
Nan Nan was dressed in white, and when she stepped on her lotus feet, she flew to Dongfang Chen's side, "Not bad."

It has long been guessed that Nan Nan has reached the spiritual realm cultivation base, otherwise it would not have brought him so much experience growth, and Dongfang Chen praised the girl quite a bit.

"Master, where are we going?"

He hadn't spoken to the boy for a whole month, and there was obviously a hint of joy in Nannan's tone.

Even though she will be the ruthless queen who kills kings and overlooks the world in the future, at this time, she is just a girl in the flowery season of cardamom, facing this very kindness to her who has had the same relationship with herself. The young master with the charming scene is hard to be so cold.

However, apart from Dongfang Chen, she was never so gentle.

You must know that in this month's time, Nan Nan personally killed more than [-] people, and killed countless monsters!The name of a ruthless man is by no means a false statement, but a young empress who is decisive in killing and fearless of heaven and earth!

"Go to Fengyang City."

Dongfang Chen remembered his agreement with the black-clothed girl from Fengxingmen, and it is estimated that the latter was already waiting there, and it was time to find her. After all, the great magical power of "Fengxing Divine Finger" was infinitely useful, and it was also helpful to him. will not be small.

"Fengyang City?"

Nan Nan was startled.

Nan Nan was startled.

Seeing the girl thinking about it, Dongfang Chen asked, "What's wrong?"


Nan Nan smiled and said nothing more.

Looking at the girl with fluttering white clothes and beautiful appearance, Dongfang Chen's eyes showed a touch of pampering and said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I've eaten the food I made for you. Master will show you a hand today."

"Master, let Nannan come."

Nan Nan took off the silver mask, revealing a peerless beauty, her eyes curved like a crescent moon, and she showed a rare smile, "This month, Nan Nan's cooking skills have also grown, let you try it."

She will only show her true face in front of the boy, and except for him, everyone can only see a silver mask.


Hearing this, Dongfang Chen laughed, "Okay, let me taste your craftsmanship."

The Ruthless Empress cooks by herself, I am afraid that no one in the whole world has eaten it, right?


A week later.

Fengyang City.

The sand is filled with sand, the deserted Gobi, and a giant city stands.

Fengyang City is a barren city that is two levels higher than Luohua City. The difference of levels comes from the suppression of the barrier of Luohua City. Anyone's cultivation is only in the spiritual realm, while the barrier of Fengyang City is suppressed. It is under the king's realm.

At noon, Dongfang Chen and Nannan stepped off the white jade boat, and the two walked into the city side by side.

In a big city, finding one person is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack. Dongfang Chen plans to wait and find a few clever little gangsters, give them some benefits, and let them lead someone to find them, which is very labor-saving.

Crossing the streets and alleys, Dongfang Chen and Nannan came to a famous luxury restaurant in Fengyang City called Huatianju.

As a thousand-year-old foodie, Dongfangchen is very picky about food, and this Huatianju 350 has been here in his previous life. The braised fin fish here is extremely delicious and a famous dish.

"Please come in."

Entering Huatianju, there was a fragrant wind on the face. It was a long-haired woman with good looks. She came in a red dress and a pink dress. She was smiling and led Dongfang Chen and Nannan to the top floor of Huatianju.

Huatian Residence has an elegant environment, carved beams and painted buildings, full of ancient style, rockery and real trees as the scenery, and the sound of silk and bamboo curls.

Especially on the top floor at this time, there were many literati and scholars from ancient China sitting around, laughing and chatting happily.

The two found a quiet spot.

Seeing that Dongfang Chen is handsome and handsome, and there is an ethereal rhythm, the girl in the pink skirt never leaves his eyes, and her smile is also charming, and she asks, "You two, what do you want?"

"Braised finfish, steamed green scale tiger prawns, fried bamboo shoots, and a few other side dishes."

Dongfangchen is very familiar with Huatianju's signature dishes, so he came here casually.

"Yo, guest officer, you are a connoisseur, please wait a moment, you will be here soon."

Seeing that what Dongfang Chen ordered were all Hua Tianju's best dishes, the woman in the pink skirt was also slightly stunned, and then blinked at Dongfang Chen with a charming smile, turned around, twisted her waist, and left slowly...

Chapter 74 Let me help you, crack this painting

After the woman in the pink skirt left, Dongfang Chen and Nannan waited for the dishes to be served.

Although the girl wore a silver mask, her beautiful eyes were clear and bright, like a peerless relic, occasionally glanced at the master beside her, and remained silent.

Around, there were bursts of lively discussions among the diners.

"Have you heard? In an ancient tomb, the Demon Emperor killed Kangxi!"

"How could I have not heard of such a big event? Kangxi is a great emperor of a generation, famous for the ages, and the most powerful person in that era! An extraordinary leader-level figure!"

"I heard that other emperors of the Qing Dynasty, because of this matter, spoke from the five major sects and wanted to kill the devil emperor! Instead, they will never die!"

"The other eleven emperors of the Qing Dynasty are all characters that are not easy to mess with. If the eleven emperors come out together, plus the old ministries of the Qing Dynasty, this force will be really amazing, and the devil emperor will also have a big enemy!"

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