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Xiang Chun took the first flying back from the North of Mountain of Serenity and immediately took over the affairs from the substitute.

Only then did he know that within a few days, the official official was killed in the Protectorate, including his old knowledge Guo Shang.

He also blamed himself for this.

But if things go again, he will still choose to do so.

It is obviously more important to preserve the large granaries on the northern plains than to kill people’s lives.

Fortunately, the God of Plagues not at all that diverted power appeared in the vicinity of Auspicious Light, the Divine Army was not untied, and the matter was not at all so bad that it was really unmanageable.

So he played hard, visited Liu Fengquan and the others in person, and walked back to the Old Dukedom Yao House. Although the old mister is old, the impact is still great.

Although Profound Mansion did not at all destroy the Plague Gods this time, the northern threat has indeed been temporarily lifted, which can be regarded as a great achievement, and it can barely be overcome.

After Xiang Chun returned to Affairs Hall, he was also filled with emotion. According to the Celestial Xia etiquette, Profound Mansion as a cultivation important place should have been above the Protectorate, sitting under the clouds rolling and spreading, but now I can only lean down and bend to the person.

Although Chaos Tide is fading, he can fly the sky again, but how does he feel that the restraint on his body has not weakened at all.

“Chief, chief.”

While complaining secretly in his heart, an assistant hurried outside the hall.

Xiang Chun is afraid of hearing any bad news now, but as chief, he is still so calm that he is calm and asks, “What’s the matter?”

The assistant’s face was glowing with joy, bowing his head and saying, “chief, proven cultivator Zhang is back.”

When Xiang Chun thought about it, he realized that he was talking about Zhang Yu. “Did junior brother Zhang go out before?” He looked away and said, “Is there anything before?”

The assistant said: “Chief, before Manager Wang and Chief Guo and the others were killed, the found cultivator Zhang seems to have found some clues, so after a few words left, they chased down, and only then returned after found cultivator Zhang, and dragged it back. The corpse of a god is said to be the murderer. “

“Oh? ”

Xiang Chun’s expression was shocked, and then his heart was also a joy. If Zhang Yu really brought back the murderer’s killing, then this matter is still made up. He hurriedly asked: “Where is the junior brother Zhang?”

The assistant said: “People should be in Request Hearing Square.”

As soon as Xiang Chun heard it, he went out of the hall and went out of the door. Subconsciously, he had to fly in the sky, but he immediately thought that this was Auspicious Light City. District comes.

After leaving the west town gate all the way, he stopped outside Request Hearing Square. He came out of the carriage, and when he looked far away, he saw the corpse of a gigantic body. There was a layer of bright divine blood on it. It is the body of different God.

He took another look at Zhang Yu, who was standing there, and he was talking to a young profound cultivator. He recalled that the found cultivator should be called Yan Yuming, which came out of Profound Mansion adoption orphans. It is also a rare talent, that is, the cultivation time is still short.

To be honest, this time it really can’t blame him.

Xiang Chun not at all hurried forward, but asked: “Is it possible to confirm that Manager Wang and Yamen Lord Guo killed this different God?”

The assistant said: “I have confirmed it, indeed it is.”

Xiang Chun nodded, this is the step towards the square.

If Zhang Yu feels that, looking back, seeing that Xiang Chun is coming, he walks forward, then joins palms and bows, saying: “senior brother Xiang is courteous.”

Xiang Chun raised his hand for another ceremony and showed his approval. He said, “Junior Brother Zhang, you did a good job.” He exclaimed and said, “It’s also because of you that you brought back this god to kill, otherwise I will have a headache.” Thing. “

Zhang Yu said: “No one at Profound Mansion was suitable to deal with the matter. Yu Yu found a clue on the scene and would never let it go.”

Xiang Chun nodded again and again, saying: “The junior brother has the courage to do things, and his ability is outstanding. If the younger generation is a person like junior brother Zhang, how good it should be.”

Zhang Yu didn’t speak, but the young profound cultivator Yan Yuming standing next to him thought he was talking about himself and bowed his head in shame and pain.

Xiang Chun pointed to the corpse on the square and said, “junior brother, do you know where this different God came from?”

Zhang Yu said: “This god son claims to be the heir of God of Plagues, God of the Wilderness Kuta.”

Xiang Chun was shocked and said, “Heir of God of Plagues?”

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “Yes, I confirmed.”

Xiang Chun suddenly looked away, saying: “junior brother Zhang, how do you confirm? But did you find any clues about God of Plagues?”

Zhang Yu said: “After I found the clue at that time, I followed the trail left by this Different God all the way to the Mountain of Serenity, and found an altar of God of Plagues there. After I killed this Different God, didn’t t expect God of Plagues happens to transfer divine power. At this point, Yubian fights with him, and he is lucky to kill it.

Speaking of which, he took the finger bone from his pocket and said, “This is from God of Plagues.”

