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Shortly after Yang Ying entire group came out of Glass Jade Heavenly Palace, the man surnamed Wei also received a report at his residence.

He turned it over twice, slightly smiled, and handed it to the man surnamed Shi who had been waiting there, saying: “Brother Shi, don’t worry, Yang Ying and the others have already come out of Glass Jade Heavenly Palace. I said, my lieutenant There will never be any accidents.”

The man surnamed Shi hurriedly took a look, and he was also happy.

The man surnamed Wei said very relaxedly: “Eastern Court Protectorate is blocked, and the road ahead of Longya Protectorate is smooth.”

The man surnamed Shi couldn’t help nodding his head repeatedly.

There are a lot of news circulating in the court now. They know it immediately through certain channels. Profound Court’s expansion of Zengzhou’s government is for many purposes, but the more important ones are defend and monitoring. , So at least one Protectorate will be supported to become Fuzhou in every direction.

On the east coast, there are actually many Protectorates that survived that year, but there are actually only two that have the most hope of turning a house into a continent. One is the Eastern Court Protectorate at the far end, and the other is It is the Protectorate of Longya slightly to the southeast.

If Eastern Court Protectorate is squeezed out this time, Longfang Protectorate will no longer have an opponent on the road to Shengzhou.

After reading the report, the man surnamed Shi was about to put it down, but he saw that Yang Ying and the others came out under the letter, not at all, and returned to the city, but he went north without staying at all. He still had some problems. Don’t worry, because Yang Ying seems not at all to give up.

He said: “Brother Wei, Yang Ying, they left the Glass Jade Heavenly Palace and went north again. What is that place? Do they have any other way out?”

The man surnamed Wei thought that the major event had been set, not at all, and looked through it. At this moment, after listening to him, he walked over and took the letter in his hand and looked at it again, “Northern?”

In his impression, is there no notable person or family in that direction, or should I go to the foreign continent?


His expression changed slightly.

In that direction, there is another existence, but he hasn’t been in this direction before.

But how is this possible?

He couldn’t help but sink. How could Eastern Court Protectorate’s people have anything to do with that place?

After walking through the several steps in the hall a little irritated, he calmed his breath and felt that he should have been thinking too much, otherwise many things had been explained differently.

But he was still a little relieved. After thinking about it, he called an attendant over and warned repeatedly: “Let me keep staring at the Eastern Court flying boat. No matter where they go, they will give it back.”


The attendant replied: “Young man, don’t worry, our people have been watching. As long as they are still at Jade Capital, no matter where they go or where they settle down, the people below will be rewarded.”

The man surnamed Shi asked carefully: “Brother Wei, is there something wrong?”

The man surnamed Wei waved his hand and made a relaxed look, and said, “What’s wrong, don’t worry, no matter where they are, they are useless.”

The flying boat of silver white is speeding northward, and it has come to the edge of Jade Capital. If it goes further north, it may be the northern end of Yikong Superior Continent.

Looking out from the sky, Yuntao Temple is a small Taoist temple that is not very eye-catching. It stands alone in a lowland area. The female guards driving the flying boat do not know that there is such a place in Jade Capital. If it weren’t for Yang Ying’s insistence, he would almost think it was in the wrong place.

After leaving the main hall, they saw a cloud of mist in front of them. A misty light cloud passed by their feet, and their vision was blurred. Tao Dingfu’s silhouette was faintly discernible in front.

Jia Yue couldn’t help but her eyes widened, because she could feel that she had just arrived in a Wonderful Profound Boundary, located in the Wonderful Profound Boundary of Jade Capital……

She couldn’t help but think about it.

After walking for a long time, the clouds and mist gradually dissipated. Tao Dingfu walked onto a rainbow bridge-like cloud corridor, and saw a few immortal cranes with feathers hanging above them. At this moment, I can hear the sound of the piano like clear water. Came.

As we walked to the end of the cloud corridor, a five-door double-eave palace appeared in front of him. The sound of the piano became clearer and clearer. Tao Dingfu stood still and asked, “Can Junior Sister be there?”

The sound of the piano immediately converged, and a nice voice came from inside, saying: “The senior brother is here, please come in.”

Following the voice, the main gate of the palace opened. Tao Dingfu nodded to Yang Ying and walked in first.

For some reason, Yang Ying was a little nervous at this time. She took a deep breath and walked in. Then she saw a woman sitting in the temple, she looked at about twenty years old, dressed in a scarlet The wide-sleeved undergarment has a delicate appearance, a little vermilion lips, and the skin is like white snow. When I look at it, I can see that she has a pair of phoenix eyes, which is very eye-catching and eye-catching.

The woman gently lifted her sleeves, and a woman of her Royal Highness stood up with curtsies and walked back with her piano.

Yang Ying only discovered that there was another person in the hall, but the woman in the seat was too dazzling, as if the color, sound and light were all taken away by her, so the others were ignored.

The woman cast a glance at Yang Ying, then looked away, lowered her head and pressed the ancient zither in front of her, and said casually: “senior brother, who is this? Is it your new discipline?”

Tao Dingfu said with a smile: “She is the sister of Eastern Court Yang Commander, Yang Ying Guards Commander Yang, she is also a student of junior brother Zhang.”

The woman was a little careless at first, but when she heard that she was Zhang Yu’s student, she couldn’t help but her eyes turned and she glanced at Yang Ying, “A junior brother Zhang’s student…”

Tao Dingfu turned around and said: “Yang lady, this is my Junior Sister Nie Xinying, if you have anything to do, you can ask her for help.”

Nie Xinying looks at Yang Ying, sits upright, and says: “Well, since you are a student of junior brother Zhang, you can also be regarded as my master nephew. If you have anything to look for me, tell me and listen. .”

Yang Ying calmed down a bit before repeating what she had just told Tao Dingfu.

Nie Xinying heard her come out of Glass Jade Heavenly Palace, her elegant eyes moved, “Have you been to Glass Jade Heavenly Palace?”

Yang Ying said: “Yes.”

Tao Dingfu said: “She said that Fellow Daoist Meng had promised to help, but later Fellow Daoist Meng was called away halfway, and did not come back afterwards, so this matter will not be over.”

Nie Xinying didn’t seem to be surprised, and said: “It’s no surprise that Meng Huanzhen has a weak temperament and only listens to her Master, the palace lord of Glass Jade Heavenly Palace. Well, she always wants to stay out of things. There must be some trouble from Yuhangmen, so she didn’t dare to come forward. I’m surprised, is she not afraid to offend junior brother Zhang?”

Tao Dingfu said: “Junior brother Zhang repaired profound techniques, and Qiongying Profound Venerable repaired true techniques. It seems not surprising to have this choice.”

Nie Xinying disapproved: “What I am waiting for is also a true technique, but I have never been with them. If we count from the teacher, we and junior brother Zhang are the same.”

She raised her head and said: “Yang Ying.”

Yang Ying said: “The students are here.”

Nie Xinying said: “Glass Jade Heavenly Palace dare not keep you. I stay with you in Baizhen Mountain. You live here. If you want to contact who, just do it, let me see who dares to trouble you.”



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