This also means that the two walls of Diguan, which are as high as the sky, were completely destroyed by this palm.

The palm surpassed the dilapidated escrow and moved towards the distance, with boundless mana and endless spread.

The next moment!

Stretch out of one world, cross the mountains and rivers, and enter the nine heavens and ten places.


Strong shock!

There are hundreds of millions of creatures in the nine heavens and ten earths. When this palm came to the sky, all the creatures were deeply attracted, and the dangerous atmosphere in the depths of their souls made them dare not breathe.

On this day, nine days and ten places were terrified, and all the creatures fought to see the end of the day.

The entire nine days and ten places were shaking violently, and this palm that covered the sky carried the eyes of all living beings.


The whole world shook suddenly, the palm fell fiercely, and disaster followed.

A state was destroyed, life was devastated, and there were countless casualties!

And after a palm fell, it went to the next place, without any stop at all.


Another state, hundreds of millions of miles collapsed in an instant, flying horizontally at any time, billowing blood corpses everywhere.

On this day, the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths felt that before the palms that covered the sky, the existence of ants was completely unstoppable, and they could only be killed by others.

Countless creatures wailed constantly, and the creatures fled, trying to escape from this palm.

But how easy it is, the huge palms come from Diguan, cover hundreds of millions of miles, and cross the void, how can they be low-grade.

State after state sinks, collapses, and life falls.

Everything withered, and the palm of your hand passed, it can be said that no grass grows, and the invincible posture is fully displayed.

The sky, sun and moon were slaughtered one after another, even if they were not in the same state, they all felt the world-destroying aura, which made them tremble from the bottom of their hearts.

Doomsday!Total catastrophe!

The cries also sounded one after another, the strong fell, the soul flew away, and the common people were even more so, they were crushed by one palm and turned into flesh and blood.

Where the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths pass by, there is nothing left, nothing exists, and any creature turns into flesh and blood.

After sinking two states, the palm did not have any intention of stopping, and headed towards the next state again.


The sun and the moon rioted, the vault collapsed, the screams continued, and it was another state!

At this moment, no one can guess what the purpose of the palm is, and can only watch the palm along the way, killing the world.

How big was the big hand, and the aura of destruction was soaring and unscrupulous.

Is he going to destroy the world? .

Chapter 48 The World of Floating Dust

The palms of the sky, the world of floating dust, the mourning continues everywhere, and the signs of doomsday are endless and burst out.

This is only the palm of An Lan and the ancient ancestors, and it is protruding from the sky. In these nine heavens and ten places, I don't know how many mountains, rivers, and states have been destroyed.

Up to now, the speed of that palm's rapid march to the end has finally slowed down, and the aura of destruction has finally weakened a lot.

This is not because the power in the palm of the hand has weakened, but it is deliberate, to gather the power emanating from the palm of the hand, for the next.

The palm appeared on a state, covering the sky, blocking the sun and the moon.

When the palm appeared, Shi Hao, who was in Tianyuan, was shocked, his eyes were red, and he even prayed in his heart that the next thing should not happen in the direction that he thought.

This state is not an ordinary place, but a so-called sin state, among which the Stone Clan and the Fire Clan are the most famous.

The sky appeared in the palm of the hand, and it never fell, as if thinking about something.


Suddenly, there was a roar, and hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers collapsed in an instant, and the heaven and the earth resonated.

The palm suddenly fell, towards the sin state.

The terrifying scene broke out again, and countless creatures in the sin state were terrified and screamed constantly.

This time, the huge palm did not destroy the sin state, but grabbed it fiercely.


In the mad shaking of the whole world, the entire Sin State was grabbed by the palm of the hand in horror, and was freed from the bondage of the earth.

The light of the big hand burst out, and even if it was a little black, it did not affect the terrifying fluctuation in the slightest.

In the roar, the sin state was directly grabbed, and the above sin state was terrified, and all the creatures were full of daze, not knowing what this palm was going to do and where to take them.


The world suddenly shook, the earth was vast, the palm of the sky pierced through everything, and began to withdraw.

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