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After the court meeting ended, Zhong Court Manager returned to Miao Hao Dao Palace. Cen Daoist had already waited here. He stood with his sleeves down and said, “Brother Zhong Dao is back. I don’t know how to return to the court meeting. ?”

Zhong Daoist walked in and said: “The court has agreed to expand the government in Zengzhou, and is still discussing which government to expand. When this matter is drawn up, I will find a Profound Leader for the fellow daoist. Position.”

Speaking, he made a please gesture, Cen Daoist nodded, and then went to sit down with him in the inner hall, and at the moment Dao child came over to deliver tea.

Zhong Daoist said: “Cen Dao brother used to be Court Manager in the past. If it is not difficult to become a Profound Leader, it is up to Dao brother himself to make enough achievements in this position.”

Cen Daoist said: “Then Cen needs to go to a place where I can make contributions. I have been away from Celestial Xia for a long time. The situation is unknown. Can brother Zhong Dao have any suggestions?”

Zhong Daoist stretched out his hand, and a Celestial Xia map appeared in front of him. There were more than 13 Superior Continents on it, and the remaining hundreds of Protectorates were also listed.

He said: “On this premise, please discuss Zengzhou’s expansion of the government. Zhong has already thought about it. Zhong thinks that if it is Zengzhou’s expansion, these Protectorates should be among the list.”

While speaking, there are more than ten Protectorates flickering on the light curtain, which are roughly distributed in four directions. He only continued to say: “But if you want to make a difference, there are only two of the most It is hopeful.”

He clicked on two of the Protectorates again, “Zhong thinks it is best for a fellow daoist to go to these two places.” He paused, “But now everything is undecided. Court Managers have different opinions. These two places may not necessarily be promoted to a continent.”

Cen Daoist took a look and said, “Cen took it down.” He bowed, “As for coming down, please ask Zhong Dao brother.”

Zhong Daoist still has a gift in the seat.

As soon as the Cen Daoist silhouette disperses, it disperses like light and shadow, leaving only a jade bead in the same place, but this bead is then turned into a pile of debris. This time I came here, only one of his sustenances. shadow that’s all.

After Feng Daoist left the court meeting, he did not immediately return to Dao Palace, but communicated with Gao Daoist first, and then went directly to the front of Shouzheng Palace to see Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu is cultivating in the dao temple at the moment, but because the dao temple is not isolated from the Shouzheng Palace, and relying on the clear dome Magnetic-Essence Force is also connected to each other, so after he had to report, he transferred back to the Shouzheng Palace. Bring the wind daoist in.

Feng Daoist met him with the ceremony, and sat down in the hall, and came down to explain the matter of the court. Then he said: “Zhong Weiwu’s move is obviously because the previous plan failed, and I am afraid that my Mysterious Chaos Er Dao will be so powerful, so I want to use this to suppress we.”

Different from Zhong Daoist, his focus is not on which Protectorate will be promoted into a continent, but on who will be the Profound Leader after this matter.

As a profound cultivator, he can see clearly that Zhong Weiwu is to fight against the current Mysterious Chaos 2nd Dao cultivator. The cultivator occupies a lot of positions, so he came up with the meaning of Zengzhou’s expansion. Originally, the Profound Venerable of closed-door cultivation was arranged above all important positions.

Wait for a few more decades, if these people can accumulate merits, or make special merits, they can become powerful candidates for the Profound Court Court Manager.

However, he was not at all opposed at the time, because Zhong Weiwu did have several points of truth when he was able to speak. Furthermore, Chaotic Chapter cultivator led by Court Manager Chen did not object. Because the latter believes that all positions of impossible are arranged with true cultivator, Chaotic Chapter cultivator will inevitably be arranged.

The only thing that suffers here is the profound cultivator. Even if the four of them are included, only Shi Cheng can be pushed out, but the problem is that this one didn’t have any ambition in the past, and now he puts his mind and body on deducing perfect cultivation technique. It is obvious that he should come out to compete for fame. impossible.

Fortunately, there is another person suitable here.

He looked towards Zhang Yu and said sincerely: “Fellow daoist Zhang, compared to others, I hope you can stand up as a government Profound Leader. Don’t think the fellow daoist is now upright, but you can only sit in the continental government. With such achievements, it is possible to sit on the position of Court Manager in the future. Now that we have this opportunity, why not try it?”

Zhang Yu thought about it briefly, then said: “The words of the wind fellow daoist, the Yuhui thinks about it.”

Wind daoist nodded, he is here today for this. Since he has said something, he didn’t say any more, and immediately got up to say goodbye.

Zhang Yu got up and saw him off. When he was sent away and turned back to the hall, he also thought deeply.

His righteousness is a constant shot, and the Profound Court is irretrievable, which means that he can also serve as a Profound Leader. Of course, there will be resistance here.

However, in order to complete his own Taoism, in addition to providing his own cultivation base cultivation, he must also pursue a higher status.

Although Profound Court can’t take his position, but now he can’t interfere with Profound Court’s decision, and if he wants to have the right to speak in Profound Court, he can only go as a Court Manager.

So if there is a chance, we still have to fight.

He walked to the front, flicked his sleeve, and the map of the foreign continent in Celestial Xia appeared in front of him.

