"Xuan Bingzi!"

Seeing that Xuan Bingzi actually took advantage of the fire, the Sky Poison landlord couldn't help but growl, his whole body trembling with anger, and then he glared at Dongfang Chen, gritted his teeth and growled, "Devil Emperor, you're deceiving people too much! Do you think I'm still afraid of you? ?"

Although the Sky Poison Landlord said so, but he didn't do it for a long time, because that mysterious power has never appeared, which made him very nervous!

'Is it because you are afraid of the three thousand thunder phantom body? '

Seeing that the Sky Poison Master was doing thunder but not raining, instead he was always paying attention to the movements around him. How shrewd is Dongfang Chen?At a glance, he saw through his thoughts!

Dongfang Chen sneered in his heart, 'Since you are willing to scare yourself, I will play with you! '

Suddenly, Dongfang Chen secretly activated the Mother Qi Cauldron of all things. Of course, it was not the real activation of this imperial weapon. It was just to let it exude an imperial weapon power, and it was not an attack. This is still very easy to do.

However, even if there is only a trace of the might of the dignified emperor's divine weapon, is it ordinary and comparable?

In an instant, the endless mighty terrifying emperor's might, as if the will of the heavens were mighty, filled the world!

The emperor's mighty might, coercion for nine days, seems like the endless stars are also crumbling.

On earth, all things surrender.

Birds do not fly in the air, they crawl on the ground, and beasts do not dare to stand, only kneeling and bowing.

Under the emperor's prestige, no one could stand in the air, and all fell to the mountain peak, with fear and trembling on their faces, as if they were ants facing a giant dragon.

"This is!!"

The owner of Sky Poison, who was hesitant to take action at first, felt this terrifying power, and his expression changed greatly.

Where is the power of the power level?

I am afraid that only a leader-level figure can have such power!Even, it gives the impression that it is far beyond the leader-level figure!

Seeing this, the three white-clothed old men in Xuan Bingshan suddenly enlarged their pupils and their hearts trembled.

Soon, Diwei gathered.

Heaven and earth returned to normal, but everyone's faces were as pale as paper, and for a moment, it seemed that all the strength of the whole body had been exhausted.

The three white-clothed old men in Xuan Bingshan also knew that there was a rumor that there was a powerful servant beside the Devil Emperor, but the power displayed now far exceeded the power of the powerful level, and they even couldn't help but give birth. The thought of wanting to pay homage was terrifying.

"Could it be that there really is such a terrifying powerhouse..."

The Sky Poison Landlord's expression was extremely ugly, even with a sense of despair.

It is difficult for him to guess how powerful the master who unleashed this power has. I am afraid that he can crush the stars with his hands?

If it is a powerhouse of this level, I am afraid that with a single finger, I can crush myself thousands of times!

If it is a powerhouse of this level, I am afraid that with a single finger, I can crush myself thousands of times!

At this time, the initiator of this incident that made everyone stunned, sighed very unkindly in his heart, "People like this kind of thing just like to guess..."


At this moment, perhaps because of the stimulation of Diwei, there was a violent riot in the earth, and a loud rumbling sound resounded through the heavens and the earth.

The countless miles of vast mountain ranges that can't be seen at a glance are all cracked at this moment, and huge cracks spread far away, hideous and deep, like countless dark thunders.

The mysterious jade ore veins in the depths of the earth, from which beams of bright jade beams radiate, are like jade-colored waterfalls, straight into the sky, illuminating the whole world, and dyeing the world with a touch of holiness and harmony.

"It turns out that that ray of wisdom is only one level away, and it can break through to become a new mysterious spirit!"

Dongfang Chen's eyes were burning, filled with eagerness and anticipation.

Originally, he was a little worried that once Xuan Ling truly had his own complete will, it would be difficult to tame it.Now, this mysterious spirit that is just about to be soon, obviously does not have a mature mind. If you get it yourself, you can easily domesticate it.

· …for flowers…………

Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom!

At this moment, the endless mountains collapsed one after another, revealing the body of the mysterious jade veins buried underground.

The mysterious jade ore vein is like a life-like intelligent creature, rushing out of the ground, like breaking out of a shell, the whole body is mysterious jade, surrounded by wisps of immortal clouds and mists, and there are countless splendid divine lights shining, the body is huge. Unimaginable, at least thousands of miles away.

The mysterious jade vein is like a huge octopus, a huge head, and more than a dozen mountain-like tentacles.A 'tentacle' was photographed from the sky, and in an instant, the earth collapsed, the dust and smoke rose to the sky, and all the creatures below it were shattered.


At this moment, between the heavens and the earth, a majestic and endless dark cloud of black color condenses. It seems that there are billions of black water surging, and the dazzling silver thunder light is constantly surging among the clouds, making a roar of thunder.


Looking up at the rolling thunderclouds in the sky, Dongfang Chen's eyes shrank.

"Does the last step of Xuanling's evolution need to go through a catastrophe?"

Above the sky, ink clouds cover the sky, the world suddenly darkens, the destruction of the catastrophe is brewing, the thunder rumbles, the dazzling electric light illuminates the sky and the earth, and it is about to explode completely. Horrible scene, everyone hurriedly backed away.

Once entered the scope of the robbery, no matter what creature will be killed by the robbery!


Finally, a dazzling silver thunder blasted down from the ink-colored clouds, like a silver dragon descending to earth, connecting the sky and the earth, dividing the whole world!

It's not just a thunderbolt, it's a world-destroying qi machine that makes countless people tremble!

The silver thunder, with unparalleled power, slammed into the Xuanyu ore vein, smashing its huge 'tentacle' like a mountain. Although the 'tentacle' was smashed by the thunder, it eventually turned into a majestic river of profound energy and returned to the main body of the mysterious jade vein.

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