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Zhang Yu is well aware that there is filth everywhere, even Auspicious Light Capital under the glory.

Peaceful Sun Academy was established in Protectorate by Celestial Xia etiquette 100 years ago, so as long as students learn from here, not only in Protectorate, even Celestial Xia natives are recognized.

Although Protectorate has lost contact with the local community, Peaceful Sun Academy students are still highly sought after and valued. Nowadays, many officials who hold key positions in various offices of Protectorate have studied at Peaceful Sun Academy.

From this, one can imagine why someone would look at his register book.

It’s just unexpected that at this moment, he didn’t have any anger in his heart, but he was very calm. This was even surprising to him.

After self-examination, he found that this may be because he is now on the cultivation road and already has a certain strength, so he can look at some things with a more transcendence secular vision. Besides, pure venting is not helpful to solve the problem.

He thought about it and asked: “Book Compiler, students have second book in hand, can you find out, when is the register book missing?”

The literary minor official has been observing Zhang Yu just now, and has deliberately stood a little further away. But at this moment, instead of seeing him violently angry, he did not accuse abuse, but spoke calmly to himself. This kind of self-cultivation made him very admired, but at the same time he secretly sighed.

He said: “Literary Institution has moved here for 3 years, during which no new register book came in. Since your register book is not here, you should be already not in at least 3 years ago.”

Zhang Yu recalled that he was still on a trip abroad three years ago.

But then he learned that at that time, the town where he was born suffered an extremely serious agricultural disaster, a large number of people were lost, and later he was simply retreated, and the rest were relocated to other places. .

It was only because he was not in the town at that time, so he did not implement it in the new household registration, and may be regarded as a missing person. Perhaps it was because of this that some people had his idea of ​​register book.

Turning here, he looked at all around and asked: “Dare to ask Book Compiler, Why did the Library Institution move here? Students remember that this place should have been near the Civic Education Yamen in the inner city.”

literary minor official He touched the long beard and said, “Well, the Literary Institution was originally there, but 3 years ago, a fire broke out suddenly, the former Literary Institution was completely burned down.”

He pointed to the surroundings, “Later, I moved here, my colleagues were afraid of things, and each of them found a way out, and I was sent to me as an honest man. It’s funny. There is only a vegetable garden, but I have to raise 4 more volcanic walls, saying that I am afraid of another fire and I do n’t know what to cover. “

Zhang Yu said: “So now all the documents here are supplemented later?”

The literary minor official admits: “Yes, they are all recorded, but you also know that this fire is down, and it is very common to miss something. Some places will inevitably not match the previous ones.”

Zhang Yu nodded, he already understood. Now it ’s time to inquire, and I ca n’t find any clues here, so joins palms and bows, saying: “many thanks Book Compiler, the student has left.”

literary minor official raised his hand and sent him away, he looks at Zhang Yu’s silhouette, as if he said to himself: “It’s still better for people to be a little confused, but don’t be too serious, otherwise I’m afraid you’ll lose even more things. “

Zhang Yu didn’t stop half a minute, and went back to the car directly, saying: “Go to Serenity Residence.”

The wheels rolled and the carriage was back on the road.

Zhang Yu sits in the carriage thinking. Without a register book, it means that he cannot enter Peaceful Sun Academy, and he cannot enter Peaceful Sun Academy, and he cannot continue his studies of new techniques.

Protectorate has not happened before that the register book has been stolen. If he wants to get it back, there is a channel for upward appeal.

But even if this matter can be verified, it will be about a year later, which is still the most optimistic estimate.

The removal of student status is by no means what the average person can do. The fire of the Literary Institution three years ago also made the matter more complicated. Some conspiracy theories may even be used by some people to cover something more important.

So he went to investigate now, I am afraid not only will not get any good results, but will also fall into the unknown vortex.

“Today is the February 4 of the Grand Profound Calander, and after February 10, Peaceful Sun Academy will no longer recruit students. If I can’t enter the academy before then, I have to wait for the next year.”

He couldn’t wait so long.

To find another countermeasure!

He pondered a series of feasible countermeasures, and was rejected by him one after another.

Just when he wanted to look at the landscape and change his mind, his eyes inadvertently swept the next newspaper, and a spiritual light flashed in his head. The detective took the newspaper he had just seen, and found a message. I watched it several times at the end and closed my eyes for a long time.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were already shining brightly.

“Maybe I can start with this.”

The carriage had stopped somehow, and apparently it had reached the ground. The driver was a wise man. He seemed to know that he was thinking about things, so he was always interested.

