Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 301: : Jewel Cat’s Breakthrough Desire


   "I know where I went."


   Looking at the baby, Shi Yu chuckled.


   The baby ginseng wants to blew himself up, but he certainly cannot blew himself up in the city.


   After all, its self-destructive power, even if it is not as good as the small taboo weapon that Gao Xuan lost, is probably not much worse.


   Don't look at it as the commander level now, but it's dead anyway, and it must be full of BUFF before it explodes.


   For example, the time fruit ability to stimulate the maximum effect.


   Under normal circumstances, in order not to bear the side effects of time fruit, whether it produces time fruit for self-eating or for eleventh, the effect is not full.


   The most effective time fruit can theoretically raise the pet beasts of their overlord race to the overlord level in an instant.


   But the side effect is definitely ten times greater than Shiyu's super-level teaching skills. If you dare to try, you will die.


   However, since the baby is already determined to blew himself up, then there is no need to consider the side effects of the fruit of time.


   I am going to die soon, and I am afraid that the fruit is poisonous?


   Therefore, the self-destruction of the ginseng baby is directly equivalent to the self-destruction of the overlord-level "fierce beast".


   Even if he is the same overlord, I would be frightened after seeing it.


   I am afraid that only the Dragon Palace City General Sky-Sky Whale, the top overlord of the level of the mutant Kun of the Overlord Sea legend, can face it calmly.


   Other ordinary overlords have to suffer severe damage if they die. This level of killer moves can be used to ambush the overlord. It must be used in the right place...


   Shiyu glanced at the phone message and said, "Today is Saturday, isn't it."


   "The assistants whom the principal Feng said should be here today..."


  Don’t look at the news of the World Championship now sweeping Donghuang, Shiyu teamed up with the Ice Dragon to establish the Ministry of Environmental Protection with the Dragon Palace City centered on the Canghai Elves, which also attracted great attention.


In order to strengthen the cooperation with Dragon Palace City, the Donghuang Association decided to also establish a marine environmental protection department in Donghuang, and lay the foundation for the reincarnation of the sea elves, and the headquarters of the environmental protection department, Shi Yu determined the address in Bingyuan City The sea near Binglong Snow Mountain.


   At that time, Legend of the Sea Bahai, Principal Feng and others said that an assistant would be sent to assist Shi Yu in the establishment. The so-called assistant will arrive in Icefield City today and arrive from the ocean.


   "I remember, it seems to be the Donghuang Navy?" Shi Yu said: "We will drive warships to assist us and establish a maritime environmental protection base on the sea."


   Shiyu said: "There is a driver, I know where to go."


   咚 rumbling! !


   When Shiyu's stomach broke with water, the outside world suddenly vibrated.


   Seeing this, Shi Woo scratched his head.


   "Okay, the bodyguard will be in place, and it will be more stable."


   Outside the training villa, a hungry white cat yawned and ran back to Pingcheng from the ancient capital.


   I was asleep at the Old Capital University anyway, so let's come back and eat and drink.




   East China Sea.


   A silver warship with a length of 200 meters and a width of more than 20 meters is slowly sailing towards the ice dragon snow mountain.


  On the battleship, three young men and women in white navy uniforms are looking at the snow-capped mountains in the distance.


Among the three men, two men and one woman, seem to be young, not more than 30 years old. Judging from the badges on their uniforms, the woman with the highest rank is a brigadier general, and the other two are majors, all schools. official.


   Among the three major arms of the Royal Beast Corps, whether it is the air force, the navy, or the army, they have a school-level military rank, which basically shows that they have master-level strength.


   "It's coming soon." The leading female player looked fierce, with huge burn marks on half of her face and a cigarette in her mouth.


   "Brigadier General Xiao Qin, we have already contacted Minister Shi Yu. He said he would wait for us on the edge of the snow-capped mountain." Major Huang Qi said.


   "I see." The brigadier named Xiao Qin nodded.


   and recalled the order received two days ago.




   Donghuang Navy Headquarters.


   The office of the legendary general Xiao Hai.


   "The Donghuang Association recently established a Marine Environmental Protection Department. From today, you will be transferred to work there. This is a document." Xiao Hai handed the document to the female general in front of him.


   "I don't understand. Didn't I say that I was going to participate in the World Championship? Why did you transfer me to such a weird place."


