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Qingqi Land, in the palace, Zhang Yu sat down in the main hall, thinking about the fighting before.

Nowadays, every time he goes through a fight, he must try to look back and see where he has shortcomings and where he needs to make up.

Although this time is not a battle of life and death, there are also many gains.

The power of Cen Chuan lies in the fact that he can use his body to face the enemy, even if he fails to kill the enemy once, he still has the opportunity to try again. In fact, he has met several such opponents.

But this is not surprising, because today’s Celestial Xia, there are many cultivators that prefer this choice.

One of the main reasons here is that Celestial Xia cultivator is in the hands of Shangchen Heaven and now all influence in the outer layer world. People with such divine ability dao art are more likely to survive because they are not afraid of making mistakes. Responding to a variety of endless methods.

In the final analysis, this is a choice made by external forces, and there are still few people in this world who can ignore such external forces.

It is very tricky to deal with such an adversary. It is only from the perspective of the battle. Unless the main body can be found directly, the opponent can only be solved by constantly killing each and everyone invisible.

But this is very passive. If the other party finds that they are not sure to beat you, then the main body will inevitably retreat in advance, which can be described as moving forward and backward freely.

Of course, there is no way to restrain it, like the old ancestor’s incantation. From the previous description, the incantation is directed at people, regardless of whether you are in the void or in person. Once you fall into it, It’s all up to you.

However, if Cen Chuan activated the mysticism that was in disorderly induction, the spell would be difficult to touch. From here, it can be seen that Cen Chuan is worthy of cultivating the daoist distant cultivator. Every divine ability has mysticism. It has its meaning.

And judging from the performance of Cen Chuan just before he played against each other, he has a feeling that whether it is a divine ability magical item or mystery, it is carefully chosen by himself. Fortunately, it can be said that The cultivator depends on its own wishes, but it is mysterious…

He thought for a while. From a logical point of view, if the inheritance of a sect is long enough, and it receives enough disciplines, and these disciplines can continue to give back to the sect, then after meeting certain conditions, some mystery is indeed You can take the initiative to chase it, and this is the case with Uncertain Cen Chuan.

If this is the case, Righteous Purity lineage is still better than originally estimated.

From the point of view that Cen Chuan’s offensive methods are slightly inadequate, this person’s dao technique either has not yet reached the point of complete perfection, or has to have a certain killing move.

He pondered the divine ability method he possessed in his hands, and the “All-Severing Cut” method is currently difficult to break, because no matter how big the sword might be, it is not the main body that is killed.

Unless he can cultivation to a higher boundary, which is to cut people, then cut with one sword, as long as you are one and the same, cut incarnation is equal to cut the main body, but he still can’t do this. In this way, he can only think of other methods, and the only thing he can restrain this method at present is the Speech Seal technique.

If his Heart Light is much higher than the other person, then he can shake phantom or even hold the pressure together with his real body.

However, in the Profound Venerable level, in addition to improving the Heart Light, he can actually try to improve the might of the Speech Seal itself by adding changes to the Speech Seal.

He didn’t do this before, because most of the spirit essence obtained was used to fill the six upright seal and the heart light seal, in order to lay a solid foundation and catch up with those seniors who took the lead. Because if the foundation is insufficient, whatever seal you are is useless.

Now that he has gradually narrowed the gap with his predecessors through the training of a large amount of profound food, then, next, he can focus on the Speech Seal.

As he changed his mind, he felt something in his heart. When he looked down the steps, the rays of light flashed below, and the daoist appeared there in the next week, bowed him, holding an edict in his hand, and said:” Zhang Shouzheng was ordered to deliver the seal letter and crown robe from Eastern Court Fuzhou Profound Leader tomorrow.”

Zhang Yu’s gaze fell, the edict floated, and fell into his hands, opened it and took a look, closed it, nodded and said: “Thanks to the fellow daoist.”

Ming Zhou daoist respectfully said: “Don’t dare, Ming Zhou will only follow orders. If Zhang Shouzheng has no explanation, he will leave next week.”

Zhang Yu nodded, the daoist of the next week will disappear after another ceremony.

Zhang Yu sat and thought for a while, then turned into a clone and landed in the Legs Constellation Manor.

Li Qinghe noticed the movement and immediately put down what was in his hands. When he came to the main hall, he saw Zhang Yu appearing, and he hurriedly bowed, happily said: “Mr. is here.” Zhang Yu Zeng sent incarnation to come down to celebrate the New Year, and only left after the new year, so for him, Zhang Yu has only left for a few days.

Zhang Yu said: “I told you some time ago that Eastern Court Protectorate has now been upgraded to Eastern Court Fuzhou, and I have been appointed by Profound Court to serve as the guardian of Eastern Court Fuzhou. I should go here today. You are also born in Eastern Court, so arrange a little bit, so you can go back with me this time.”

Li Qinghe showed a hint of joy and excitement, and bowed and said: “Yes, sir.”

