Mysterious journey

Chapter 38 Finestine 2


Suddenly, a blond young man wearing a black windbreaker walked into the room.

"Why are you still here? Are you still studying your antique jewelry? Stop playing and go back quickly. I have to pack up quickly for the afternoon train."

The young man glanced at Garen, who was sitting on the side, and saw the close relationship between him and Finestine.

"Don't just study your jewelry and antiques all day long. Could you please do something serious?!"

"Felix, I can make the decision on my own affairs, I don't need you to point fingers at me!" Finestine replied rudely. "Isn't studying antique jewelry a serious business? Doing what you want to do is a serious business!"

"You!" The young man's face turned red, "You know how to talk back to me! You don't care about the family business or your own company, so you go to the countryside to study some jewelry and antiques! You can do it, you are promising! If you have the ability, don't go back today! "

"If you don't go back, you won't go back!" Finestine snorted coldly, turning her eyes and not bothering to pay him any attention.

"You hang out with some guys who study jewelry and antiques all day long, and you don't even attend the clan banquet. I'll see what you do if you get into trouble in the future!" The young man seemed to be angry, and his eyes turned and fell on Garen's head.

"I go to meet this friend now, and then I go see that friend again. Let me tell you Finestine, guys like them who only study antique jewelry will at best be jewelry appraisers in their lives. Hanging out with such people all day long, Let’s see what kind of person you can become in the future!”

"I told you to speak with respect!" Finestine stood up unceremoniously. "he is my friend!"

"Huh!" The young man snorted coldly. "My father already knows that you don't do your job properly and spend all your time studying antique jewelry. He is very dissatisfied with you. I want to see how you explain it to your father."

"You don't have to worry about this! Don't think that because you are my brother, you can reprimand me without any scruples! You have no education at all!"

Gallon sat aside and also frowned. This young man named Felix was Finestine's biological brother. His tone seemed dissatisfied with his sister's research on antiques. He didn't even have a good impression of him who was discussing antiques with Finestine.

"Please lower your voice!" A middle-aged maid wearing glasses walked in and whispered. "This is a public place, a library, please be quiet."

"I'm sorry!" The young man nodded and strode out of the room.

Finestine also smiled apologetically at the middle-aged woman. "Sorry to make you laugh."

The woman nodded, turned and left the room with a serious face.

Finestine then sat back on the sofa, her face not very pretty.

Garen sat aside and frowned: "If you have anything to do, go back first. It's not important for us to chat."

"My brother was very rude, I apologize to you on his behalf." Finestine felt helpless.

"It's nothing. It can be seen that your family disapproves of your research on antique jewelry."

"Yeah, they think I'm not doing my job properly, and my family has told me about this many times." Finestine said helplessly. "The situation in my family is relatively complicated. My parents have given me more resources than others, so many of my peers are dissatisfied with me. They try to find fault with me."

"There's nothing we can do about it." Galen learned about Finestine's family background from Finn.

That was not an ordinary business family, but a super-large family that had certain connections with the upper echelons of the federation, and its industries spanned several major provinces. Compared to Jia Long's uncle and his master Fei Baiyun, they are not on the same level at all.

The Finestine family even has its own armed private team, and her father is also considered one of the most important and powerful figures in the family.

The two sat for a while, and then a middle-aged mature man walked into the room, wearing a black suit, with a well-proportioned figure and looking polite.

"Miss, it's time to go back. The time you set has come."

Finestine nodded and sat up from the sofa, "I know."

"This is my bodyguard Anke. Then I'll leave first. You can watch slowly."

"Okay." Garen nodded and glanced at the man named Anke. His eyes couldn't help but narrow slightly.

He felt a similar temperament to Jinhuan No. 102 from this person, even stronger than Jinhuan.

Garen glanced at the man's waist and saw that if it wasn't bulging, he seemed to have something inserted into it.

"If a person with such skill is equipped with a pistol, as long as his marksmanship is not too bad, I won't have any room to resist. As expected of a big family, people from big places are just different."

The arrogance he had gained from his great skill just now suddenly subsided.

After Finestine and her bodyguards left, Garen sat alone on the sofa, with the faint body fragrance left by the beautiful young lady still lingering in the air.

"If that golden ring was also good at pistols that day, I probably wouldn't have been able to get it so easily. Sure enough, hot weapons are the natural enemies of warriors."

He sighed, picked up the black tea and took a sip.

"Fortunately, there is a black jade plate. Now I have new attribute points to improve." He glanced at the attribute bar below his vision. The power above had been increased by 0.1 due to the white cloud secret method, and was now 2.11. The potential has increased to 164%.