   The woman glanced at the file, then patted it on the table, and said, "Dad, what do you mean, and what is this Ministry of Marine Environmental Protection."


  Ministry of Environmental Protection, it's not serious at first.


   She is a top master, who should have been fighting on the front line, but what Ministry of Environmental Protection did she go to?


   "The meaning is very simple. If you want to participate in the World Championships, you are not qualified enough. If you have your sister or that Ye Xing half excellent, I won't worry about you so much." The legendary beast master Xiao Hai said.


   "Go, the Ministry of Environmental Protection is not easy, you can get better experience here." Xiao Haidao: "Moreover, with your mechanical skills, it won't take you much effort to go there to assist in the construction of an offshore base."


"Okay." Xiao Qin frowned, glanced at the document and said: "But there is no key information written on it. I want to know what the Ministry of Marine Environmental Protection does and who is in charge? Don't tell me, I will help. Just build a sea base."


   "The Ministry of Marine Environmental Protection, as the name suggests, is the department that protects the marine environment."


   Xiao Qin:?


   "The minister is Shi Yu, and he is the only one in the Ministry of Marine Environmental Protection."


   Xiao Qin:?


   "Which legend is Shiyu, how come I haven't heard of it, a new legend? Or is it a top master? Is there such a figure in the navy?" Xiao Qin asked.


   "Not a legendary beastmaster, nor a man from the navy." Xiao Haidao: "He is a freshman at Gudu University."


   Xiao Qin:? ? ?




"But he is a full member of the third and eleventh rounds. Oh, the first round should be fast too. You never heard that his name is normal, and you don’t pay much attention to the situation on land, but You should know this, the green worm cocoon, the special evolutionary form of the green worm that will be promoted in the army, is what he has researched."


   Xiao Qin's brows were still frowning, and suddenly he had an impression.


The Bureau of Feeding, the Bureau of Archaeology... She knew all of these, but Xiao Qin didn’t understand how such a scientific, research, and exploratory genius Royal Beastmaster could have anything to do with the Ministry of Marine Environmental Protection. To ask her to be a subordinate or even help build a base is outrageous.


   "I don't understand." she said.


"I don't understand either." Xiao Hai looked at his daughter and said, "In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, a Ministry of Marine Environmental Protection was actually established. Donghuang's Ministry of Environmental Protection was actually established to correspond to the Dragon Palace. You As long as you know, this Shiyu is also the Minister of the Marine Environmental Protection Department of the Dragon Palace. According to reliable sources, there are more than fifty dragon palace overlords in the Marine Environmental Protection Department of the Dragon Palace. Joining them, the many descendants of overlords and kings are just ordinary members. Besides, there are tens of thousands of kings and leaders inside, so now, do you understand?"


Opposite   , Xiao Qin's pupils slightly enlarged.


   "In short, joining this department, there is nothing wrong with you, if it is not unsuitable, I would like to see what the situation is." Xiao Hai released the document.


   At the same time, Brigadier General Xiao Qin said incredible: "How is it possible."


   This is Shiyu, who is in charge of dozens of overlords? Thousands of kings and leaders?


   How could it be possible, unless he is the son of Dragon God.


   No, even the son of the Dragon God is too outrageous.


"He also had a close relationship with a totem ice dragon that survived the time of the Emperor. That ice dragon has also joined the Dragon Palace and became the eighth dragon king in the Dragon Palace. Shi Yu himself has also won the Dragon Palace general. His honor, with the relationship between Dragon Palace and Dong Huang, and his status, there is no problem with benchmarking against a general of our navy. It is in compliance with the regulations for you to temporarily become his subordinate. This is all the news I know. Now, as for whether there are more secrets, just explore it yourself."


   "I hope you can get some growth in this Ministry of Marine Environmental Protection, which has a lot of contact with Dragon Palace. Are there any problems now?"


   "..." Xiao Qin hadn't recovered from the shock. After she was silent, she said, "Apart from me, are there anyone else going this time."


   "Huang Qi, Qin Mingzhi."


   Xiao Qin said: "The two of them... By the way, did the two of them get the opportunity to go to Dragon Palace this year?"


   These two men are also genius fighters in the navy, and they have achieved very good results in the military exercises of the navy beast division.


   "Well, they should have seen Shiyu a long time ago, and they were the first navy to know the Ministry of Marine Environmental Protection."




   "This Shiyu is really as good as what you said."


