Surrounded by clouds and mist, the entire ruined fairyland, the transformation visible to the naked eye, this is completely magnificent.

With the passage of time, everything is going in the direction that everyone expected.

Ye Hei looked at everything around him, and felt a sense of pride in his heart. He also had plans in his heart. In just a few days, this fairyland, the once magnificent fairyland, would be completely restored.

The only thing that can be done now is to wait and wait for the time to come!

Everyone's thoughts are the same as Ye Hei, and they are full of confidence in the restoration of Xianyu.

But things are often not as good as people's "nine eight seven" meaning!

When everything was good, in the great formation, there was a sudden burst of terrifying killing intent, and the blood-colored light was so dazzling under the purple-gold color.

The one who felt the deepest was Ye Hei, who could clearly perceive that this substantial killing intent was locked on him.

There was a figure bursting out from a distance, and the rich blood-colored package was actually the Mokun who disappeared before!

Mo Kun holds a blood-colored spear in his hand, and it flows like a blood coagulation.

His face was full of anger and killing intent, and the target was resisting Ye Hei, so he had the confidence to kill Ye Hei directly.

Everyone clearly saw Mo Kun, but they couldn't speak for a while, so as not to leak energy and cause the formation to be unstable!

The faces of each other were full of anger. What they didn't expect was that this Mokun would report such a flaw. At this moment of benefiting the world, he would spare no effort to kill Ye Hei.

Ye Hei is the pivot of the entire formation. If Ye Hei is hit by Mo Kun's offensive, even if Ye Hei can withstand it, the whole formation will definitely shake or even crack, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

This is still their thinking in a good direction. After such a long time, the energy in Ye Hei's body has long been left, and the strength of that Mo Kun is far more than Ye Hei.

Coupled with the sneak attack, it was easier for Ye Hei to resist.

Everyone's faces were full of anger, and the Mo Kun in front of him actually did not hesitate to become a sinner through the ages in order to kill Ye Hei!

Mo Kun looked at everyone's faces, and laughed wildly, as if the scene in front of him made him extremely happy.

The ultimate move with the bloody spear is more and more terrifying and sharp!

Ye Hei stared at Mo Kun, who was shot from the explosion, and could feel the dangerous aura deep in his heart.

Not to mention the current self, even if it is prosperous, it will take some means to resist it.

Full of unwillingness in his heart, Ye Hei would rather wait for the Immortal Realm to be repaired and be hit by Mo Kun, rather than now!

The situation in front of him can be described as extremely severe. Although he is the most important person in the formation and cannot leave, the same is true of the seven people around him, and they cannot make a move.

After all, every shot will make the big formation unstable, and what kind of changes will occur.

After all, every shot will make the big formation unstable, and what kind of changes will occur.

At this moment, the focus of everyone in the world is on Mo Kun, how much they hope Mo Kun can stop!

But nothing is possible!

"Go to hell!"

Mo Kun's face was full of madness, and the bloody spear suddenly stabbed out in his hand!

The operation of the great formation was originally intended to repair the Immortal Domain, but it was only a matter of time, but at this critical moment, something unexpected happened!

Everyone was tense, Mo Kun's anger was rising, and the killing intent was overwhelming. The long spear formed by the blood in his hand was invincible.

At this moment, everyone is staring at each other, and they are full of anxiety.

Are you going to fail?

Is Xianyu really irreparable?

If the restoration of Xianyu this time fails, it will be difficult to repair it again in the future. After all, everyone present has passed their energy through the large array and turned it into the power of rules. Xianyu is also gradually accepting. If this fails, thus Injected by another energy, it is difficult to guarantee whether Xianyu will be compatible.


At this moment of crisis, a voice suddenly sounded in the great formation.

The sound waves rose from the sky, filled with endless coercion, overwhelming the sky, and mixed with the supreme danger.


The Mokun that burst out was instantly swept away by this sound wave, and his body was slammed into the air.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes turned to look, and they found that the source of the voice 3.2 was actually the quasi-immortal king of ten thousand calamities!

Everyone subconsciously thought that the big formation would be disordered.

But surprisingly, this did not happen, and the entire formation was still in steady progress.

"You actually hid your strength and reached the Immortal King!"

Mokun shot up from below, staring at the quasi-immortal king of ten thousand tribulations.

This sentence surprised everyone. They all knew that this person was at the level of a quasi-immortal king. Now it seems that he has hidden his cultivation!

Could it be said that it has reached the level of the Immortal King!

The Immortal King of Ten Thousand Tribulations looked at Mo Kun from afar, and said coldly, "It's only half a step away!".

Chapter 55 You Must Die Today

After the cold voice fell, the words sounded again, full of endless killing intent: "I think you are a person in my heaven, and I can spare your life for the time being if you retreat quickly!"

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