Eastern Court Protectorate, Chief Commandery.

Chief Commander Yang Jue is holding a report and looking at it. The boy back then is now a 20-year-old youth.

His long eyebrows are clear and beautiful, and he looks a little thin on the surface, but he insists on Celestial Xia rituals for a long time, but in fact he is very healthy.

The following personal guard came in to report: “Chief Commander, Office Duke Liu is here.”

Yang Jue raised his head and said: “Please.”

Duke of the Administrative Office Liu Fengquan entered the hall, bowed to the top, and said: “Chief Commander.”

Although ten years have passed in a flash, he pays attention to the way of self-cultivation. In addition, Celestial Xia has a long life span. Therefore, he is very healthy and healthy, with black hair and beard. A little white silk.

Yang Jue walked down, held Liu Fengquan personally, and said: “Mr. Free gift.”

Liu Fengquan stood up straight and said: “many thanks Chief Commander.”

Yang Jue invited him to sit down, and then returned to the main seat, saying: “Mr. Today, please come here, because the local government has been determined about the promotion of the mansion, and I must have received the news.”

Liu Fengquan nodded, after the contact with the mainland was restored, the Protectorate Administrative Office was directly under the jurisdiction of Jade Capital, so whenever there is news in the local area, he will also receive a report here.

In the past, across the ocean, the news might still be for a while at night, but after Dao Chapter, when there is movement in the local area, Administrative Office can immediately learn about it.

He said: “The court will retain all the original Protectorate’s officials, and the local government will transfer some officials to come, so Protectorate is very generous to me.”

He looked up and said: “It’s just Shengzhou this time. I don’t know how the government will arrange for Chief Commander?”

Yang Yu said frankly: “Mr. knows, I don’t want to be the Chief Commander myself, but the world is forced by the situation, so I have to be that’s all.”

In those days, Eastern Court Protectorate supported his high position, the heir of the Yang Family with serenese bloodline, because the army had lost too much population after the Hong River Pass World War I and the situation was precarious.

But in fact, he himself was just a decoration until he became an adult. The military power was in the hands of his uncle An Youting, and the governance power was always in the hands of the Administrative Office that governed the Six Offices.

After Eastern Court Protectorate returned to Celestial Xia, considering the special circumstances of Eastern Court Protectorate, it was the local people who defaulted to this situation.

However, Shengzhou is about to start adjusting this time. In fact, after Protectorate returned to Celestial Xia, these adjustments have been going on. Many of Protectorate’s officials have gone to the local government, and many local officials have entered the Sixth Office to take up important positions.

He has two choices, one is to serve as deputy Commandant of the Fuzhou Army, and the other is to let him study at Jade Capital. He personally prefers the latter.

He said with great expectation: “Actually, I also want to see Jade Capital, and I want to go to many places.”

Liu Fengquan looks at his expression, slowly nodded and said: “Chief Commander is still youngster. It’s better to go to Jade Capital and stay in Protectorate. Over the years, Chief Commander has also suffered That’s too much.”

Yang Yu said with a smile: “How can I bear it? It’s Mr. Liu, you guys worked hard. I still remember that when the beacon tower was almost toppled down, Mr. Liu hid behind my back. In China, I can sit on this position, and it is with Mr. Liu and the gentlemen of various government offices that Protectorate can be stable to this day.”

Liu Fengquan hurriedly said: “The old man is ashamed, and Chief Commander is too modest.” He thought for a while, and then said: “Protectorate is transformed into a continental government. Profound Mansion will also change in the future, I don’t know what will happen?”

Yang Jue said: “I heard that Profound Court will send a Profound Venerable to guard him, but I don’t know the specific identity of this person.”

Protectorate is transformed into Fuzhou. Profound Mansion is still located on Fuzhou in terms of etiquette, and the details of this will only be notified to them when the dust settles.

He has both worries and expectations in his heart, secretly thought: “I don’t know what this new Profound Leader will look like, I just hope to take care of Protectorate.”

outer layer, Legs Constellation earth star.

Li Qinghe entrusted the matters of the manor to Qing Mo, then came to the main hall, and then bowed to Zhang Yu who was sitting there, saying: “Sir, Qinghe has already arranged it.”

Zhang Yu nodded, stretched out his hand to him a little, Li Qinghe suddenly felt a trance, when he woke up, he found that he was already standing on a familiar square.

He glanced at the spacious stone steps ahead, and the Mysterious Chaos cicada wings mark painted on the stone gate, slightly excitedly said: “Sir, here, here is the Peaceful Sun Academy?”

He turned his head and took a look. What he saw was the familiar and unfamiliar Auspicious Light City. He couldn’t help being shocked. He couldn’t imagine that he had returned from the outer layer to the inner layer in a flash. , And came directly to Auspicious Light City located in the open sea.

Zhang Yu slightly nodded, said: “Follow me.” As he said, walking towards the Peaceful Sun Academy, Li Qinghe turned his head, took a deep breath, and quickly followed up.



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