Xiang Chun’s eyes widened, he couldn’t help but slightly lost self-control, said: “junior brother Zhang, you …” He looked at the finger bone again, that kind of divine power, yes, it is indeed God of Plagues! He kept looking towards Zhang Yu, “junior brother Zhang, how exactly are you …”

Zhang Yu said: “For some reason, God of Plagues seems to have lost too much divine power this time, and the only thing he pinned was a corpse, therefore Yu could luckily exceed it.”

“so that’s how it is.”

This explanation Xiang Chun is relatively easy to accept.

He can see that the God of Plagues actually had a fight with Ying Zhuan before the transfer, and finally retired. In that battle, his divine power should have lost a lot, then after another transfer, again Without proper sustenance, it is possible to be killed by Zhang Yu.

He thought for a while and then asked, “What about the other heirs of God of Plagues?”

Zhang Yu said: “When I played with God of Plagues, this generation was not around.” These god children were turned into ashes by Tao Dingfu, and nothing was left. Tao Dingfu’s unique identity was not suitable for Taoism.

Xiang Chun didn’t pursue it anymore, God of Plagues has been removed, and the rest of the Sons are useless even if they are alive. The key point is that Zhang Yu is also the person of Profound Mansion, then this time can also be said to the public that Profound Mansion is doing his best.

So he had the confidence to continue asking the Political Council to continue to suppress the Divine Army.

All of this was brought by Zhang Yu.

He decided to take a look at Zhang Yu for a moment, and then said: “junior brother Zhang, the last junior brother Fan told me that I wanted to ask me for a secret chapter order, I see you cultivation time is short I ’m afraid you ’re too aggressive, so I ’m deliberately overwhelming you, but now it seems that people like you who have outstanding aptitude should not be treated with old eyes.

paused, he said again: “You can rest assured that later when I return to the palace, I will grant the secret chapter order.”

Zhang Yu thought about it and said, “senior brother Xiang, this time fighting, I feel that I have many shortcomings, so I want to go out and cultivate for a while.”

Xiang Chun said with a happy expression: “Fortunately, junior brother Zhang, you have made such a big contribution, and it is a bit impersonal for you to arrange what you do. Just go and do your own thing.”

After speaking with Zhang Yu, Xiang Chun Request Hearing Square arranged a few people here, returned to Affairs Hall, and finally arranged a recipe to send the secret chapter order to Zhang Yu at the same time. seal.

Then he began to write letters and ordered a letter to be sent out, ready to use this opportunity to reverse the decline of Profound Mansion in one fell swoop.

I do n’t know how long after that, Xu Ying rushed in and anxiously said: “senior brother, did you pass the secret chapter order to Zhang Yu?”

Xiang Chun kept writing, saying without raising the head: “He killed God of Plagues.”


Xu Ying was a little embarrassed and could not set the channel: “senior brother, I didn’t hear it clearly, do you say it again?”

After Xiang Chun finished writing a line, he looked up and said: “I said he killed God of Plagues!”

Xu Ying realized that this was not a joke. He froze for a moment, looked around, and walked back and forth in the lobby with several steps, and finally turned his head around, unbelieving: “How is this possible? We have so many people, besieging.” For so long … “

“Yeah, something that so many of us didn’t do, but it was done by junior brother Zhang,” Xiang Chun looks at him: “But this is the truth!”

Xu Ying gritted his teeth and said, “That’s also a fluke! I don’t believe it. I don’t believe how God of Plagues can be used by his strength. God of Plagues will lose too much divine power when he transfers. ! “

Xiang Chun nodded and said: “It’s indeed a bit of luck,” he threw the pen in his hand, “but our Profound Mansion is a bit of luck!”

Xu Ying was speechless.

Xiang Chun turned around and walked to the window, looks below: “I sometimes think that we only looked at Ji family boy, but pushed out the junior brother Zhang. Is it wrong?”

Xu Ying blushed and heard several steps, excitedly said: “senior brother, you can’t change your mind halfway, this is the only chance for our Profound Mansion to defeat.”

Xiang Chun turned his head to look at him and said, “I didn’t say that I want to change my mind. Instead, I thought that it was precisely because we pushed the junior brother Zhang out that he became the present. Some people are born with no way to be buried. of.”

Xu Ying suddenly sighed in relief.

Xiang Chun said solemnly: “Do you now know why I am willing to pass on the chapter order to him? Maybe he can bring us some surprises? This is not in conflict with the Ji family boy.”

After Xu Ying left the Affairs Hall with some depression, he came to the secret room in the Mountain of Initiation. After entering this room, when he saw the young scribe who wore a mask, he asked, “Master nephew, where did you cultivate One step? “

Young scribes respectfully said: “Among the 2nd upright seal of cultivation.”

Xu Ying sat there, seemingly muttering to herself, “Slow, this is slow.”

The young scribe is puzzled: “Uncle master, but is there anything wrong? Master nephew has been cultivation according to the arrangement of uncle master. Uncle master is not to make master nephew as stable as possible, to properly allocate all spirit essence without asking Is it fast? “

Xu Ying was inexplicably irritable and only said: “In short, you’re going to be faster.” After he finished, he stood up and went outside, leaving only the young scribe who was standing there for some unknown reason.



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