vigilance.

She has an intuition that the other party does not really want to help her, but has another purpose.

He Li’s tone relaxed at this time, as if chattering generally: “In the past, Mr. Ban only preached in Xuntian Dao Chapter, but now it is not good to come from time to time… Oh, yes, I wonder if the fellow daoist is in the inner layer or the outer layer cultivation?”

Du Xiaoxiao replied: “I have always been in inner layer cultivation before.”

He Li laughed and said: “That’s a coincidence. Mr. Ban has been preaching on the outer layer in the past. Only recently was he invited to teach from the outer layer to the inner layer professor’s discipline. So now Mr. Ban does not speak every day. I can come to Dao Chapter to preach.

Nowadays, there are quite a few inner layer fellow daoists who come to visit him after hearing about this. If the fellow daoist finds it feasible, they can also come and exchange dao techniques together like other fellow daoists. “

After the emergence of Xuntian Dao Chapter, the profound cultivator of various continents relied on Xuntian Dao Chapter to communicate dao techniques at first, but after many cultivators became familiar with each other in Dao Chapter, they naturally had contacts in private. , And each and everyone formed a small circle.

Of course, this is also because nowadays, the paths of Superior Continent are almost all opened after Chaos Tide. Except that it is not easy to cross between the inner outer layers, the communication between the inner continent department on the 13th is much more convenient.

Du Xiaoxiao thought for a while and asked: “Where is Mr. Ban?”

He Li is waiting for her to ask this sentence, smiling replied: “Now Mr. Ban is in Yiluo Superior Continent.”

Du Xiaoxiao said softly, “Yilo Superior Continent?”

He Li said: “Yes, because of the conservative and stubbornness of the last Profound Leader, Yiluo Superior Continent lags far behind all continents and has very few profound cultivators, so Mr. Ban was invited. After Mr. Ban arrived, It also attracted more colleagues.”

paused, he said again: “Mr. Ban is highly valued by the Profound Leader, and he may be famous at some point. At that time, it will be difficult to ask him for advice.”

Du Xiaoxiao said: “Well, I understood.”

He Li knows the truth that the past is not enough, so he didn’t say much, and after a few more polite words, he ended the conversation.

I don’t know why, there is always a feeling of panic in his heart, as if something is wrong. He thought about it, and it felt like the last sentence. That sentence did not seem to be a response, but it seemed that the other party had indicated that he was sure. what.

He shook the head, thinking he might be thinking too much.

At this moment, he heard a call, and immediately retreated from Dao Chapter, put on a respectful posture, bowed to the visitor, and said: “Sir.”

Ban Lan came over, stood still not far in front of him, and asked: “What’s the situation?”

He Li replied: “As always, not at all who come and make trouble.”

Ban Lan un’ed and said: “I have enough cultivation now, but my reputation is not enough. If I want to complete the above explanation, it is still a lot worse. How did I let you get in touch?”

He Li said: “Still testing, but isn’t your husband in Yiluo Superior Continent? Where is the eldest disciple Liang Yi?”

Ban Lan said: “I have seen Liang Yi once or twice, but this person is not easy to contact. It is best to open the gap from the other discipline. I want to be able to worship that person. It’s much easier to do.”

As the cultivation gets higher, he feels that the obstacles outside have also increased, especially when the profound cultivator reaches the fourth chapter. This cultivation base is often exposed to Profound Venerable, although Profound Venerable generally does not spy on others at will Mind, but what if?

Even though he has the talisman given above, these things themselves are suspicious.

Of course, there is another way to get out and go back early.

But he enjoys focal point of ten thousands here, has prestige and status, and if he goes back, he is just a servant that’s all who is called around at any time, and he will never go back.

He needs a sufficient identity to gain a foothold in Celestial Xia.

If it can become a Profound Venerable disciple, all of this can be solved.

Now he believes that pay respects to join Yu Chang’s sect is the most appropriate, because this former apprentice never looked at the specific background, only whether he was a talent.

Now Yu Chang is in desperation, everyone avoids it, and he is easily accepted when he goes up. The best part is that this Profound Venerable is being held in custody, and even if he pays respects to join, he won’t break his mind.

He Li said: “The subordinate recently tested Bian Lan’s tone, and also said that her husband wants to pay respects to join Profound Venerable Yu’s affairs. However, this person is serious in life, but he refuses to let go and asks Mr. Whether there is any merit or not, the subordinate feels that if the gentleman can achieve any great merit, he can be accepted.”

Ban Lan’s eyes flickered at this time. After a while, he said slowly: “Recently, the outer layer will have a fellow daoist coming. Now it is not convenient for me to show up. You will take someone to meet you. Remember, even if it is They asked you not to pass messages through Dao Chapter.”

