Shit, what are you doing! It must have been influenced by Shangguan! By all means!

Shangguan Yu didn't seem to hear it. He still stared at Gong QingHan with two big eyes. It's rare to meet him outside. This is a good time to cultivate feelings. You can't miss it

Gong QingHan put down his knife and fork, took a sip of boiled water and got up

Before Gong QingHan spoke, the former waitress immediately came over,

The service staff here are strictly trained. They are used to seeing all kinds of people. They are all human beings. They can't get along here without a little eyesight. What's more, the attention of the whole restaurant is at this table

"What can I do for you, Miss"?

"Pay the bill"!

"OK, a total of 298. Would you like to swipe card or cash?"!

"Brush..." Gong QingHan's words stopped abruptly: hit, wallet and mobile phone all fell on the car!

"I left my wallet in the car. I'll get it"! Looked at the waitress's embarrassed face and added:

"Or you go with me"!

"This..." the waitress's quality is also excellent. She didn't say anything bad. She looked at several people in Nangong Lingtian next to her. Aren't they friends?

The covetous male customers in the restaurant wanted to pay for it immediately, but they were not stupid. Although the teenagers next to the beauty were young, they were handsome and noble

A famous brand, you can see that your family background is not simple. All the people who come here for dinner have some money. Some people recognize several young masters of the eight families. If they are there, they can't get their performance

Sure enough, when the waiter was embarrassed, a black VIP card was handed to her:

"With our table"!

The cold voice sounded. The waitress looked at the VIP card in front of her for two seconds, took the card with both hands, turned and left: "please wait a minute"!

Chu Mufeng just wanted to take out the hand of the wallet, and the next moment he casually inserted it into his trouser pocket, covering up his just action

Raised his eyes and looked at Nangong Lingtian. What's wrong with Lingtian today? This is not his work style!

Gong QingHan looked at Nangong Lingtian and didn't speak. She didn't speak, but someone refused

"Hey, Nangong Lingtian, what are you doing?"

Shangguan Yu raised his wallet discontentedly. Ling is too unkind. He missed such a good opportunity

"It's not like your style of doing things"!

Shangguan Yu spoke again and paid for a girl. His head was squeezed by the door? Well, although they usually pay for meals, it's obvious that the key point is to pay for xiaoqingqing today

"It's not like your style of doing things"! Nangong Lingtian said lazily. If he looked at the wallet in Shangguan Yu's hand

"Oh, what kind of wind did Shangguan Da Shao smoke? You won't be kicked in the head. Why are you so active today? You ran faster than a dog when you came to pay the bill in the past. How... Um..."

Before Yan Jingcheng finished his ridicule, Shangguan Yu covered his mouth again

Shit, a bunch of bad friends ate them a few meals. As for this! (Yan Jingcheng jumps: how many meals are those for you)

Exposing his ugliness has ruined his perfect image in xiaoqingqing's mind

(Wuhua: Well, brother, you think too much. You have no image in xiaoqingqing's mind!

Shangguan Yu: dare you say one more word? Believe it or not, I'll let you pay!

Wuhua: you are cruel

After a while, the waiter handed the card back to Nangong Lingtian

"Wait for me at the door, I'll get the car"! Gong QingHan threw down a word and turned away

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