Chapter fifty-six waiting for the opportunity (sixth)

Most of those people will stare at him like Xiao Hai before they die, but they have no practical effect.

And Xiao Lingfeng, who has experienced countless killings, understands that the reason why they show such eyes is not because they are innocent, but because they are weak losers.

So slowly Xiao Lingfeng got used to this look, and even took pride in it. After all, letting your enemies show this kind of look can be regarded as their recognition of your strength.

And after seeing Xiao Lingfeng’s indifferent eyes, Xiao Hai struggled to open his mouth, ready to say some last words before he died.

But Xiao Lingfeng did not do what he wished, but directly ended the life of Xiao Hai who had no resistance.

And the reason why he did this was because he was very busy right now, and Xiao Zhi, the protagonist, would make a fool of himself at any time, so he, the only person who was not affected by luck, had to help as soon as possible.

And this is just one of the reasons. The second reason is because, strictly speaking, there is no family relationship between him and these brothers.

After all, the age gap between him and them is really too big, and this is still physical, and the psychological age gap is even bigger.

So in my life, apart from my parents who have passed away, I have no relatives to talk to anymore. And it is precisely because of this reason that both Xiao Zhan and Xiao Hai have the heart of rebellion.

In the face of this kind of betrayal, even those who are related to him, he will not give them any more time, because kindness to the enemy is cruelty to himself.

So in Xiao Lingfeng’s opinion, instead of listening to Xiao Hai’s inexplicable words, it is better to do something meaningful and create a future for himself.

So Xiao Lingfeng took the half-dead Xiao Zhan and entered Xiaoyao Building again.

Although only a little time has passed, the Xiaoyao Building at this time has undergone earth-shaking changes.

I saw Xiaoyao Building, which was like a fairyland on earth, turned into a garbage dump as if it had been demolished. At this time, the four shadow guards under his command were acting as demolition workers together with Xiao Zhi.

After seeing these scenes, Xiao Lingfeng was not surprised at all. After all, this is a fantasy world. No matter how you say it, it is enough to guard the existence of a small town.

Although this realm does not have the destructive power of breaking mountains and seas, destroying capitals and destroying countries,

But if there is no resistance, their full blow is enough to shatter half a small city (a small city like Tianye City).

And this precondition is very important. After all, this is a fantasy world. Since it has super attack power, it will naturally have very strong defense power.

In order to prevent the battle between warriors or the sudden attack of monsters and cause large-scale damage to the city, even in a small city like Tianye City, some defensive circles will be inscribed to resist the impact.

And like Tiandong City, the chief city in the east, as the defense center against monsters before, every corner of the city is imprinted with a powerful defensive circle.

And the entire Tiandong City is made of special materials. The strongest city wall in the entire Tiandong City, even the full force of the military commander, can’t cause a trace of it.

And from this, it can be seen how tragic the situation was when the human race and the monster beast fought.

And it is precisely because of this that the powerful attack he issued just now did not cause large-scale damage.

The current Xiaoyao Building is also the same. If it wasn’t because Xuanying had engraved a lot of defensive formations in Xiaoyao Building before,

And the building materials of Xiaoyao Building are also very special. If the defense is amazing, now Xiaoyao Building has already been razed to the ground.

But even so, the current Xiaoyao Building can be considered dilapidated. Xiao Lingfeng saw that he had carefully set it up, and each floor had a different style. It can be called the Xiaoyao Building, the largest gold-selling cave in Tiandong City. The way it looks now, there is also a feeling that something is wrong.

But this feeling only lasted for a moment. After all, Xiao Lingfeng had already expected this ending before.

What’s more, the Xiaoyao Building can be completely rebuilt again, and even the scale can be expanded to a larger size, so there is no need to regret at all.

And Xiao Lingfeng knew that the best thing he should do now is to watch the battle silently.

Yes, what he has to do now is not to go to war. Instead, he silently waited for the best time so that his hunting plan this time could be perfectly realized.

So Xiao Lingfeng began to quietly observe the battle between the five.

After seeing the performance of his four shadow guards, Xiao Lingfeng nodded silently.

My four subordinates deserve to be among the more than a dozen of my subordinates (the total number controlled by each identity) of the Martial Commander Realm powerhouse, who are the most reused by myself, and who also know their identity as the head of the Xiao family.

Six more completed, plus more completed! Asking for flowers, asking for rewards, asking for evaluation, the above-mentioned rules for adding changes are valid before they are put on the shelves.

Since the number of flowers has increased by 2000, I will add two more tomorrow, and continue with 6 more. Please send me flowers and comments. *

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