From this scene, we can see how careful Shen Tuguan is, and how scared he is.

The darkness is even more viscous, covering Shentu Guan himself like a huge dark sphere.

It exudes a defense that even if the sky is torn apart, the doomsday reward cannot be broken through.

At this moment, a ray of light bloomed, and the heaven and earth first opened.

The thunder condensed and rioted wildly. A finger condensed from the depths of the universe. The lines on it were clearly visible. The size of the finger covered the world, and the universe was a little small compared to it.

This is enough to prove how huge the finger that is gathered by pure lightning is, and the aura that it emits is even more indescribable.

Only the word "horror" can barely describe it. It doesn't know that the qi is extremely terrifying, and it has a unique will, as if the world is the only one in the world, and it belongs to the breath of the emperor.

This finger slowly fell from the sky, and everything along the way turned into a sea of ​​lightning, and nothing dared to resist.

Even on this day, this place is bleak, a sign of the beginning of the doomsday catastrophe, the fingers wipe out all things, shake the universe, and arbitrarily dictate time and time.

Even on this day, this place is bleak, a sign of the beginning of the doomsday catastrophe, the fingers wipe out all things, shake the universe, and arbitrarily dictate time and time.

His fingers pierced through the sky and moved towards Shen Tuguan, who chose to defend himself.

Not only Shi Hao and the others can see such a scene, but many people in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths can clearly see it.

However, all of them have the same mood at this time, that is, shock, and only shock can vent their current emotions.

The Thunder Finger fell, and the breath burst, and it was crushed by the defense that was shrouded in darkness by the Shentu Crown.


This roar was even louder, making countless people deaf, and unspeakable horror emerged from their hearts...

And the strongest defense that Shen Tuguan was proud of, after being crushed by the Thunder Fingers, there were signs of cracking in an instant, and the continuous thunder mang enveloped the entire darkness.

In the next scene, Shi Hao and everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Dongfang Chen did not crush Shentuguan directly, otherwise, it would be a bit unreasonable.

It was Lei Yi above the Thunder Fingers that was rapidly fading, and it was true that the first Dongfang Chen's offensive didn't work.

But in the same way, the speed at which the defense shatters in the dark is more visible to the naked eye.


The thunder finger dissipated, the anger was extremely hesitant, and with a dull sound, the dark defense also shattered.


Shen Tuguan's body shot out instantly, blood sprayed from his mouth, and his face was as pale as paper.

4.2 The pale complexion was filled with panic at this moment. This is his strongest defense. No one has been able to break it since ancient times, but now it has been broken like this, and he has been seriously injured. How can this be? Don't let him panic.

"You are a real fairy!"

Looking at Dongfang Chen, he said very unwillingly.

Dongfang Chen didn't answer, but it proved what Shen Tuguan said.

Shentu Guan panicked, but Dongfang Chen had hidden his cultivation!

After receiving the silent confirmation, without any hesitation, a word appeared in my mind, run! .

Chapter 20 The Crafty Exotic

Chapter 00016 The fierce attack of the exotic

A dignified immortal, an exotic top powerhouse, actually wanted to tear the space and escape.

Such a scene fell on the faces of Shi Hao and others, and the shock was exaggerated.

And they turned to look up in the eyes of Dongfang Chen, they knew the strength of Dongfang Chen, true immortal!

Unique true fairy!

A true immortal capable of slaughtering immortals!

At this moment, Dongfang Chen looked at Shen Tuguan who was tearing the space, his eyes changed, and he said a word.


With one word, everything around him changed dramatically in an instant.

In the scene of the smoke and dust, the smoke and dust stagnated in the void, and the violent gas was also stagnant visible to the naked eye.

And the Shen 09 Tuguan, who burst into the void in the distance and wanted to leave, stayed in place at this moment.

Everything seems to be frozen in time. At this moment, Shentu Guan feels that his whole body is blocked by a powerful force. Except for thinking, he cannot act at all.

Who is he?What kind of secret is this?Why can't I move?

The doubts in Shen Tuguan's mind kept ringing, but this also became his last thought.


A rainbow light passed by, and Shentuguan's body was suddenly divided into two, and Shentuguan's face was full of disbelief.

Even if he died, he didn't know how.

After all, the other party is immortal. After the body was divided into two, Dongfang Chen waved his big hand at will, and the body dissipated with the wind at this time, dissipating with this world!

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