   "Easily use the iron-eater to defeat the second prince of Dragon Palace, the royal water slime defeats the heir of the overlord..."


   Driving on the battleship towards the snow-capped mountains, Xiao Qin licked his lips, and asked Huang Qi and Qin Mingzhi to the two majors beside him.


   The tall, thick-eyed Qin Mingzhi sighed and said, "Although there were not many contacts in those few days, from the situation of the Dragon Palace Banquet, Minister Shi Yu's strength is very unfathomable."


"I don't know anything else, that Jiuli war beast is a monster. Its strength and abilities have crushed the Thunder Dragon prince, the hundred-meter behemoth... it is bigger than the Totem Dragon Kings, so terrible, I am definitely not an opponent. "Huang Qi tut."


   Xiao Qin said, "Then I will have to wait a while for the Minister Shi Yu to take a look."


   The strength is still strong, the talent is still high, and the beastmaster with a very mysterious experience is about to become her boss. She wants to fight and see.


   "Ah this." The other two smiled bitterly, no, are they going to fight...


  The battleship was getting closer and closer to the glacier. The three naval beastmasters Xiao Qin, Huang Qi, and Qin Mingzhi sent by the Donghuang Association to assist Shiyu suddenly discovered a piece of super ice floe.


  On the floating ice, a figure is sitting on a chair and fishing.


On his body, there was a water slime on his head. The water slime became a bird’s nest. There was a bird spirit lying on his stomach. The young man had a panda on his left shoulder and a butterfly on his right shoulder. The most bizarre thing was a fishing rod. Only participate in the baby.


   "Here." In addition to these pet beasts, there is a gem cat next to the young man. It yawned and spoke slowly.


   At the same time, Shi Yu looked up at the warship in the distance.




   On the other side, holding a telescope, looking at this figure from a distance, Jin Mingzhi took a deep breath and said, "It's really Yaxing, is this the life of a big guy."




   "Nice battleship."


   "Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to fly."


   [Name]: Silver Sea Battleship


   [Attribute]: Mechanical


   [Race level]: High King (quasi-overlord)


   [Growth level]: King level


   [energy value]: 20.6 million


   As the battleship sailed, Shi Yu pulled his poles and stood up slowly.


   A super warship with special enhancements in energy, it’s expensive to build.


   Although this kind of warship has huge energy, it is basically used to maintain functions. It is actually very strenuous in real combat. It is best at ultra-long-range strikes. If it is boarded by the enemy, the countermeasures are not that strong.


   After a while, the Silver Sea battleship stopped not far from Shiyu, and the three of Xiao Qin stood on the battleship, and the four of them looked at each other.


   "Meet again." Shi Yu smiled and greeted the two soldiers.


   Huang Qi and Qin Mingzhi nodded their heads. At that time, the legend of Bahai suggested that they join the Ministry of Environmental Protection. They did not expect to have a chance and hope to get the Ice Dragon badge! ! !


   As for the fruit of time, as long as you work hard for Shiyu, you should have a chance to become a core member, right? ? ?


   "I'm Xiao Qin, the former Brigadier General of the East China Sea Fleet of the Donghuang Navy. Later, I was recuperating in the mechanical unit because of injuries. The first time I met, Minister Shiyu." Xiao Qin looked at Shiyu, because it was the first time I met, she took the initiative to introduce herself.


   "Brigadier General Xiao Qin, hello." Shi Yu also nodded, and obtained some information about the other party from Principal Feng.


Xiao Qin, the daughter of the legendary beast master Xiao Hai in the Royal Beast Corps, joined the army directly as an adult, and grew up to become a brigadier general. In a dangerous situation, he was eventually seriously injured. It is said that he later withdrew from the front line in order to recover from his injuries.


   When Shiyu saw the scar on the opponent's face, he knew it might be true.


As for the other two, they are also outstanding among the young generation in the navy. Otherwise, it is impossible to get the Dragon Palace city quota once every five years. They are all master-level beast masters who have contracted to have several king-level sea beasts. Shi Yu remembers that. Huang Qi, this time seems to have contracted a king-level sponge life in Dragon Palace City, and that Qin Mingzhi contracted a king-level dragon-claw octopus.


   "Is this battleship contracted by you." Shi Yu asked Xiao Qin.