His gaze shifted, and he landed on Eastern Court Protectorate.

He thinks that if you want to promote Protectorate to a capital, then Eastern Court Protectorate is a suitable choice.

It’s not because he came from here, but because it’s different from other places. It’s located at the eastern end of the Celestial Xia territory, and it also conceals an unexplored land, which is of extraordinary significance, and the population of Eastern Court Compared with other Protectorates, it can at least be included in the top ten.

And there are many secrets hidden behind this land. Even out of the consideration of its own responsibility to uphold integrity, it is very necessary to take this opportunity to be promoted to Fuzhou and place a Profound Venerable or Profound Venerable incarnation here to guard it. of.

Ten days later, Jade Capital, Qiong Platform.

After Yang Ying got up in the morning, she washed and bathed, put on a deep blue uniform, and walked to the window sill.

In the past ten years, she is now a young woman in her twenties, valiant and formidable looking, with a delicate and beautiful face. She is now in the most beautiful period of a woman’s life.

Because of her Celestial Xia bloodline, her long-standing Celestial Xia etiquette and the simple breathing technique taught to her by Zhang Yu, this beauty is likely to continue for 30 years or even 40 years.

She looked out of the window sill. Under the blue sky, in the distance stood a great stage with a flat roof that seemed to compete with the sky. It stood tall and majestic.

On the top of the great stage, there are many flying eaves and corners, like the Qionglou of the jade palace, the front of the magnificent palace wall welcomes the first ray of sunlight in the morning, and reflects outward a brilliant golden glow .

That is the original Shangtai, the main hub of Jade Capital, and the place where the government officials are in charge of government affairs.

Looking from a distance, Hong Xia leveled above the great stage, and the sky was short and the clouds were low, showing a magnificent imposing manner, which made people feel humble and small.

There was a knock on the door, followed by a female voice: “Are the guards commander ready?”

Yang Ying turned around and said: “Come in.”

As soon as the door opened, a woman wearing glasses, full of scholarly flavor, wearing a skirt and holding a jade board in her hand walked in, and next to her was a smaller figure wearing a profound cultivator robe, She looks very quiet and beautiful girl.

Behind the two of them, followed by a tall, burly female guard dressed in a divine robe.

The woman came over, faced her curtsies, and said: “guards commander, we are all ready, can we set off?”

Yang Ying turned her gaze, and the female guard immediately handed her military cap over. She took it and hugged it in her arms and said: “Let’s go.”

Everyone gave way.

Yang Ying strolled out of the gate and walked forward along the corridor. The woman and the girl in the robe immediately followed. Lines of guards wearing divine robe on both sides of the corridor joined the queue immediately after she passed by. .

After the entire group walked out of the arched porch of the residence, the whole body was silver-white, as if the gorgeous flying boat with dazzling rays of light had already parked there.

As their entire group approached, a row of hatches opened above the boat.

Su Qian walked into the boat and walked into the main cabin along the cabin passage. After sitting down, she said to the quiet girl in the profound cultivator robes: “Sister Jia Yue, let’s start today. I went to visit Elder Su. He was Colonel Su’s father. He was once the head of the Celestial Ministry. Although he has retired now, he has a very good personal relationship with a certain photographer. Maybe he can say something about Protectorate’s.”

She learned the day before yesterday that Profound Court decided to increase income and expand the government. She knew that once Eastern Court Protectorate became a state, it would be fully promoted and supported by Profound Court and Jade Capital. The advantage is Immeasurable.

As a member of Eastern Court, she also hopes to contribute to her hometown, and she doesn’t think Eastern Court is better than other places.

Jia Yue listened quietly. She was transferred to protect Yang Ying from the outer layer ten days ago to protect Yang Ying. At the same time, she is responsible for communicating all aspects of communication with Xuntian Dao Chapter. In fact, the latter is the main need for her to come here. Do things. So she just treats herself as a messenger and will not express any opinions indiscriminately.

At this moment, inside a white jade platform opposite the Qiong Yue Platform, through the colored glaze bi, two young men are looking at the silver flying boat below.

One of the handsome men in their twenties and full length gown said: “Is the one just past Yang Ying?”

Standing next to him was a youngster who was about his age but was slightly thinner. He said, “Brother Wei, that’s her.”

He thought for a while, and said: “Eastern Court Protectorate has great hopes of being promoted to the continent this time, at least greater than our hopes. I hope Brother Wei can help us this time.”

The man surnamed Wei said: “Although his grandfather was promoted to Imperial court early that year, he also spent a lot of effort when he was appointed as Longya Protectorate. It can be said that the Longya Protectorate was established by his Senior. Brother Shi feels at ease. , I will try my best to help you.”

He looked at that flying boat slowly flew up, and flew in the south-east direction, revealing an expression that was not unexpected, saying: “Yang Ying this time is nothing more than visiting Su Lao, Su Lao used to He has a great influence in the military, but after he retired in the past few years, his favors have been used a little less, and he may not be able to help with all his energy.”

The man surnamed Shi is a little uneasy, “Yes, just in case…”

The man surnamed Wei is faintly smiled, looks at the flying boat in the rays of light on Qingchen, and gradually goes away, believing himself: “My Weishi does things, never in case.”



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