Mysterious city

Chapter 328: Learn to do

The reason why those onlookers, the melon-eating students, were confused as to why they were so confused was not because they thought too little or too superficially.

On the contrary, it is because they think too much and too deeply.

Many times, thinking too much will often make you ignore the essence of the matter and lead you astray from the original correct way of thinking.

As the old saying goes, there is no always, absolutely correct option in the world.

Many times it is not a good thing to do addition or even multiplication. It will make your efficiency extremely low, and it will also become a roadblock that makes it difficult for you to get the correct answer.

You must learn to do subtraction, so that you can get to the essence of things steadily and accurately.

That's what Li's personality does.

Everyone was just thinking about why Young Master Zhang did this, and focused all their attention on Young Master Zhang's "actions."

In fact, this matter is very simple. There is no need to think about it so complicatedly. You only need to think about it a little bit.

Just like why Young Master Zhang was so cruel to Dog Legs No. 1 and 3, but only spared Dog Leg No. 2.

When Li Gezi was thinking about this matter, he did not think about it too complicatedly or too deeply like other students who were eating melons. Instead, he thought about it from the root cause - not why Mr. Zhang did what he did, but to think about it. Think about what he needs and what his purpose is.

Therefore, Li Ge quickly came to the conclusion that what Mr. Zhang needed was the dog-legged No. 2 attitude of admitting his mistakes, in order to invisibly set off his tall and complete figure.

This is the essential reason.

So he was able to get the answer quickly, while the rest of the stupid guys are still kept in the dark until now!

And this matter is exactly the same as the current problem at the moment, and it can even be said that it can be attributed to the same type of thing.

What does Mr. Zhang want?

There is only one thing he wants from beginning to end - face.

And in many cases, something like face cannot be earned solely by oneself.

With Young Master Zhang's strength and status, it is indeed not difficult to take the initiative to win face. It can even be said to be a trivial matter.

But precisely because Young Master Zhang's strength and status are extraordinary, he cannot "take the initiative" to fight for face.

Because when a person's status and realm reach a certain level, they must appear to be very "Buddhist".

If you fight and rob on your own, what's the difference between that and ordinary people?

Where can I still have the cool demeanor of a big shot?

But other places dare not say that at least Zhang Dashao's status and realm in Anshi University have reached the level we just mentioned.

Now that we understand what Young Master Zhang wants, we can trace it back to the source.

What the personality needs to do next is to simply work backwards and focus on the cause of this dispute.

In fact, the reason for this disaster was very simple. It was just because Wang Yan was smitten by Xia Yu's look back at him and smiled. He was still immersed in it when he walked out of the lecture hall, and accidentally bumped into Mr. Zhang.

Conflicts caused by unintentional collisions are not uncommon and are almost one of the most common causes of trouble.

Most conflicts caused by collisions occur because one or more of the two or more people who collided were injured or felt pain and anger.

Then let’s look at the attitudes of Wang Yan and Young Master Zhang.

Wang Yan has always maintained an extremely humble attitude from beginning to end. Of course, this is partly because he dare not let himself get involved in any disputes. The more reason is because of his cowardly and weak character. .

As for Young Master Zhang, he looked very domineering from beginning to end. He was full of swear words and wanted to kill Wang Yan to be happy.

Judging from the attitude alone, most people will definitely think that the person who was hit or hurt was Young Master Zhang, while Wang Yan was the one who "got the credit" and was the culprit of the conflict.

Otherwise, why would Wang Yan look so unreasonably humble?

But that wasn't the case, and things seemed to get even more interesting.

Let us first look at who caused the conflict. Wang Yan was indeed absent-minded and did not look at the road carefully when he walked out of the lecture hall. This is true, but was Mr. Zhang not at fault?

You know, before the two collided, Zhang Dashao had just smoked a lot of "good cigarettes" with his gangster trio in the toilet, and was bragging and spanking his gangsters in a daze!

This guy didn't look at the road well at all. If we really have to say who is the culprit, then Young Master Zhang and Wang Yan can only be 50-50, each playing 50 big boards, and they have their own faults.

Judging from the extent of the injury, although Wang Yan's height has exceeded 1.9 meters after entering college for a year, and there is a faint trend of growing towards 2 meters, and he is already nearly half a head taller than Mr. Zhang.

However, the huge physical difference between the two cannot be made up for by the "half a head" height difference.

Due to a very tight life, Wang Yan rarely eats anything high in protein and fat. Therefore, even though he has an impressive height, his body is still like that of a child who has not grown up, no thicker than a telephone pole. How many.

On the other hand, Young Master Zhang, after all, this guy is practicing fighting and needs to maintain his body fat percentage, but not to mention eating a lot of fish and meat every day, at least he eats some very expensive and luxurious food. After all, this is how he can be worthy of Young Master Zhang's noble status.

Therefore, Mr. Zhang is not only tall and thick, but he is definitely much stronger than ordinary people in more than one dimension. What's more, his height can be considered very tall among ordinary people of that era.

In addition, Mr. Zhang has practiced fighting and fighting since he was a child. Friends who have systematically studied fighting knowledge will probably know one thing, that is, when practicing fighting, it is more priority and more important than practicing offensive ability. The most important thing is to first practice the ability to resist blows.

After all, only if you can stand in the ring can you be qualified to talk about "attack".

If you can't stand, it's all empty talk, otherwise the opponent will knock you down with one punch. Even if you have a superhuman attack ability that can knock down an elephant with one punch, you can only have power and nowhere to show off, empty talk!

Therefore, Zhang Dashao's ability to resist blows is definitely far beyond the level of ordinary people. However, this skill does not require concentration at all times, but is a "passive skill" with no cooldown time.

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