"A person who died and disappeared, has fallen with the fairyland."

The figure on the river of time slowly opened his mouth.

In an instant, the river of time oscillated, the river boiled endlessly, pieces of time rioted, and the thunder of destruction fell from above the river of time.


The voice of the figure was in his ears, and Dongfang Chen suddenly felt a shock in his mind. The power of terrifying karma came, turned into a knife of the avenue, and slashed at Dongfang Chen's memory, and wiped the words of the figure from his memory. go.

The power of cause and effect attacks both at the same time, and no one can tell the taboo across the years!


Don't allow that person to speak the words of cause and effect through the years!Don't allow Dongfang Chen to hear these words over the years and cut off his memory!

"Cause and effect can't cut my memory!"

The words in Dongfang Chen's mind were gradually cut off by the sword of karma, causing a chill in his heart.

At this time, the golden lotus of good fortune in the consciousness slowly opened, and the laws of good fortune came forth, destroying the cause and effect, destroying the avenue, and destroying the sword of cause and effect.

The golden lotus of good fortune guards Dongfang Chen, which is as strong as the force of karma, and it cannot be added, let alone cut off his memory.

Dongfang Chen suddenly remembered that the last time, the two figures who brought lotus seeds to him in the long river of time, why was this not the case, but this figure is still the same?

Infinite thunder fell like rain, the long river was bombarded, time boiled, the avenue collapsed, the figure stood still in the thunder, confronted with the fairy weapon, seemed to know his supernatural power, said: "The cultivation of immortals and immortals. Different, I can't stop the power of cause and effect, but someone can."

Dongfang Chen looked at the figure.

As if to clear Dongfang Chen's confusion, the figure continued: "Before the immortal world was not destroyed, I saw you across the river of time. It's just that your fate is too big, and I can't deduce your secrets, so I will deduce others, I found out that you can be immune to other people's magical powers, so I established a magical array.".

Chapter 103 The source of the demise of the underworld

'what? '

Hearing this, Dongfang Chen's heart stirred up waves.

That figure saw him through the years, and deduced that he was immune to supernatural powers, so before the immortal world was destroyed countless years ago, these supernatural power formations were built just to wait for him to come here?This is really a counter-measure.


At this moment, the great terrifying thunder with causality, like a drifting rain, slammed down intensively, causing the entire river to boil over the years, as if the past, present and future will be overturned, and history will collapse.

The chaotic figure on the river of time, while fighting against the calamity of karma, moved his hand, and the yellow-skinned gourd flew into his hand, a pair of eyes overlooking the ancient and modern, looked at Dongfang Chen, and said: "You will face the greatest turmoil in the ancient and modern times, That battle was too difficult, too difficult! No help, I would like to give this wine to fellow Daoists!" "[-]"

After all, the chaotic figure threw the yellow-skinned gourd into Dongfang Chen's hands, rolling thunder, and continuously bombarded above the river of time, becoming more ferocious and violent.

"May fellow Daoist triumph!"

A voice full of endless desolation sounded, echoing the long river of time.

After these words are over, the karma thunder is getting more and more dense, it seems like a great waterfall of thunder and lightning that can't be seen for a long time. Can't bear to fall into a collapse.

Russian hectares.

A loud roar came from the sky, shaking this broken fairyland, endless stars, and rain fell.

"Do you want to go against the power of cause and effect in the world of chaos and court death!!"

At the same time, a terrifying force was chasing and killing from the upper reaches of the long river, crossing history and time, and shooting at the figure in the long river.

The chaotic figure, who had always been sitting cross-legged, slowly got up in the long river of time, with a mighty aura, like the rising sun, looking at the strong man who was chasing him from the upper reaches, and said indifferently: "Even if you are lingering in the future, So what? In my opinion, life is better than death!"

"I will come again and suppress the world!"

The figure killed from the upper reaches of the long river, hunting in blood, flying with black hair, holding a black flag, said coldly: "At that time, you have disappeared, and I will be immortal!"

"What's the meaning of such longevity?"

"Only live for longevity, forget the meaning of life."

The Chaos figure sighed, took the fairy weapon, and started a battle with the man in blood bathing in the thunder of karma.

The two seem to be fighting in the past, and they are fighting in the future. What the world shows is nothing more than a projection. Even if Dongfang Chen stood there, he could only see the years boiling, and the two figures appeared in the ancient and modern future. But it didn't affect him, like a spectator looking at history.

The battle between the two figures gradually faded along with the long river of time.

Dongfang Chen knew that the chaotic figure was about to dissipate, because what he said involved the great mystery of cause and effect. No one in the world is allowed to change history. Anyone who wants to change will be destroyed, and he hastily asked: "What is the use of that black fragment?"


Chaos figure said.

There is no time to think about the meaning of the key, Dongfang Chen knows that he must hurry up and ask the most important question, he has the power of creating a golden lotus, and he is not afraid of the power of cause and effect, but that figure is not good, "You know, above the gods. ?"

"the other side……"

After saying these two words, the chaotic figure and the blood-clothed man dissipated from the world of history along with the years and endless thunder.

"the other side?"

"the other side?"

Dongfang Chen heard these two familiar words again, and immediately looked at the yellow-skinned gourd in his hand.


At this moment, this broken world vibrated violently, and the crack in the sky was even bigger.

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