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Although the first daoist needs to discuss which boundary of the four Profound Venerables each will be guarded, in fact, Wei and Kong have already arranged for it, and everyone knows this well. .

Wei Tao will be out of the town of Xuanning Protectorate in Northland, while Kongfu will be out of town in An Yue Protectorate in the south.

The two Protectorates are closer to 13 continents, and manpower and material resources are easier to deploy. This one has already had enough merits and there is no need to fight for anything. What they have to do this time is To lay a solid foundation for these two Protectorates in the process of Shengzhou, the Lord requires stability.

The remaining two places are Changhe Protectorate on the west side and Eastern Court Protectorate on the east end. Who should guard the two places is the main thing to discuss right now.

Zhong Daoist knocked on the jade chime at the moment, stove up, he first gave his opinion on bowed: “Zhong recommends Cen Chuancen Fellow Daoist as the Profound Leader of Eastern Court Fuzhou.”

Yu Su daoist also stood up at this moment. He said: “I and Zhong Court Manager have opposite opinions. I think Zhang Yu should be the Eastern Court Profound Leader.”

He looked towards everyone, “I believe you all know that the position of Eastern Court Protectorate is particularly important. It is far from the east of our Celestial Xia territory and has to face various different God gods and monsters.


The person who guards this position needs not only the ability to reason up and down, but also his own mind to be upright, but I don’t think that Cen Chuan, a person who has been expelled and has an unrighteous standing, can keep here. “

Zhong Daoist turned around and retorted: “Yusu Fellow Daoist, please be cautious. Cen Fellow Daoist’s earlier guilt has now been cleared, and before that he has personally eliminated the evil that used the name Righteous Purity. If you look at it, you can see its heart. How can it not be guarded here?”

Yu Su daoist sneered, saying: “Cen Chuan returned to Celestial Xia in a short period of time. However, he was banished for 300 or so years. During the period, he was sneered without a word. Until now, he has never been convinced by the past. I said a word of confession and repentance for that matter, how can I trust him?”

Zhong Daoist shook his head and said: “Anyone in this world has no faults, and there is a mistake. The correction is, how can you not give it a chance? Instead, I just talk about it? This is not my Celestial Xia’s way of using people!”

At this moment, Chao Huan sneered and said, “Zhong Court Manager said this well. Give him a chance? So, isn’t Eastern Court Protectorate’s people the touchstone of his censorship? Chao Mou I really feel sorry for Protectorate’s people. If this Cen Chuan is too paranoid and does something contrary to common sense, don’t they have to follow suit? I thought for a while, is this Eastern Court Protectorate people doing evil in the past? Is it too much to bear this burden?”

Zhong Daoist didn’t want to pay attention to him, but Chao Huan hadn’t finished speaking yet, and he was waiting to speak, but at this time, there was another chime, and all the voices in the room were faintly covered.

Everyone looked, but saw the grandson daoist stood up and bowed to everyone, saying: “Chief executives, everyone, I also have some insights about Eastern Court Protectorate Profound Leader, and I hope I can talk about it.” /p>

The first daoist nodded, said: “The grandson Court Manager can speak as much as possible.”

The eldest grandson daoist said: “As the Court Manager Zhu said earlier, Eastern Court is the local screen feudal clan, and the responsibility of guarding the cultivator is to defend against the enemy from the east and thus expand the territory. This needs to be different. God, gods and monsters, foreign enemies and even chaos monsters fight against each other. Therefore, above this position, some sections are actually not important. The most important thing is the ability to guard the cultivator’s own fighting.”

He looked at the first daoist on the long river of phosgene, and said: “Only with enough fighting ability can we cope with all kinds of dangerous situations, and we can stay here!”

The first daoist nodded slowly.

Feng Daoist said from the seat at this time: “According to the words of Changsun Court Manager, Zhang Shou’s main body is defensive, and he is better than fighting. Isn’t it appropriate for him to sit in the guard position?”

The eldest grandson daoist shook his head and said: “Although Zhang Shouzheng is good at fighting, he has captured several opponents, but most of them are borrowed from Celestial Xia. Cen Profound Venerable.”

This is not a mistake. Celestial Xia is just a position. Although the cultivator who can sit in this position has certain battle strength, it can also be borrowed from the Profound Court during the battle with the enemy. Various high-rank magical items can help, and you can also view the records of the cultivator divine ability dao art in the classics. Therefore, the Profound Court keeps upright and fights with the enemy. It is not just relying on itself, but in exchange for one person, as long as you can make good use of these Favorable conditions can also sit firmly in this position.

The eldest grandson daoist bowed to the upper end of the Changhe, saying: “I think that Cen Chuan Fellow Daoist cultivates the day long, and used to be Court Manager in the past. His ability is obvious to all, and he can take on this important task even more.”

Of all the Court Managers in this room, few people are familiar with Zhang Yu, but most of them are familiar with Cen Chuan. After all, this is also a Court Manager in the past and worked with them and came to Celestial Xia Since then, he has also made a lot of credit. In the past, he has played against Shangchen Heaven cultivator many times. If you only ask about the strength of the two, they are indeed more inclined to Cen Chuan.

