The ominous voice echoed in Bahuang, cold and arrogant.

He admits that the Emperor of Heaven is more than himself, and that he is someone who has stepped out of the unparalleled path of eternity.

However, he was born from a giant gate.

Even if he can't control the giant gate, even if he just borrows a little power, he is by no means an enemy of the Heavenly Emperor.

Today, he is destined to sacrifice the door with the Heavenly Emperor, reverse the time, and recast the Immortal Path!For this day, he has laid out thousands of years!

"It's time to end."

"It's time to end."

Dongfang Chen smiled lightly, and the cauldron on his head turned gently.

The quasi-immortal emperor soldiers flowed out of immortal light, guarding him, not to be injured by the murderous intention motivated by the giant gate.

Although the murderous intention of the giant gate is terrifying, there are very few ominous ones that can be motivated, and it cannot be controlled, so it does not make him really afraid.


Dongfang Chen walked forward.

He ascended to the sky, with a splendid figure and an air of arrogance in the world, as if he was detached from all living beings, and turned into the only one in the world at this moment.

One after another golden rays of light were born from the void.

Russian hectares.

Roots and sprouts, sprout flower stems.

One after another, the golden lotus of the avenue bloomed slowly from the void.

In the center of the flowers of the three thousand dao lotus, there is a shadow of the dao, shrouded in divine light, immeasurable immortal rhythm, and surrounds Dongfang Chen like a group of stars and the moon.

Immediately, an illusory image of the golden lotus of good fortune, keeping pace with the giant gate, bloomed proudly behind Dongfang Chen.

The chaotic time and space are frozen, the broken world is frozen, the rivers of time have stopped flowing, and the heavens and the world seem to have fallen into an eternity for a moment, which is magical and wonderful.


The giant gates closed and gradually faded from the sky.

Immediately, it completely disappeared in this starry sky, as if it had never existed.

"That is……"

Looking at the image of the golden lotus, the ominous expression finally changed.

That golden lotus was so terrifying that it suppressed the murderous intention of the giant gate and expelled the giant gate!It is definitely a treasure above the Immortal Emperor artifact!

Dongfang Chen closed his eyes, pinched the Daoyin in his hand, and his ten fingers were like lotus.

The golden lotus of good fortune transforms into a vision that penetrates the sky, majestic and majestic. If it wants to break through the universe, the three thousand lotus will also sway and flutter, and the fairy sound is curling, which is very magical.

Suddenly, Dongfang Chen 947 opened his eyes.

The pupils in his eyes turned into a golden fairy lotus, and the rhythm of the Tao flowed, if the world was born and destroyed.

At the same time, the Fayin was urging, the meaning of the Tao was difficult to imitate, and the divine lotus behind him flew away in golden light, immobilizing all the cause and effect of time and space, and running through the ominous body.

The golden lotus fairy light hole is ominous.

The ominous body slowly scattered like the ashes of paper after the flames burned.


The ominous eyes filled with disbelief, the body kept turning to ashes, and soon only a head remained.

"I, I know! Haha, it turns out that everything is..."

Ominous suddenly laughed a little crazy.

Near the moment of fading, the ominous but inexplicably awakened some memories from the giant gate.

Jumen has no memory and no consciousness, but it has witnessed all the years and knows the full truth of history.

At this moment, the ominous is about to burn to the ground, but it is completely connected with the giant gate and knows everything. The history of the endless years ago is pitiful and sad...

Chapter 76 The Immortal King's Fury

"Eternal talk! Hahaha! In the end, it's just living in a false world!"

"My way...has come to an end..."

"Strange, why is there a woman's smile in my mind?"

"I remembered. When I was called too crazy, I met a mortal woman who died waiting for my return, but I didn't care."

"What's her name? I remember what she looked like, but I forgot her name... I knew it earlier, I..."

Ominous, laughing and sad, turned into ashes and dispersed.

He once stood on the top of the universe and knew the secrets that shook the past and the present, but in the end, when he recalled it, he was a mortal woman who was short-lived in his long life.

In the universe, his dust fluttered.

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