He Li’s expression shrank, and said: “Subordinates understand.” He tried to ask again: “Sir, they are…”

Ban Lan said indifferently: “Don’t think too much, they have other arrangements for this trip, and there is no conflict with our affairs. You will come back as soon as possible after you finish.”

He Li sighed in relief and said: “Mr.”

On the other side, Yue Luo stopped when she saw the rays of light flashing on the Du Xiaoxiao talisman seal, and hurriedly asked: “Xiaoxiao, who are you talking to, is that Mr. Ban? He? Didn’t you let you do anything?”

Du Xiaoxiao replied: “No.”

Yue Luo relaxed, pats on the chest, and said: “That’s good.” Then she smiled, “By the way, give you this, it’s fun here.”

Du Xiaoxiao immediately discovered that there was a little seal on Dao Chapter, with the word “different smell” on it.

She tried to attach her mind to it, and as the light curtain in front of her changed, she realized that she was in a dao chamber again.

She looked at it again and realized that this place was different from the simple discuss the dao, it was a place for purely talking about the world and sharing all kinds of strange news.

However, since this is not a rigorous dao technique debate, true or false news is flooded with it.

Ding Ying heard a voice at this time, saying: “Little Luo, Xiaoxiao, come and look at the message at the top. It is said that before Celestial Xia, a cultivator has reached this world, and that someone is in wasteland. I saw the Cave Mansion of the cultivator that came here earlier, and there are hidden pill and magical items left by the old cultivator.”

Yue Luo heard about this for the first time, said curiously: “Is this true?”

Du Xiaoxiao did not speak, but silently said in her heart: “It’s true.”

Qingqi Land, Cen Daoist was leading the way by the daoist of Ming Zhou and was walking along the corridor to the temporary pavilion with numerous disciples.

At this time, he looked towards the pavilion to the south, and saw that the restriction array was transported there, and the spiritual light was long. It was obvious that someone lived there, and the one who could settle here was undoubtedly the identity of Profound Venerable, so he stood still. , Asked: “Which fellow daoist is there?”

Ming Zhou daoist replied: “A few days ago, Zhu Feng Profound Venerable returned to Celestial Xia, where Zhu Profound Venerable temporarily lived.”

“Zhu Feng?”

Cen Daoist sighed and said: “When she left Celestial Xia with Bi Ming and Yuan Tong, I thought I would be a rival to meet again/goodbye in the future. I didn’t expect her to come back. The wilderness is lonely, and people are impatient.”

Ming Zhou daoist said with a slight smile: “The world is unpredictable, won’t Cen Profound Venerable come back today as well?”

Cen Daoist glanced at him.

He flicked his sleeves, didn’t say anything, and continued to move forward. After a while, the entire group walked into the pavilion with more than ten palace platforms.

Cen Daoist ordered the disciples to arrange for each, and he said: “I have visited many continents in the inner layer, but as long as the profound cultivator, I have used the Dao Chapter of Xuntian. I heard that this chapter of create is the Zhang Shouzheng, don’t you know if Zhang Shouzheng is in the Shouzheng Palace? I want to visit this one.”

Ming Zhou Daoist said: “I will ask tomorrow Monday.” After a while, he replied: “Cen Profound Venerable, Zhang Shouzheng is in retreat, I am afraid it will be inconvenient to entertain guests.”


Cen Daoist Hehe smiled and said: “I heard that he has captured two outer layer peers this time. It seems that he is quite exhausting. That’s all, I will wait until his cultivation is restored, and then come to visit. .”

He waved his hand, and the daoist bowed next week, the silhouette disappeared.

Cen Daoist walked to the inner hall of the garrison. He took out a jade talisman, flicked it at the jade bib in front, and turned into a rays of light and fell into it.

After a while, Zhong Daoist silhouette appeared from inside, and he said, “Brother Cen Dao, is this trip going well?”

Cen Daoist said: “The courtesy will be eliminated. Cen is not talking about this. Cen just wants to ask, Court Manager Zhong, do you have arrangements?”

Zhong Daoist said: “Cen Dao brother is not anxious. Although Shangchen Heaven and Gloom City are retiring, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not return in a swirl of dust. Now the first priority is to guard against this generation. Regarding the arrangement of Cen Dao brother, Dao brother, wait a moment, after a while, Zhong will mention this in the court meeting.”

Cen Daoist said: “Okay, then I’ll wait a little longer, but when I just came over, I saw that Zhu Feng was also back. I have heard about Bi Ming, Zhu Feng and Yuan Tong in the past. I left Celestial Xia to find something. Does Zhong Court Manager know?

Zhong Daoist showed a hint of surprise on his face, and said: “There is such a thing? Zhong has never heard of it.”

“Oh?” Cen Daoist glanced at him meaningfully and said: “The Court Manager Zhong doesn’t know that’s all. Then I will ask another day to catch Yuan Tong’s eldest grandson, Fellow Daoist.”



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