Xiao Qin shook his head and said, "No, this Silver Sea battleship is a subship of a super battleship of the Navy Mechanical Force. With this warship as the core, it will be transformed into a maritime base of the Ministry of Marine Environmental Protection."


   Shiyu was startled slightly, he wanted to transform this big guy into a maritime base for the Ministry of Environmental Protection.


not bad.




   "Don't worry, this thing is fast, right?"


   "Are there any coordinates for the chaotic sea area? How about going there for a round." Shi Yu smiled slightly.


  Dragon Palace, after returning from the Banlan Islands, he asked the Ice Dragon and Sea Dragon King to help recover the Banlan Islands, and Sea Dragon King did indeed agree to send troops there.


   Shi Woo doesn't know what's going on there, and now he wants to see it.


The colorful islands belong to the chaotic sea at the junction of the East Huang sea area and the Seven Islands sea area. It is not too far away. Susu has not returned home after following him out. Now he has mastered the full-level purification, it is not bad to go back and experience it.


   Shun the road, send a badge to the ice dragon in Dragon Palace.


   The most important thing is that after leaving the Donghuang area, there are totem areas around the Banyan Islands. Maybe you can find a suitable bombing target for the baby.


As for the danger... Shi Woo looked at the Jewel Cat fishing on the ice cube next to him. It was protected by the overlord cat that could move instantaneously. What was the danger? For Jewel Fruit, Jewel Cat came back soon after returning to the Ancient Capital University for a long time. ...It is impossible to put the baby in danger.


   "Chaotic Sea?" Xiao Qin raised his brows and said, "That place is far away from Donghuang Sea, there are pirates everywhere, what are you going to do in that place."


   "Could it also be the secret treasure left by One Piece?"


   "Huh?" Shi Yu was taken aback.


"What did you say?"


   Is this girl also crossing? How do you still know One Piece and the Great Secret Treasure.


   Is it a misunderstanding or?


   "OnePiece, is it...real?" Shi Woo asked tentatively.


   "What naughty death?" Xiao Qin puzzled.


   "What's the matter with the One Piece and the Great Secret Treasure you just mentioned..." Shi Woo sighed and asked.


   "What is One Piece?"


   "Don't you know." Xiao Qin grinned and said, "I thought you knew."


   Eleven, Chong Chong, Shen Bao and other pet beasts hung on Shi Yu's body and shook his head secretly.


   How could Shiyu know that this guy has been tortured by adding points and meditation and has no time to read. It depends on the query function of the illustrated book.


   And the pictorial book only contains domestic intelligence data, foreign stuff, it is strange that Shiyu is not stunned.


"The chaotic sea is a paradise for pirates. These pirates are mainly engaged in plundering merchant ships between the seven islands and poaching young dragon blood creatures in the East China Sea. The wanted cities and seven islands are mainly stationed in various totem countries to dispose of goods."


"Since the beginning of modern times, there have been very few pirates, and even fewer powerful pirates. However, in ancient times, the profession of pirates was very popular. There were even many legendary beast masters who wandered across the sea, claiming to be the overlord of the sea. The so-called One Piece is a title-level pirate who appeared in the Seven Islands during the Kongdi Dynasty. He is said to have traveled around the world as a pirate, plundered the secret treasures of many countries, and fulfilled the dreams of many pirates. Before he died, he even claimed to transform the Royal Beast Space into a secret realm, leaving behind a legendary resource, which was sealed in a certain place in the East China Sea, waiting for the destined to find it."


"However, after a long time, no one really found the so-called Great Secret Treasure, but some time ago, news of the relics of One Piece suddenly spread. Many pirates started to carnival again, and the Donghuang Navy also secretly paid attention to this matter. I just don't know if it is a rumor or a real matter." Xiao Qin pinched the cigarette and said.


   "It's outrageous." Shi Yu took a deep breath.


  Speaking of which, it’s great to have strength. Being a pirate can travel around the world and looting treasures from other countries...


   "What legendary resource?" Shiyu asked again.


   "It is said that it was a legendary gem looted by One Piece in the gem kingdom. Why, are you interested?" Xiao Qin said.


   "That's not the case, it's just that I met with members of the Environmental Protection Department of Dragon Palace City in the chaotic sea area of ​​the colorful islands." Shi Yu said.


   However, as soon as his words fell, the gem cat next to him almost fell into the water with a look of surprise!


  The Kingdom of Gems?


   Is it the totem country that believes in the gem king beast?


