Chapter 86 Xiao Lingfeng’s method of picking up girls (fourth more)

However, these information did not bring any good news to Xiao Lingfeng, because according to the information, Ye Xuan’s parents were once servants of Zhendong Palace.

But 10 years ago, his parents died tragically in the Monster Beast Mountains in order to protect a collateral child of the Zhendong Palace.

So he doesn’t have any relatives now, he just works as a handyman in the Zhendong Palace by himself.

But because his parents are still loyal, his work is relatively easy, which has always allowed him, who was only 10 years old, to live smoothly until now.

And then there are some of Ye Xuan’s lives, for example, when Ye Xuan was bullied by other handymen because of his weak cultivation, he was rescued by Zhou Ruoxue who passed by, and so on.

After seeing this information, Xiao Lingfeng determined once again that this week Ruoxue was the only breakthrough. After all, through the experience of dealing with Xiao Moxibustion before, let him sum up a few experiences of dealing with these protagonists.

But these few experiences seem to be of no use to Ye Xuan. After all, he has neither relatives nor dignity (after all, he is just a handyman), so beheading relatives in person and insulting him are useless.

Therefore, the current effective 18 methods are the only way to conquer the heroine, and Xiao Lingfeng is now determined,

Because this Ye Xuan doesn’t have much to take care of, the heroine Zhou Ruoxue must have a lot of luck.

So Xiao Lingfeng used the magic sky mask to change his appearance, and turned into a face that was 7 points similar to his original appearance, but with a more gentle face.

However, if you observe carefully, you can find that this gentle face is only an appearance, but in fact it hides an incomparably sharp murderous aura.

After changing his face, Xiao Lingfeng went directly to the outside of the Zhendong Palace, hiding his breath and quietly waiting for the fish to take the bait.

But after the night fell, a slender figure in night clothes walked out grandly from the Zhendong Palace.

After seeing this figure, Xiao Lingfeng knew that he wanted to take the bait.

If nothing else, this rather reckless figure should be Zhou Ruoxue.

Because Xiao Lingfeng understands people’s thoughts very well, he understands that a woman like Zhou Ruoxue, who is held up by others, cannot accept an arranged marriage.

So the tougher and unquestionable his father’s attitude is, the more likely she is to fish away from you when she is angry, and this is the best chance.

In many novels, there will be such a bridge. After the rich lady is caught away from you for various reasons, she will always meet a sweetheart quickly.

In the original story, Xiao Lingfeng didn’t need to know who Zhou Ruoxue was supposed to meet, but he knew that the person she was going to meet now had to be himself.

Then Xiao Lingfeng followed Zhou Ruoxue’s footsteps silently, and silently dazed the guard of the seventh level of the martial commander who was secretly following Zhou Ruoxue.

That’s right, there are guardians. Without his presence, Zhou Ruoxue, who had a very rough way of moving forward, would not have been able to walk out of the Zhendong Palace, which had a 10-point defense.

It is impossible for King Zhendong, a martial king-level powerhouse, not to feel anything.

After all, not everything is as simple as what is written in the novel. If the eldest lady of the big clan, Jimen, does not have guards, then what are those guards for!

However, when King Zhendong found out that the guardian was lost, he wanted to find his daughter again, but it was too late.

This made King Zhendong, whose abacus was beating clinkingly, feel as if he had shot himself in the foot with a stone.

He originally wanted his daughter to go out to experience, understand the dangers of the world and the importance of strength, and then let her marry Ling Feng obediently.

But now that his daughter is missing, he has directly lost the competitiveness of this blind date conference, and at the same time he has also lost his precious daughter, which is really a big loss.

And just when King Zhendong was very anxious, Zhou Ruoxue, who was thinking of his daughter in his heart, was facing a crisis at the moment.

Zhou Ruoxue, who lost her guardian because of Xiao Lingfeng, was attacked by many villains because of her beauty.

But because she avoided her father’s tracking, she chose to walk on the mountain road, so there were no people around here. Facing the three villains on the opposite side, Zhou Ruoxue didn’t know what to do for a while.

She is a cultivator of the ice attribute. Originally, her best destination was to go to the largest ice sect in the east, the Xuan Bing Sect.

But because of the discord between King Zhendong and all the sects in the east, she, the eldest lady of the Zhendong Palace, can only teach herself.

But fortunately, they have a lot of heritage under the influence of generations, and they also include a high-grade Ice Fan Cultivation Technique, so there is no shortage of cultivation techniques and resources. .

However, her combat experience is still insufficient, so in the face of the three villains who have been licking blood on the tip of the knife for decades, and their strength has reached the level of the Great Martial Master, Zhou Ruoxue has absolutely nothing to do.

Because she was completely unprepared for the Liyun walk this time, except for the 683-sword and two sets of clothes, she didn’t have anything.

Although the sword was not of ordinary quality, the problem was that Zhou Ruoxue couldn’t exert the power of this sword at all, fighting across borders, plus one enemy three. The problem of Zhou Ruoxue’s inexperience in combat was greatly revealed.

While Zhou Ruoxue was actively resisting, one of the gangsters waved the mace in his hand and directly knocked off the long sword in her hand.

This time, the situation of the battle turned sharply, and Zhou Ruoxue, without the long sword, was simply unable to compete with the three great martial artists with the strength in her body, so after a while, she vomited blood and was no longer able to fight.

And just when Zhou Ruoxue looked at the three gangsters with lustful eyes, she walked slowly, full of sadness and prepared to bite her tongue to commit suicide.

Xiao Lingfeng, who knew that the time was close, suddenly lay in front of the three robbers.

When the three robbers saw the gorgeously dressed Xiao Lingfeng, they also thought of robbery, but Xiao Lingfeng’s handwriting suddenly appeared a little astonishing.

Plus last week Ruoxue was already attractive enough, so they didn’t want to cause more trouble, so they wanted to chase Xiao Lingfeng away.

But before these three rhyme characters could say nonsense that shouldn’t be said, I saw a dazzling golden light flashing from Xiao Lingfeng in his pupils,

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