At this time, Chao Huan raised his eyebrows and said: “I’m not convinced by what you said, Court Manager. Cen Chuan and Zhang Shouzheng have never been fighting competition. Why do you say that Zhang Shouzheng is not as good as Cen Chuan? You said so, then I said that Cen Chuan is not as good as Zhu Feng.”

The first daoist said at this time: “Okay, Court Manager Chao, Zhu Profound Venerable has been finalized, so I don’t need to mention it again, the eldest grandson Court Manager, I think you seem to have something to say, please continue. .”

The eldest grandson daoist was another inspector at this time, saying: “The difference between Zhang Shouzheng and Cen Profound Venerable is not a matter of court. For the unfairness, I think that we can arrange these two debates, and the winner will be the guard.”

Wei Court Manager frowned, he said: “The court’s argument is justified, how can it be determined by brute force?”

The eldest grandson daoist said: “Wei Court Manager, what I have said is not unreasonable, but what I am talking about right now is strength. Then it will naturally take both sides to come forward to see the difference. Moreover, we are a cultivator. The legal victory also follows the ancient tradition, so why not?”

Wei Court Manager shook the head and said: “This move is not appropriate after all.”

Zhong Daoist said at this time: “Actually from Zhong’s opinion, he does not object to Zhang Shouzheng guarding this place, but you have never thought about it. After all, Zhang Shouzheng has the rightful position. If he is a Profound Leader , Sometimes it can only be based on incarnation. This may be an omission. Unlike Cen’s Profound Venerable, he can devote himself to each other. If Zhang Shouzheng is willing to resign from the position of Shouzheng, then naturally Zhang Shouzheng is the most suitable, otherwise there will be something Not appropriate.”

Fengdaoist’s heart was shocked when he heard this, inwardly shouted it was not good.

The sentence of Court Manager Zhong is very powerful, because he knows that the chief executive does not always like to have things beyond his control, so all matters in the court are resolved in the court as much as possible, rather than entrust to the five directors. .

But now that Zhang Yu’s position of keeping upright is a regular photo, Profound Court cannot take it away, but it happens to be out of his grasp. However, with the proposal of Zhong Court Manager, the chief executive is very likely to push the boat along the way and force Zhang Yu gave up, but if he exchanges a permanent upright position for a foreign continent Profound Leader, in his opinion, it is not worth it. If you choose between the two, you would rather keep upright position.

While he was thinking about ways, he heard Zhu Yisheng say: “Chief minister, why not ask those two about this matter? If any of these two is willing to back down, then I will wait. There is no need to argue here, if the two disagree, it will not be too late.”

The first daoist nodded and said: “Zhu Court Manager makes sense.”

He glanced at the dao child beside him, who bowed and flew away with a golden light.

After a short while, the golden light flashed, the dao child turned back, and the chief inspector said: “Reporting back to the chief executive, the child has asked Zhang Shouzheng and Cen Profound Venerable. Both of them are interested in this. Because no one is willing to retire.

Zhu Yisheng said: “The chief executive, in that case, it is better to arrange two people to discuss the dao technique. You don’t have to argue anymore.”

The first daoist watched him for a moment, and slowly nodded and said: “Also.”

Since he expressed his attitude, the rest of the people stopped arguing, and all the chief inspectors showed compliance.

The first daoist said: “Wu Court Manager, Wei Court Manager, Zhu Court Manager, it is up to you three to arrange the discussion between Zhang Shouzheng and Cen Profound Venerable. Before February, I hope to see the discussion of the law. Results.”

Wu Qingxu, Wei Liang, and Zhu Yisheng are all bowed.

The first daoist didn’t say much after coming down. The dao child by his side cleverly made the jade chime, and the court meeting this time ended.

After Zhong Daoist watched the chief executive leave, he flicked his sleeves and left the phoenix long river and returned to Miao Hao Dao Palace. Cen Chuan was already waiting here. After he sat down in the hall, he The court incident informed the latter.

“To prove the superiority with that law of keeping the truth?” Cen Chuan glanced at Zhong Daoist, sneered, and said: “When did the Profound Court also use this method to secure the position of one side?”

Zhong Daoist calmly said: “If Brother Cen Dao’s past achievements are still there, then there is no need to compare like this, but now Brother Cen Dao has only been acquitted of your guilt. Compared with that Zhang Shouzheng, the only one better Here, that lies in the cultivation cultivation base. Do you know that Chao Huan has been comparing you with Zhu Feng in court, but I can’t refute it. If I don’t care about the law, how can I overcome that one? But brother, if you are willing Give up, Zhong Mouzi has no objection.”

Cen Chuan pondered for a moment, nodded and said: “You have several points of truth, although I don’t agree that this major event is determined by argumentation, but I have no choice but to fight for the position of Eastern Court. .”

Zhong Daoist took out a jade talisman from his sleeve, handed it to him, and said, “This is the story of Zhang Shouzheng’s previous battle with Yan Qiying. Zhong Mou watched the battle that day and it was also recorded. Brother Dao might as well Take a look.”

Cen Chuan did not refuse, and took the jade talisman directly. Zhang Yu can be upright, of course he is not weak. If he has been in the Profound Court for more than three hundred years, he will have 300 years of worship, then Self-confidence can win, but now it needs to be cautious, he said: “When is the law?”

Zhong Daoist said: “If there is no accident, it should be in the first month. If the fellow daoist lacks anything, you can tell me that Zhong will give his full support.”



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