The third realm is extremely vast, and this group of people galloped in the air, and the speed of the lasing finally slowed down for at least a few hours.

There is a towering city in front of it vaguely, with a quaint and long-lasting aura, which is mixed with violent and incomparable air waves.

When approaching this huge city, everyone is solemn.

The city is too tall, at least hundreds of millions of miles away, and the breath emanating from it is also extremely vast and rich, and there are also several extremely tyrannical and terrifying auras in this boundary, which belong to the very top powerhouses, and also It is the existence of the ancient resurrection that Chen Zhan said before.

Before Jieguan, the Demon Lord, Dongfang Chen, Chen Zhan and others were suspended in the sky.

Dongfang Chen glanced at it, and through the boundary gate, you could see a dark crack in the depths of the boundary gate, which was chaotic and extremely broken, and there was a vague sense of reincarnation.

"I didn't expect that they would destroy the reincarnation channel to such an extent!"

The Demon Lord fell out, and there was an obvious solemn expression in his words.

"Where are the ancestors of the Chen family in Jieguan!"

Chen Zhan also said when he heard the words: "On the west side of Jieguan, Yuanzu used the sky-penetrating method to tear the void to lead the Great Ancestor, and the Second Ancestor and others entered it, and they can't break through it for now!"

"What! It's actually a flood!"

At the moment when Chen Zhan's words fell, the exclamations from the sky behind him sounded.

No one knows the name of Honghuang. In ancient times, Dugu defeated the first person in the world, followed by the Demon Lord, and this Honghuang was the one under the Demon Lord!

Its prestige in ancient times is enough to make people terrified!

Hearing Honghuang, the Demon Lord also looked solemn: "How much has his strength recovered!"

"At least sixty percent!"


The sound of sucking in the cool air then sounded, what is the concept of [-]%, you must know that the current demon master has only recovered [-]% of the strength of the year.

And this Honghuang was on a par with the Demon Lord back then, but he recovered [-]% of his strength, doesn't that mean...

For a while, everyone's eyes subconsciously looked at Dongfang Chen, but they were also a little puzzled. Although they had seen Dongfang Chen's strength, they were still a little unsure of Honghuang, who had recovered [-]% of his strength.

After all, it was a wasteland!

The Demon Lord asked again: "Apart from Honghuang, how many people are there?"

Chen Zhan heard the words: "In addition to Honghuang, I only saw three people, and the strength is still recoverable, I can face one person alone!"

The Demon Lord frowned slightly when he heard the words: "Honghuang has one person, and three ancient powerhouses. Even if you face one person, I face one person, and your Excellency faces one person, there is still one person, and it's a bit tricky!"

The words fell, and everyone behind them was extremely solemn. Although they had an advantage in number, the number of top powerhouses was one place behind.

That level of powerhouse is not enough to make up for in numbers.

Just when everyone was in a stalemate, Dongfang Chen suddenly fell out.

"You will enter the border later, you don't need to worry about the four of them, you only need to be responsible for repairing the reincarnation channel, and leave the rest to me!"


This sentence caused an uproar in the sky, what kind of concept is this?

They admit that Dongfang Chen is very strong, but it is absolutely impossible for one person to face the four of them!

But before they could discuss, there was a gust of wind whistling in the border, and wind blades filled the sky and the earth, and it shattered the void one after another.

"Haha! Demon Lord, we meet again!"

The loud laughter sounded from the gate, full of tyranny, the figure flickered, standing in the sky above the gate.

At this point, it was announced that the battle had begun again.

The figure flickered in the sky above Jieguan, the whole body exuded blue light, and he looked at the Demon Lord and others proudly without any fear.


Chen Nan said, and recognized this person. Isn't it the group of people who were sent to the third realm by the Demon Lord of the Heavenless Day with the Taiji God and Demon Diagram in the sky above the eighteenth floor of hell.

The devil stared at Fengshen. For him, this was just a little scumbag, and he didn't care about it at all, but he felt that behind Fengshen, there were eyes like a monstrous beast watching here.


At this moment, the word Dongfang Chen came out.

Chen Nan instantly understood that the figure flickered, the monstrous aura filled the air, the breath flowed, the Fangtian Huaji appeared in his hand, the robes danced all over his body, and the fierce fighting spirit locked Fengshen.

Chapter 0009 So far away

He was startled for the appearance of Chennan Fengshen, and immediately showed deep disdain: "You were just a person who I could kill by laying down my hands, how dare you appear now?"

There is a strong sense of sarcasm in Fengshen's words, obviously he doesn't care about Chen Nan at all.

However, Chen Nan didn't pay any attention to all of this, and Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand drew one after another, causing the world to riot.

"A short distance away!"

Chen Nan's ultimate move came out, and the whole world dimmed. Although the Fengshen in the distance was far away, he was firmly locked by Chen Nan's attack.


Accompanied by a huge roar, under the swaying, Fang Tianhua halberd broke through the air, piercing everything along the way, annihilating the world and under the sky, pointing directly at Fengshen.

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