Zhang Yu went through the car window and saw a stone arch bridge outside the Zhumapen, with Liu on both sides, and gurgling water flowing under it.

And behind the bridge, it was the second Celestial Xia-style building he saw after he entered the capital. It was built on the inner city terraces, layer by layer, and there was an unreachable trend. The most striking thing is the 2-foot wide eaves opening door. The horizontal plaque hung on it has the words “Serenity Residence”. There are many people coming and going in front of the door.

He got off the carriage and threw a gold to the coachman. After the latter took over, he repeatedly thanked him and helped him move his luggage down. He also said that if he still needs to call the carriage, he can find an old merchant in the Western District.

After dismissing the driver, Zhang Yu walked across the arch bridge and presented the name card given by Zhao Xiangcheng in front of the door. An old man came out to meet him immediately and invited him in.

At this moment, on top of the long outer wall of the Dawn Harbor, a dashing eyebrows heroic, wearing a round collared azure robe, a 3-year-old scribe who boarded a pier.

He saw the body of the young salamander with the dock attached at a glance. The huge size also surprised him and said, “such a big strange spiritual monster?”

He frowned slightly, thinking secretly: “In the recent period, Old Dukedom Yao was seriously ill and could not be managed, and the people were scattered. The Scholars Discussion was about to be held. The Divine Army suddenly received such a big credit.

At this moment, a man dressed as a servant trot all the way along the city wall horseway, ignoring the sweat on the wiping face and bowed: “Yamen Lord, Chief Zhao’s handing in.”

The scribe opened the letter and was surprised and excited when he saw the contents.

“Isn’t this young salamander actually hunted by the Divine Army? Is it a young man less than 20 years old?”

As soon as his thoughts turned around, he immediately removed a hard charcoal pen from his waist and wrote a few words directly on the letter and handed it to the servant, warned repeatedly: “Xiaowu, you take this letter to Chen Wenxiu of Hanmo Newspaper, let He took the time to publish this matter, remember, be quick! I’m sure Divine Army will definitely take credit for himself, so grab it in front of them! “

The servant said seriously: “Yamen Lord, rest assured, I must bring the words and things to me.”

After Zhang Yu entered the Serenity Residence, Zhao Xiangcheng’s name card played a role. Zhang Tang arranged him on the highest building. The entrance and exit here are spacious, bright and full of utensils.

After taking a shower, he changed into a light-shu clothes and came to the top of the tower outside the building.

At this time it was evening, the breeze was coming, and the setting sun shrouded the buildings under the city and the vast blue sea outside Dawn Harbor. The scenery was magnificent and magnificent.

It was just that he knew that in the past 20 years in Protectorate, many regional disasters occurred frequently in the Protectorate, and people were scattered, far from being as peaceful and peaceful as what he saw.

How long can the beauty in front of me be maintained?

He raised his hands, white as jade, without any flaws under the rays of light.

This body is now in the Peak period of life, but as soon as a person is born, he is advancing towards death. Under the scouring of time, there will eventually be a day of decay.

To keep all this, it needs power beyond the mundane to change everything.

As for how to enter Peaceful Sun Academy this time, he already has a comprehensive consideration, and in order to ensure success, all the power available can be used.

He called in his heart, Grand Dao Chapter accompanied by rays of light reappears, several seals were floating in front of him, and the seal that had been invested in spirit essence appeared extremely bright under contrast.

With his mind, the rest of the seals were backed away, leaving only one seal in front.

The seal is engraved with the words “charming speech”.

“Charming speech” can make your own voice produce a unique rhythm through a specific breath and utterance, which can resonate in communication and communication, which is more convincing.

This not only works on humans, but also on non-human creatures. He can imitate young salamander’s voice and deceive this spiritual creature. This technique also works.

This technique is even more indispensable in the next action.

He glanced at the spirit essence he could use now, and under the inspiration of his heart, he slowly filled it into the seal.

Just in a trance, he felt a subtle change in his body, a smoother breath, and a more active thinking.

He read a poem in plain language at random. He found that he did not at all adjust it deliberately, but when he read it, it was turbulent, with a clear rhythm, and there was a pleasant rhythm in his voice.

In the past, he could not do this, but he needed consciousness to focus on it, but now he almost becomes his instinct like breathing.

He feels that the improvement this time is not small, but the spirit essence that has already been replenished by half has dropped a lot, and he could n’t help thinking: “It looks like after my enrollment matter is solved, I ’m going to find more replenishing spirit essence items Now. “



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