Chapter 77: Xiao Lingfeng’s identity? (Fifth)

At that time, he knew that if he could not break through the bottleneck of the Wuwang-level police, then even if he wanted to live a life, he would not be able to live for long.

But the current situation is different. After all, with the help of the traditional power and the “help” of Xiao Moxibustion, the current Xiao Lingfeng has completely broken through a big realm.

The police said that it was the weakest place among the four fiefdoms of the Tianyun Dynasty in the east. Even within the imperial capital of the Tianyun Dynasty, the current Xiao Lingfeng could be regarded as a real powerhouse.

So even if Xiao Lingfeng knew that tomorrow’s so-called birthday banquet would most likely be a grand banquet where King Zhendong summoned all the world statues in the east to test his true strength as the Shadow Pavilion Master, he was not afraid at all.

Even the current Xiao Lingfeng is already thinking about whether to take this opportunity to directly summon all his troops, six to eight “three”, and directly take down the Zhendong Palace. After all, keeping the Zhendong King is a hidden danger.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Xiao Lingfeng felt that he should keep the life of King Zhendong first. No matter what, King Zhendong is now one of the four kings of the Tianyun Dynasty. If he kills him, it will definitely trigger the Tianyun Dynasty. crusade.

Although Xiao Lingfeng is not afraid, he still has to distinguish the priority of everything. Now his most important goal is those sons of destiny, there is no need to provoke the Tianyun Dynasty because of some unnecessary things.

But this doesn’t mean that Xiao Lingfeng wants to give up, even if he won’t take down King Zhendong’s head for a while, but he has to make King Zhendong pay a certain price.

So Xiao Lingfeng directly used the communication talisman to summon all the most capable men in his hands. After all, the date of this banquet was just three days away.

And when Xiao Lingfeng summoned the summer vacation, in Mo Nei in Tiandong City, Mo Nanjun woke up in his room.

After waking up, Mo Nanjun felt very sore in his neck, as if he had been beaten.

Then Mo Tingjun began to recall why he fell asleep, and then he came to an answer, that is, he was actually knocked unconscious.

And the person who knocked him unconscious was the guardian sent to guard him for his father. The reason is also very simple. After the battle began, Mo Huijun originally wanted to help Xiao Man, but the guardian stopped him in every possible way.

Finally, after seeing the four shadow guards and Xiao Lingfeng besieging Xiao, the Mo Nan army prepared to step forward to assist Xiao Man, and then the guardians could only knock him unconscious.

And in order to prevent Mo Nanjun from waking up in the middle and doing something stupid again, the guardian’s attack force was heavier.

After knocking out Mo Huijun, the guardian took Mo Nanjun back to Mojing, and they did not observe the battle situation after that.

And it was precisely because of this move that they survived. After all, Xiao Lingfeng wouldn’t let anyone see the change of his two identities. And the only people who can see this scene are the dead.

And after recalling all these things, Mo Nanjun directly endured the discomfort on his neck and prepared to go to Xiaoyao Building to see Xiao Yan’s condition.

But when he just got out of bed, his door was opened, and the person who opened the door was someone Mo Huijun couldn’t ignore. This person was Mo Huijun’s father, Mo Jinglei.

After Mo Jinglei entered the room, he was not surprised to see Mo Nanjun who had already got out of bed. In fact, he knew that Mo Nanjun was about to get up, so he would come in.

And he seemed to know what Mo Huijun was going to ask, so he directly said what he knew.

“I don’t know about your friend’s situation. I know that in the place where they fought, there were two strong men of Wuwang-level police fighting.

The Fire-type King was killed by another Dark-type King, and the Dark-type King disappeared without a trace after killing the other King.

From the attribute point of view, the fire attribute martial king who was beheaded may have something to do with your friend, but because of his failure, the chance of your friend alive is not high.

And there is absolutely no need for you to be sad, after all, no matter how many people around the world or with backgrounds, as long as they die, they have no value.

So I’m here to tell you, don’t think about meaningless things, that’s not what you should think about. “Mo Jinglei said in a flat tone.

When Mo Nanjun heard this, he raised his head and met Mo Jinglei’s calm eyes, “That’s my friend, shouldn’t I avenge him?”

After seeing Mo Tingjun’s eyes, Mo Jinglei was also a little shocked. After all, this was the first time Mo Huijun had spoken to him so forcefully.

But even so, Mo Jinglei was not affected in any way, and saw him ask back: “Then let me ask you, how do you want revenge?

“In today’s incident, the four guards standing beside Xiao Lingfeng, the head of the Xiao family, should be the four shadow guards of the Shadow Pavilion, and they should have been hired by Xiao Lingfeng to kill Xiao Mun.

Therefore, it can be inferred that the one who appeared behind should be the legendary Shadow Pavilion Master, the Shadow King.

The power of the Shadow Pavilion is too huge, and it is impossible for us to deal with it, but we can still deal with Xiao Lingfeng!” Mo Tingjun said.

When Mo Jinglei heard this, he shook his head, “This idea of ​​yours is not realistic at all, then Xiao Lingfeng is an existence at the seventh level of the Martial Commander Realm, even if I want to deal with it, I will do my best.

This is a very dangerous move, if it is for the foundation of my image, it can still be done. But just for a trivial outsider, and also a dead person, then there is absolutely no need for this. ”

Then, without waiting for Mo Huijun to ask questions, Mo Jinglei continued: “What’s more, this Xiao Lingfeng may not be so simple, you must know that before today, he was only a small person in 2.1, and no one knew that he had such a powerful strength.

And he obviously has such a strong strength, but he is willing to stay in that desolate Tianye City, which is really not in line with the common sense of the pavilion.

And this may be understandable if there is another piece of information. A few years ago, I received a piece of information that indicated that within the Shadow Pavilion, there might be a more powerful killer than the Four Shadow Guards.

And the reason why there is this information is that on some targets that the Shadow Pavilion beheaded, there will be a sharp sword wound, and this kind of injury is not something that the four shadow guards can do. .

Judging from various circumstances, if this killer who can make a sharp attack with the hook, if it really exists, then the strength should be around the seventh level of the Martial Commander Realm.

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