Dongfang Chen had just approached the fairy tea tree, and wanted to uproot this apparently extraordinary tea tree.

Suddenly, there was a burst of old laughter.

"The tea leaves on the tree are not to be picked. It's better for my little friend to drink this pot of tea."

Even Dongfang Chen didn't expect the sudden sound, so he couldn't help but turn his head abruptly.

I don't know when, an old man in black, with kind eyebrows, simple and plain, seems to be really a kind old man who is dying, sitting on the jade stool, looking at him with a smile, and making a gesture of please.

Dongfang Chen did not act rashly, because, intuitively, he believed that the seemingly ordinary black-clothed old man in front of him was definitely much stronger than anyone he had ever seen. Among them, he wrapped those powerhouses at the emperor level!


"Eastern Dust!"

Facing the black-clothed old man who appeared without warning 0.6, the four daughters, Nannan and Luo Xi, were shocked, lest Dongfang Chen be in danger.

Dongfang Chen waved his hand, so that people outside don't have to worry and don't come over.

He sat on another jade bench and looked at the old man in black, "It's time to work."

"Hehe, little friendly courage."

The black-clothed old man smiled, with dry hands, he picked up a jade pot that appeared on the table at an unknown time, tilted slightly, the tea was flowing, and fell into the only jade cup, the tea in the pot was not much or not, just filled. One cup seemed to run out.

"The tea of ​​the predecessors must be extraordinary tea."

Dongfang Chen picked up the jade teacup and looked down at the cup.

The tea in the cup is rippling, and between the ripples, the scene of the rotation of the sun and the moon and the birth and death of stars emerge! .

Chapter 123 Enlightenment


Dongfang Chen looked at Yubei, his pupils shrunk.

In the tea, there is a scene of the sun and the moon rotating, and the stars are born and die. The hot steam curls up, attracting the stars and stars, as if a hanging galaxy is rising against the current, as if it is about to burst out of the teacup into a universe.

How can it not be shocking?

This is just a cup of tea, but it seems to be included in a big universe!

Dongfang Chen held the teacup and looked at the old man in black, "Why did you invite me to drink tea?"

The old man in black, with kind eyes and kind eyes, chuckled: "You are different, I want to create a cause and effect."

"I'll take you as a compliment to me."

Dongfang Chen drank the tea in the cup, and a wisp of delicate heat flowed into his throat, moisturizing his lungs and flowing through the meridians. Immediately, it turned into a majestic avenue, as if it turned into hundreds of millions of stars, running in his body, hiding him in the A strange world.

Dongfang Chen knew that this was an opportunity that could not be wasted, so he closed his eyes and meditated immediately, feeling the meaning of the Tao in the tea.

The Tao has no form, the Tao has no form, it cannot be said, it cannot be carried, everyone can only comprehend it with intention, and each person's perception is different.

Just like the same road, if 17 people walk through [-], there will be [-] kinds of scenery.

The extraordinary thing about tea is that it allows oneself to detach from the path that has already been traveled, walk again, walk out of different scenery, gain new understanding, and scrutinize the answers obtained by oneself, and come to a more correct answer.

A cube has six sides. Only by seeing all of its six sides can we truly understand the cube.

The simplest cube, and so on, what about Tao?Who has seen more aspects of Tao?

What Dongfang Chen chose to comprehend was that the world in the palm of his hand was a magical power that only belonged to the Solemnity Realm!He took different paths one by one, which made his comprehension and deduction of the world in the palm of his hand reach an astonishing height!

Dongfang Chen feels like a hundred years have passed, and he has walked one different path after another, gradually perfecting this magical power.

Suddenly, Dongfang Chen slowly opened his eyes and sighed: "It's still not enough..."

A cup of tea can enlighten the Dao, be thorough, and walk out a path of detachment from the old self, but it is not enough to perfect the world in the palm of your hand!

In this regard, Dongfang Chen is not discouraged, but is even more excited and excited, because the more this is the case, the more it proves that this magical power is incredible!The water of rivers and lakes cannot add to the sea, because the sea is boundless!

When Dongfang Chen looked at the black-clothed old man again, there was no one there. The fairy tea tree with colorful tea leaves and rhythm flowing, only a waste pit left, and the jade table and stool were even more dilapidated. Experience thousands of years of wind and rain.

On the broken jade table, ten celestial bone imprints floated.

The original place was dense and shrouded in peace, but now it has become dark red soil and bloody, as if drinking the blood of demons, it is no longer holy, and the oppression is naturally gone.

The old man in black smiled and poured tea, as if it was just a dream.

However, Dongfang Chen knew that this was definitely not a dream. The old man in black and the immortal tea tree really existed.

"Brother Dongfang, are you alright?"

Xuanyuan and others gathered around and asked with concern, because what they saw with their own eyes was too amazing.

As soon as Dongfang Chen drank that cup of tea, he began to realize the Tao. The old man in black and the immortal tea tree disappeared, and the original mist and harmony no longer existed, as if a dream had been shattered, and a cloud of smoke was blown away. Yes, it's amazing.

Luo Xi said: "Dongfang Chen, are you okay?"



Dongfang Chen smiled, "How long have I been enlightened?"

"Two or three minutes." The girl replied.

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