He knew that as long as he dared to move half a step, his head would be separated.

"it is……"

The one-eyed dragon looked down at the black halberd in front of his throat, and then turned to look at the black shadow without thoughts and emotions.

There is a slender black shadow at the foot of the black shadow, and the other end is connected to the foot of Dongfang Chen. The black shadow is the shadow of the young man!

"Brother! Brother! Have something to say!"

At this moment, the back of the one-eyed dragon was already sweating like a waterfall, soaking his clothes, and he no longer had the slightest prestige, and he begged for mercy.

He couldn't imagine that the young man in front of him had never shot from the beginning to the end, and only the shadow showed such a powerful attack, how terrifying his own strength should be?

The fear in his heart was transpiring like a mist, and in an instant, it occupied his entire heart!

Chapter 44 Life and Death Talisman!

"I want... the jade token, and the secret place."

Dongfang Chen looked at the one-eyed dragon who held his sword and was covered in cold sweat, and said with a smile.

Dongfang Chen, who has experienced thousands of years of "chaotic times", is nothing more than a mere robbery. He has already done it many times. Even if he destroys the family butchery, he still does it with ease!

This is the way of survival in "Troubled Times", the strong eat the weak!

There is no right or wrong, only strong and weak!

The weak, the corpse in the wilderness, the strong, alone for nine days!

In the eyes of the one-eyed dragon, the boy's warm smile was no different from the ferocious devil, and it was even many times more terrifying.

As for the shadow, it is called Zhanying, which is the product of the second-grade soul dao practice "Shadow Scripture", or in other words, the soul dao practice of "Shadow Scripture" is to create this war shadow.

Compared with the martial arts of tempering the physical body and the profound way of comprehending magic techniques, the soul path is much more bizarre and mysterious. It is the most difficult to cultivate among the three paths of 'martial, mysterious and soul'. One is also one that very few people practice.

"The Book of Shadows" is to capture a soul body, integrate it into its own shadow, and create a war shadow that can be manipulated at will. The stronger the soul body, the higher the quality of the war shadow.

The "Book of Shadows" has been cultivated to the extreme, Zhanying can have [-]% of the strength of the body, and Zhanying is immortal, even if it is cut in half, it will not die.The only way to deal with the war shadow is to kill the body.

The disadvantage is that the war shadow can only perform melee attacks, and can only move within a certain range of the body. Once the shadow between the war shadow and the body is broken, the war shadow will automatically disappear and return to the shadow of the body.

Only the second-rank Soul Dao Cultivation Technique has such a function, which shows the power of Soul Dao.

However, it was Dongfang Chen who cultivated with the aptitude of the Unlimited Realm, and only in just three days, he was able to reach this level, and cultivated the "Shadow Scripture" to an extreme.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be difficult to do this even after cultivating for three or five years!

Dongfang Chen knew that the "Book of Shadows" was only a basic soul-dao shadow-type exercise. He had fought against the soul-dao power of a person in the extreme realm, and had deeply experienced the horror of that soul-dao power.

He specializes in shadow exercises. When he raises his hand, his shadow transforms into a Kunpeng, a shadow into a real phoenix, a shadow into a divine phoenix, one strike can shatter mountains, and one strike can slash the earth, which is extremely terrifying!

As a unique three-path fellow practitioner in "Troubled Times", Dongfang Chen can incorporate all mysteries into himself and create unprecedented brilliance!

The war shadow crossed the halberd in front of the one-eyed dragon's throat, as cold and ruthless as a Shura.

The one-eyed dragon shuddered, dropped the steel knife, and begged for mercy: "Don't, don't kill me! I'll give you the jade token! I know where the secret is, I'll take you there now!"

"Dongfang Chen, this person must be cunning, I'm afraid he won't be so honest." The little medical fairy reminded softly in Dongfang Chen's ear.

"If even he can't clean up, I'm too useless."

Looking at a large bucket next to him, Dongfang Chen chuckled lightly and stomped his feet.

Looking at a large bucket next to him, Dongfang Chen chuckled lightly and stomped his feet.

Teenage physique, how terrifying?It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a humanoid beast!

This stomping, the ground shakes, seems to be crumbling!

A splash of water splashed from the big bucket, and it was scattered, and Dongfang Chen grabbed it in the palm of his hand. In an instant, a cold force poured into the running water in the palm of his hand, and the cold air permeated from the palm of the boy's ice-carved jade.

When Dongfang Chen spread out his hand again, a small piece of thin ice was lying quietly in his palm, round, thin as paper, crystal clear!

Life and death sign!

The talisman of life and death is a kind of hidden weapon used by Tianshan Tongmao in "The Eight Parts of Tianlong", and it has a splendid name.

Those who are in the life-and-death talisman cannot survive or die. When the attack occurs, the itching is severe, and the pain is severe every day. It gradually increases to ninety-nine-eighty-one days, and then gradually subsides. After eighty-one days, it starts again. Incremental, so repeating, never-ending, so that the life and death talisman had to be controlled by others, hence the name life and death talisman.

Dongfang Chen flicked his arm, and the ice flakes broke into the air, directly submerging into the one-eyed dragon in a very strange way.

At first, the one-eyed dragon felt tingling and itching in the wound, and immediately, the pain was like needles, and it was like ten thousand ants biting.

"You just need to know that it's something that will keep you alive and dead."

Dongfang Chen looked at the one-eyed dragon and said calmly, "No one can solve this except me. As long as you are honest, I will naturally solve it for you."


The one-eyed dragon was furious. If so, wouldn't he become the slave of the young man?Let him drive!

However, the situation was stronger than that of people, and he didn't dare to say anything more, so he had to take out a palm-sized jade token, engraved with a dragon pattern on it, and gritted his teeth: "This is the jade token! However, it must be Go to that place to use it, if you kill me, you will never find it there!"

"lead the way."

Dongfang Chen put away the jade token.

"it is good!"

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