   There is the best place to produce the cat's eye gems that the gem cats need to evolve.


   Legendary gem?




   Suddenly, Jewel Cat looked at Shi Woo.




   Shi Woo also looked at Jewel Cat.


  Jewel cat stare...




   Damn Shi Woo, how can you not be interested!


  If there are any gems, my mother, I can successfully break through the totem with gems, so I can be your bodyguard! !




   Shiyu was taken aback, and suddenly remembered, Jewel Cat seems to have been thinking about legendary gem resources, and wants to rely on this breakthrough...


   Jewel Cat, won’t you be interested in the remains of One Piece...


   However, if he remembers correctly, Jewel Cat seems to have used a legendary gem to try to break through.


   Unfortunately, it failed.


   Although the legendary resources can nearly 100% make the king-level pet beast break through to the overlord level.


   However, there is less than a tenth of the probability that the overlord-level pet beast will break through to the totem-level.


  Using this breakthrough is too extravagant.


   Now Mrs. Mao has the idea of ​​a breakthrough again.


   But even if you get a gem, this breakthrough success rate is worrying.


   Shi Woo: [Take ten thousand steps, even if there are traces of One Piece, there are so many pirates, is it a bit dangerous...]


   [Do you want to make the ginseng baby into a gemstone, and let's talk about it first? 】


   Jewel Cat: [You can drive, but I can think about it. 】


   One person, one cat, sneaky heart-to-heart communication.


   However, if there are legendary resources and they need to be seized by force, Shi Woo and the others are really easy.


   He is now the Minister of the Environmental Protection Department of Dragon Palace. Each Dragon Palace overlord owes him a favor. With a phone call, he can shake dozens of overlords. One Piece will be scared to pee when he is resurrected, let alone a group of little pirates.


   "You can go to the sea of ​​chaos." Xiao Qin didn't care much, anyway, there were warships.


   "Before I go there, Minister Shi Woo, I don't know if I can enlighten me. Of course, it doesn't matter if I refuse. I just listened to the two of them telling a lot about the miraculous deeds of Minister Shi Woo's pet beast, I want to appreciate it."


   Xiao Qin's war-inspiring gaze fell on Shi Yu's cute pet beasts, and he wondered why these cute pet beasts were so terrible in Huang Qi and Qin Mingzhi's mouth.


   After recuperating in the mechanical department for so long, she hasn't played against the strong for a long time. The world competition is coming soon. Xiao Qin, who hopes to enter the top ten sequence, does not want to miss any chance to challenge the strong.


   "Fighting?" Shi Yu didn't expect that the subordinates sent to him by the Association would even challenge him, and he was stunned for a while.


   If he remembers correctly, the opponent is at level 6, and he is at level 5. Isn’t this bullying him?


   If you lose, how can you be happy to be your boss?


"Yes, you can control it alone." Xiao Qin said, as she moved her spirits, a purple summoning pattern appeared in front of her. In the summoning pattern, a naked body appeared with black holes on its body. Two meters, a red starfish with human-like features.


   [Name]: Demon Starfish


   [Attribute]: water, spirit


  [Race Level]: Lower Overlord


   [Growth level]: King level


   [energy value]: 2.88 million


"Jie Jie..." After this penetrating red starfish appeared he smiled at his Beastmaster, and waved his hands at the other three people. Finally, his eyes turned towards The panda, ginseng baby, butterfly and red bird spirit on Shi Yu's body.




   At the same time, Xiao Qin's body surged with energy, and his short hair fluttered, strengthening his talent to activate.


   [Name]: Demon Starfish


   [energy value]: 6.9 million


   The rising breath of red starfish made them all show serious expressions.


   "Not bad." Seeing that Xiao Qin's development of Yu Beast talent has reached this level, Shi Yu's eyes were startled.


   deserves to be the top master of the navy.


   "You have already summoned a pet beast, can I still refuse." Then Shi Yu said helplessly, and under his sign, the red pupils in the form of bird spirits slowly flew up.


   "啾~!" It met the eyes of the devil starfish, wiping out the flames.


   Since it is the next assistant, let's fight a game.


"Huh?" At this moment, I was not anxious to see Shiyu and this sister, and I was not afraid that the gem would be picked up by others, and even started to fight here. The gem cat next to him was suddenly anxious. You can call again when you come back. ! ! Its breakthrough opportunity———

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