"It's just that the speed is too slow. It only increased a little in a week."

After looking at the skill bar again, he skipped subjects and other subjects. His eyes were directly on the Baiyun Secret Technique, and he stayed there for three seconds. Baiyun Secret Technique remained motionless, and it was obvious that it could no longer increase.

"Have you really reached the top?"

"Forget it, just add it to intelligence. The situation has been a mess recently. Let's see how improving intelligence will help sort out the situation."

He hesitated for a moment and looked directly at Intelligence.


A breath of fresh air flows into the intelligence category.

The original intelligence of 1.20 instantly changed to 1.50.

Garen felt his head go cold, and his brain that had been feeling a little dull suddenly became extremely clear. It seems that thinking reaction and logical memory have been improved to a certain extent. It's just that this improvement is a bit vague, and there is no way to compare the effect with actual reference.

"According to the standard unit I established first, the average level of normal people is calculated as 1, so now I have exceeded half of the average intelligence of ordinary people. There should be no intelligence restrictions in some subjects."

In the skill column, many subjects have a minimum limit on intelligence. If you have not reached it, you can only study step by step. Once you reach it, you will be able to remember it with a photograph. You can draw inferences about other things in this lesson and think Be agile and reach the level of mastery of the subjects after adding points as quickly as possible.

With his mind clearer, Garen pondered for a moment about the current situation.

"If I want to get the antiques of misfortune without risk, then I can step aside now and ask Grace to pay attention to the progress of Mercury and the others in Tali. The Golden Circle can also contact the antiques of misfortune through Grace's original company and purchase the antiques of misfortune. As long as They found a new antique of doom, and I was able to bid as hard as I could to get it. The only worry was not having enough money to buy it. That's a solution, but it requires a larger amount of money."

"But we can also think about it differently. I can judge whether the antique is real by absorbing potential. In this way, I have absolute identification authority for doomed antiques or mysterious jewelry. As long as I add some knowledge and experience in jewelry antique identification, It should be no problem to become a professional doomed antique appraiser to detect their misfortune.”

"Tali Mercury probably didn't grasp the secret of the potential of the antique of doom, otherwise he wouldn't have given me the black jade plate so easily." Garen had been in contact with Tali Mercury and knew one key point.

What other people see as doomed antiques are just precious objects with a bit of mystery and weird legends. In his eyes, the antiques of misfortune are good things that can absorb potential and enhance themselves.

"It doesn't have to be my own. I can completely come into contact with the antiques of misfortune as a mixed appraiser and collector. I want both the detective and the golden ring to realize that I am the only one who can appraise the real antiques of misfortune without any mistakes. . In this case, you can completely stay out of the matter and at the same time achieve your goal in disguise."

It has to be said that after increasing his intelligence, Garen felt that his brain was indeed much clearer. He could arrange things properly in a few seconds and find a suitable position for himself.

"Then all that's left now is to cram in the antique appraisal knowledge. The old man should have experience in this area." Garen immediately thought of old man Geguo from the Dolphin Antique Shop.

"There is also the book that old man Geguo took out mysteriously last time. I don't know what it is. It seems that the old man also has some secrets of his own. But as long as it is not a trouble, it doesn't matter."

As soon as he thought of it, Garen stood up first and searched a series of rooms for books on antique appraisal, but unfortunately there was not a single one. I ran to the special books room on the right side of the library and searched again, but found nothing. And there are very few books on the right.

After leaving the library, Garen found a carriage and went straight to the Dolphin Antique Shop.

Sitting on the carriage, Gallon felt a little irritated. He had obviously added so many attribute points to his body and his physical strength had reached a strong level, but when he met Finestine's brother just now, he was so condescending. The tone was still something he couldn't refute.

Whether it's Fei Baiyun's Baiyun Martial Arts School or his uncle's gray company, they are just ordinary small characters in the eyes of others. As for the personal force that I am proud of, not to mention firearms, even my senior brothers and sisters will definitely not be able to defeat him. Force is not just about strength.

He closed his eyes slightly to rest his mind. Listening to the crisp clatter of horses' hooves and the rolling sound of wheels, Garen recalled for a moment his life experiences these days since time travel.

"Although I have talents and abilities, I am still an ordinary martial arts disciple, a student of Shengying Academy, and the son of an ordinary company employee family. I still have to walk step by step. I am still far from being truly powerful. It's far away." He recalled his encounter in Yinsha Castle and felt even more weak.

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