It seems that I have seen myself in the years.

Zi Xianyun's eyes were a little sad, and she suddenly said: "There was a rainy day, there was a street, I saw a person, after walking for a while, and then looking back, did that person still want to meet me?"

Dongfang Chen said: "Why do you need to talk about looking back, you are by my side."

Zi Xianyun's body trembled.

"Let's go."

Dongfang Chen smiled and walked towards the restaurant.

Looking at the man's back, Zi Xianyun suddenly had an epiphany in her heart.

What is true and false?Believe it is true, do not believe it is false!It turned out that he believed in the road he had traveled, and he also believed in meeting in the rain, but he could not let go of his heart, thinking that the woman who fell in love with him was only the lady of the Zi family, not her Zi Xianyun.

But, now she has a clear idea. He is a poor and white student who is rushing for exams, and he is also the master of the heavenly court who rules the human race. That scholar, the Holy Master of Zi Mansion also loves the Master of the Heavenly Court.

That's enough!

"Wait for me."

With a wave of Zixianyun's hand, the purple air was misty, turning it into a purple umbrella, shielding Dongfang Chen from the rain. After a long time, he gently leaned his head on the man's shoulder...

"Your food is ready."

The second shopkeeper brought the braised Bazhen chicken and smiled at the two of them: "This is the specialty of our shop, the custodian is satisfied, please use it slowly."

Looking at the attractive color and aroma of Bazhen Chicken, Dongfang Chen moved his index finger and started it immediately.


Seeing the dignified Lord of Heaven's eating like this, Zi Xianyun pursed her lips and chuckled, her voice like jade beads falling on a silver plate.

After thinking through her thoughts, Zi Xianyun, just like the young lady of the Zi family, treats the man in front of her with only love in her heart.

Deng Deng Deng!

At this time, a figure covered in black iron armor and wearing a long blood-red feather on his head walked into the restaurant, walking like a tiger with astonishing vigor.

When the black armored man walked in, the air in the restaurant suddenly became depressed, no one spoke, no one even ate the food, and all focused on the black armored man.

The man in black armor held a wanted notice with a real image on it, looked around the restaurant for a week, and then said indifferently: "This person stole the treasure of the royal family of Da Shang, if anyone has any clues, report it immediately, and reward Xuanyu ten million. Whoever provides a hiding place will be rewarded with a star of life, and whoever captures it will be crowned king!".

Chapter 23 Not the Future Her

"Any clue will be rewarded with thousands of Xuanyu?"

"Provide a location and reward a life planet?"

"If you capture him, you can make him a king? Oh my God! How many kings are there in the Dashang Dynasty, and each king is boundless and powerful, ruling the huge galaxy!"

Hearing the words of the black armored man, the people in the restaurant became short of breath, and all focused their attention on the wanted warrant in the hands of the black armored man.

On the wanted list is a pretty little girl who seems to be carved from ice and jade, and is beautiful. She is about ten years old.

It is conceivable that when the little girl grows up, she is destined to be a beauty at the level of ruining the country and bringing disaster to the country and the people.

'is her! ? '

However, when he glanced at the wanted order, Dongfang Chen's pupils shrank suddenly.

The girl in the wanted list is none other than the little girl who once crossed the long river with that chaotic figure and came to this world to bring him the lotus seeds!A sky-defying powerhouse who can go backwards in time and kill the peerless Immortal King!

'No, it can't be her! '

Dongfang Chen denied his own thoughts in his heart.

If it was really that little girl, with her sky-defying cultivation, even if the Da Shang Dynasty had a bold man, how would they dare to arrest her?Those strong people can blow up the big universe with one punch!

'She's not from the future, so...'

Dongfang Chen faintly had an astonishing guess in his heart, and was immediately shocked by his own thoughts. If it was what he thought, it would involve great cause and effect, and any action could change history.

"what happened?"

Zixian Yun asked.

Dongfang Chen remembered the little girl, but Zi Xianyun couldn't.

At the beginning, when he crossed the calamity, the little girl went against the long river of time and came to this world, and the chaotic figure cut off the past and future of the long river of time. Because of the karma involved, everyone's memory was cut off by the cause and effect, except for him, no one It is possible to know that the little girl once arrived in this world from the future.

"It's nothing, let's go after dinner."

Dongfang Chen decided to find this little girl, because the latter was too extraordinary. He had never come to this world and brought him the lotus seeds of good fortune. If he was in love and reason, he had to find her.


"That little girl appeared last, on this Bai Yuxing."

After several tossing and turning, Dongfang Chen came to Bai Yuxing outside a dozen galaxies.

Dongfang Chen searched the memories of many people with the soul-seeking method, and learned that the little girl may still be here, many major forces are searching, and even the army of the Great Shang Dynasty is heading here.

The majestic divine consciousness spread out, covering the entire star, and suddenly, Dongfang Chen turned his head sharply, his eyes looked somewhere, and the golden light in his eyes flew, as if it was about to burst through a million miles of void, "There!"

Knowing the direction, the two turned into Changhong and left.

Endless mountains, steep and rugged.

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